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January 2023
Save Energy and Money in 2023  

It's still winter with plenty of darkness. If you are lighting with fluorescent tube lights, it's time to rocket into the 2000s with LED lighting and save 50% on lighting costs. Contact David Suckling for your next steps: or 970-416-4251.

Fort Collins Utilities offers a variety of rebates for energy and water-saving equipment that could save your business thousands of dollars.
Free Service: Smart Meter Savings Program 
The Smart Meter Savings Program is a free service, administered remotely, with a goal of providing low and/or no-cost recommended adjustments, customized to your facility's operating systems. You'll receive a customized and complimentary virtual visit from an Energy Advisor.
Don't Throw Money Down the Drain!
Track daily and hourly water use, monitor your allotment, and receive free email or text water use notifications through the MyWater portal.

Not all leaks are easily discovered. The MyWater portal can alert you if it identifies continuous water use for more than 24 hours at your property. Sign up for free email or text leak notifications through the MyWater portal.
Water and Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)
PFAS are a group of 1,000+ man-made chemicals. There is evidence that exposure to PFAS can lead to adverse human health effects. These chemicals are widespread and very persistent in the environment, and water and wastewater treatment processes are not effective at removing these compounds from water supplies at this time. 

Fortunately, no PFAS were detected in the City's finished or raw (untreated) water supplies in 2022 and customers do not need to be concerned. 
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