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Week of Feb. 27, 2023

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MacArthur Boulevard Pile Driving

WHAT: Crews will begin performing pile driving on the east side of the MacArthur Boulevard bridge for the foundation of the bridge widening. MacArthur will remain open and flaggers will be on-site to direct traffic as equipment is moved into position.

WHEN: 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays beginning as early as Tuesday, March 7, and continuing for approximately two weeks.

Learn more about pile driving here.

Construction Activities

Retaining Walls

Retaining walls are an important structural component to freeway improvement projects, and construction of these walls generally involves excavating for footings, building forms, adding rebar for reinforcement, and pouring concrete and allowing it to cure.

Crews are constructing a number of retaining walls along northbound (NB) and southbound (SB) SR-55. Click here to view locations of retaining walls being constructed. The interactive map will continually be updated as more information becomes available.

Excavation for a retaining wall along SB SR-55 between the Edinger Avenue and railroad bridges is expected to begin on Feb. 24.

Contractors continue to build forms, install rebar, and pour concrete for a retaining wall on Pullman Street between MacArthur Boulevard and Dyer Road.

Electrical Work

Contractors will be continuing nighttime electrical work along both directions of SR-55 for the next several months. View "Closures and Detours Map.” 

Overhead Sign Structure Removal

Full freeway closures are planned on northbound SR-55 to allow crews to remove an overhead sign structure near the McFadden Avenue off-ramp. This activity is tentatively scheduled for mid-March. More information will be available in upcoming project alerts.

Please be advised that this work may be loud. Dates and times are subject to change due to unforeseen operational factors or inclement weather.

Business Spotlight: Child Creativity Lab

This week's Focus on 55 business spotlight is Child Creativity Lab, a non-profit organization that brings STEM to children throughout Orange County by adding an "A" for art! Their mission is to foster the next generation through hands-on creativity enhancing exploration.

1901 Carnegie Ave, Suite #1A, Santa Ana, CA, 92705


To learn more about OCTA's Focus on 55 Program, including official rules and eligibility, visit or click here to enroll your business today.

About the Project

OCTA, in cooperation with Caltrans, is improving 4 miles of SR-55 between I-405 and I-5. The project will improve traffic flow and reduce travel time by adding one regular lane and one carpool lane in each direction. Also, the project will add merge lanes between several interchanges and stripe carpool lanes for continuous access, augmenting safety on the freeway by making merging easier. These enhancements are expected to create a better, smoother driving experience for motorists.

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