Calendar of Events

June 01, 2023

Vol. 23 Issue 23

COVID Policy as of 10/25/2022

In This Issue

-COVID Policy

-Upcoming Service

-Nursery Care 

-Sunday Potluck

-Town Hall Meeting

-Show Your Pride!

-Children and Youth News

-Annual Meeting

-Candidate Forum

-Share the Plate

-Roof Repair Info

-Thanks to AAA!

-May Board Report

-Calendar of Events

-Little Food Pantry

-In Case You Missed It

-Donate Online or

by Text

-Submit to the Newsletter

-Minister Info

-UUCH Board Members

-Church Info

Upcoming Service

We are Proud!

Rev. Jaimie Dingus & Brianna N'Vasion Drag Queen

10:45 AM, Sunday, June 04, 2023

Happy Pride Month! Today and every day, we celebrate the gifts and blessings of the LGBTQ community! And we see that LGBTQ people in our community are under enormous threat. Join us as we lift up with joy and love people of all genders and sexualities. Join us to revel in the beauty of Drag. Join us as we speak honestly to the history of the LGBTQ civil rights movement. And remember, now more than ever, it is important to be Loud and Proud!

Worship Zoom Link

This Sunday Events Following Service

Pride Service and Pride Potluck

Fellowship Hall

This coming Sunday, June 4th, we will have a Pride Service followed by our monthly Potluck Lunch. We will be inviting people to join us at the Pride Festival on Saturday, so we may have a few extra visitors. Let's welcome everyone with plenty of great conversation and wonderful food. The Hospitality Committee invites everyone to join us in the Fellowship Hall shortly after the service for a Potluck Lunch. Drinks will be provided. When you arrive at the church, please bring your food to the Fellowship Hall, and fill out one of the cards provided with the name of your dish and the ingredients. Place food directly on the serving table if it is ok at room temperature. For dishes that need to be kept cold, we’ll help you find a place in the refrigerator, and we’ll have warm ovens for food that needs to be kept warm. We ask that your food be ready to serve since we don’t have time to prepare or cook food before the service. Our monthly Potlucks are a wonderful chance to get to know others.

Choir News

Summer Musicians needed!

The UUCH Choir will be taking a break during the months of July and August, which means there are ample opportunities for guest musicians to perform. Please contact Lori Larson at if you are interested!

No choir rehearsal this week due the the monthly potluck.

Nursery Care

Nursery care will be available during the service
from 10:30-12:15.

Little ones can be signed in and out upon arrival and departure in the RE wing.

Show Your Pride!

UUCH is marching in this year's Rocket City Pride Parade to show our love and support for the LGBTQ+ Community, and YOU are invited!!! This Saturday, June 3rd in the heart of downtown Huntsville, our community will gather for Pride. The parade starts at 10am for spectators but get there by 9am to line up and march with us.

Here are the details from the organizers: "On the morning of the parade, we invite you to assemble for line up starting at 9 am in Lot K parking lot located at 620 Clinton Avenue West, Huntsville, Alabama. Look for the vibrant Parade March Maestro, Pete Cossaboon, who will be eagerly awaiting your arrival. Pete will check you in, assign your place in line, and present you with your exclusive parade pass. After you check in with Pete, you will be able to line up for the parade. The parade line up is first come first serve, so be sure to get there on time."

We want as many people as possible to show up and represent UUCH. I will be handing out little UUCH cards so you can share more about our church with the community. Let's make this the best Pride Yet!

See you Saturday morning!

Children and Youth Education News

Preschool-5th Grade & 6th-12th Grade

This Sunday has many exciting elements we didn’t want our youth to miss out on, so this service will be an intergenerational one. As always, we will have our activity bags located on the very last pew. We do kindly ask that they are returned at the end of the service so we can replace the supplies and have them available for future services.  

Save the Date

Our Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on June 11. Please put it on your calendar.

Sponsored by the Board

Candidate Forum with Rev. Sofía Betancourt

At this year's UUA General Assembly delegates will vote to elect the next UUA President. After careful discernment, the UUA's Presidential Search Committee put forth Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt as their nominee. Rev. Sofía is traveling all around to share her vision for the future of Unitarian Universalism. She will be at First UU in Nashville on Sunday June 4th at 4pm! Considering attending this important conversation either in person or on zoom! Learn more here.

Share the Plate with Love Huntsville

During the second quarter of 2023, UUCH will be sharing our plate proceeds with Love Huntsville. All plate proceeds received from the Thursday before the first Sunday through the Saturday after the first Sunday will be split with Love Huntsville. In June, this includes plate donations received from June 2nd through June 10th.

Love Huntsville’s mission is to seek dignity, equality, & equity for Huntsville’s homeless population, by mobilizing, advocating, & educating on issues that directly impact the unhoused community. Love Huntsville is an organization that seeks housing justice in order to end homelessness. Love Huntsville's vision for housing justice is that everyone in our country and community has the right to have affordable housing, safe, accessible, and stable housing. Love Huntsville's approach is grounded in racial justice, economic justice, and equity for all who have been marginalized. The goal of Love Huntsville is to accelerate access to housing justice by creating powerful innovative policies & programs that are equitable, inclusive, resilient, and fit for the 21st century.

Love Huntsville is developing and advocating for policies & solutions that are valuable & sustainable in the attempt to eradicate homelessness & intergenerational poverty. They engage local politicians, business leaders, faith-based organizations, nonprofits, and community members to educate and advocate for affordable housing and permanent unconditional supportive Housing.

Love Huntsville provides dinner services, encampment clean-ups, & necessity drives for the unhoused community. They provide nutritious and balanced meals including grilled meats and a variety of home-cooked sides. They also have partnered with local street medics who provide care during these service days. They administer many services ranging from blood pressure checks to wound care. Being present with our unhoused neighbors helps them ensure that they have a seat at the table, and guarantees they are advocating directly for their expressed needs.

Please consider giving generously to this important program during the first week of the month.

Sponsored by the Social Justice Committee

Sanctuary Roof Beam Repair

As you may know, several of the beams that support the sanctuary roof have extensive rot as a result of being exposed to the elements for 60 years. The Property & Finance Committees, along with the Board, have been working for several months to develop a plan to repair these beams.

A Town Hall meeting was held on Sunday, May 28th, to review the current condition, the proposed repair plan, and how the repairs will be financed. If you were not able to attend this meeting, a link to the presentation is here.

We will be voting on a resolution to implement this repair plan and financing at our congregational meeting on June 11th, so everyone is encouraged to review the presentation and become familiar with the issue prior to the congregational meeting.

Please contact Paul Wieland (, Bob Weed (, or Brad Korb ( if you have any questions regarding the beam repair plan.

Sponsored by the Board

A Heartfelt Thanks to AAA

We would like to thank the 5th-grade gifted and talented (GATE) students at the Academy for Academics and Arts for the food they donated to the little food pantry. They conducted a food drive for their “Emerging Innovators “ service project led by their GATE teacher, Casaundra Taylor.

Sponsored by the Social Justice Committee

UUCH Board Report May 23, 2023

The UUCH Board of Trustees met for its regularly scheduled meeting on May 23, 2023. In preparation for the upcoming Congregational Meeting on June 11, 2023, the Board reviewed the proposed 2023-24 budget with the Finance Committee and approved it for presentation to the congregation. All were pleased that this is one of our largest budgets and it is fully balanced. The slate of officers and the members of the Nominating Committee was presented by Laurel Bollinger, the chair of the current Nominating Committee. The slate was approved and will be presented at the Congregational meeting. Other resolutions were prepared for the upcoming annual meeting including contracting to repair the sanctuary beams. An informal informational session will be held on May 28th to address any questions about the beams and the budget for next year. The full packet of resolutions will be emailed to all members by June 1.

It was called to the Board’s attention that the new member's ceremony held on May 21 was unusually late so it would make the new members unable to vote at the June 11 meeting (under the Bylaws 30-day requirement). In order to correct this oversight, the Board voted to ask the congregation to waive the 30-day requirement for these new members this year.

In other business, the Board discussed security and safety issues for the church (if you have any questions about our church security, feel free to reach out to Rev. Jaimie). The Board also adjusted the wording for the composition of the Executive Team to no longer require that the Vice President be on the team because of the heavy meeting load for the Vice President.

The Board approved the purchase of new tablecloths for the fellowship hall. It continues to examine policies on expenditures, earmarked donations, and rental policies.

The next regularly scheduled Board meeting will be held on June 27, 2023

Circle of Candles

Zane Warrington lit a candle of Joy: "I am joyful that this school year is over."

Upcoming Events
Click the calendar to see all of our upcoming events!
Little Food Pantry

The food pantry is a huge success, being utilized by numerous people!
If you are able to pick a day to re-stock the pantry, please do so, using the Sign-Up Genius link below.

There are also baskets in the Fellowship Hall and Sanctuary entry foyer for food collection. The collected food will ultimately be used to fill the pantry on days not chosen on the sign-up genius.

Canned meats, soups, veggies, mac-and-cheese, bread, fruit, fresh veggies--all kinds of foods are welcome.

Thank you for being so generous. We are making a difference!
Sign-Up Genius
Submitted by the Social Justice Committee

In Case You Missed It

We love when you can join us at Service but we know that life can throw curveballs! Click below to view the past 4 services:

05/28 to be uploaded when available




Donate Online

via CDM+ Engage


Like our other online and mobile giving options, this option is through CDM+ Engage, is secure, and has a good option for "plate" donations as well as "pledge".


Submit to the Newsletter

Do you have news to include in the newsletter next week? Please submit your article to the newsletter through our request form no later than 10:00 am each Wednesday. Please make sure to complete a new request form each time you make a submission to the newsletter.

Rev. Jaimie Dingus

Office Hours:
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday by appointment.
Make an Appointment with the Minister

UUCH 2023-24

Board Members



Betsy Applegate


 Vice President:

Brad Korb


Nancy Finley


David Bollinger


Will Garrison

Shalin Mody

Nancy Pettus


Rev. Jaimie Dingus

Do you have an agenda item for the Board? 

The Board respectfully requests that all agenda items for the meeting be submitted to Board President Betsy Applegate via email no later than one week prior to the meeting (i.e. the Tuesday before). The next board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 27th, 2023, at 6:30 pm.

Office Administrator

Ryan Vidal Gonzales

Main Office Hours:

​ Mondays 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM

Tuesdays through Thursdays 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM

or by appointment.

*Please call/email the office in advance if you need building access.




For more info on any event, contact the church office or visit our website.

Contact the Office
Visit the UUCH Website

UUCH News is a publication of The Unitarian Universalist Church,

3921 Broadmor Rd., Huntsville, AL 35810


Laurel Bollinger

Copy Editor:

Ryan Vidal Gonzales

Subscribe to Our Newsletter
PO Box 5545
Huntsville, AL 35814
(256) 534-0508
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