How to Set Intentions for Your Kids and What to Say so They're Happy and Healthy

with Elizabeth Pyjov, JD MTS

Life-Changing Program


We can't set intentions for other people, but we can set intentions for our kids and that positively impacts their lives.

Where is the line between total acceptance and parenting to help your kids grow?

What are the most important things for us to say to our kids when we speak to them?

There is an art and a science to it.

In this 90-minute program, we will discuss what practices parents can do so that children (of any age) are happy and healthy.

This is a very powerful intention-setting practice.


Dates: You can do it on your own schedule.

Place: Class recording

Host: Happiness Sangha

Facilitator: Elizabeth Pyjov



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 DAILY TEXT: If you want to receive occasional inspiring teachings from Elizabeth Pyjov, you can sign up here, and you'll receive fresh inspiration each morning. These daily texts are about mindfulness, self-compassion, gratitude, intention, happiness, energy, and growth. They're usually very short. They are completely free and you can unsubscribe any time. You can also text back. Elizabeth sees them and often replies : )

 INSTAGRAM: To see visual reminders of upcoming programs, follow @happinesssangha on Instagram here and to see more about what I'm up to follow @elizabethpyjov here.

 FACEBOOK: To receive Facebook invites, join the Continuing Compassion group on Facebook here.

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See you soon in the program, in the realm of social media or anywhere our paths happen to cross!

❤️ Elizabeth