Volume 3, Issue 7 | July 2023

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Staff and Student Well-Being

During this summer break, as you reflect on returning to school in a few weeks, please realize that there is much you, as teachers, counselors, and administrators, can do to strengthen learning as you turn to activities that impact our collective well-being in schools. As we team with others in our school communities, we can consciously lighten our collective burden through mindfulness and social emotional programs. When children and adults are in a better psychological space, then rather than “working harder,” we are “working smarter.” In the first article Alison Sumski shares ideas about how to leverage the advantage of having a school counselor dedicated to SEL. Next, Alexis Richmond describes research on how mindfulness, when practiced consistently with intention, can help reduce anxiety and further life satisfaction. In our last article, Chandni Lal brings our focus to the well-being of the adults in our classrooms and schools by describing the impact of a simple meditative practice as well providing some guidelines for using mindfulness.

Featured Articles

School Counselors - Planning for 2023-2024

Alison Sumski, CEI Research Assistant, and Christine Mason, CEI Executive Director

How are school counselors supporting children’s mental health and well-being in your school? Are they also a resource for staff who are also experiencing trauma? As you look toward the Fall of 2023, are you anticipating any differences in how they are deployed?  

In planning for how to work with school counselors in 2023-2024, here are a few things to consider:

  • What worked well last year?
  • Did children who needed the most support get adequate services?
  • How did your school counselor support teachers and other staff last year?
  • Did you conduct any feedback sessions to get input from staff about their most serious needs?
  • If you could make one change to better support students’ mental health, what would it be?
  • Is your counselor adequately prepared?

The demands for mental health supports in this post-COVID era are huge. When you examine the above list, think of results in terms of continuous improvement – what can be done to better deliver mental health services? All the needed improvement will not happen at once. It will likely take a dedicated effort over many months to make a significant change...

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Mindfulness in Classrooms: A Window to Well-Being

Alexis Richmond, CEI Research Assistant, and Christine Mason, CEI Executive Director

It is no secret that teachers and students alike bring trauma, stress, anxiety, and more into the classroom with them each and every day. While we can’t prevent this from happening, we can work to put solutions in place that help reduce the likelihood of a negative impact on the classroom.


To combat trauma and anxiety, mindfulness has gained traction in the educational world. As Katherine Weare, a professor at the University of South Hampton, reports in her review of 30 significant research studies on mindfulness based interventions (MBIs), the overall well-being of students can be positively influenced by practicing mindfulness in the classroom. In her review, Weare found positive impacts from MBIs on academic performance, executive functioning, and self-regulation, even as she recommends additional randomized controlled studies of MBIs (Weare, 2019)...

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A Long Day at Work: Training Your Mind for Focus and Fulfillment

Chandni Lal, CEI Research Assistant

Your manager calls your name and asks about your opinions on a project. You abruptly snap out of your mental distraction and realize that you've been oblivious to your surroundings, unable to answer the question. This common occurrence can happen up to 90% of the time in a day (Kane et al, 2017). Daydreaming can sometimes be a resource (e.g. during traffic or a boring event), however, it can also lead to negative consequences when we struggle to sustain focus during crucial tasks and events. 

The good news is that attention isn't simply an inherent ability, but rather a skill that can be developed and refined. When we realize the power of attention, we can better control the direction of our attention, leading us to create a more fulfilled life. As educators, mindfulness can help us improve our attention, awareness, and patience while helping to reduce stress.

Benefits of Mindfulness

We often work on auto-pilot, doing things out of habit and without much thought. When we engage in tasks that require minimal effort or become automatic, the demands on our cognitive abilities decrease. This lowered work demand provides the brain with an opportunity to wander and shift its focus elsewhere. 

Mindfulness is a practice that focuses on directing attention to the present moment, without judgment. It allows us to perform with more focus and efficiency...

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Upcoming Events and Announcements

Open Windows & Open Minds Webinar

Join us, July 27th 12pm EST

Afrika Afeni Mills is a Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion as well as an Education Consultant. She works with colleagues, teachers, coaches, and administrators to transform practices. Afrika has been featured on podcasts, and blogs, delivered keynote addresses and facilitated sessions at conferences across the United States. Afrika believes that all educators can be motivated, engaged, dynamic practitioners and leaders when provided with the support needed to create student-centered, anti-bias, antiracist, culturally responsive learning environments that inspire wonder and creativity and nurture true diversity, belonging, equity, and inclusion.

Register here.

Learn more about the We've Got Your Back School Safety Program

Are you looking to foster a more inclusive and compassionate school environment?

Learn more about the Compassionate School Leadership Academy (CSLA)! The CSLA prepares school leaders in high-need districts to implement trauma-informed practices in the classroom to meet the urgent mental health needs of American children.

Gain insight into your school culture. The CSLA is supported by a customized assessment tool—the School Compassionate Culture Analytical Tool for Educators (S-CCATE)—designed to gauge and change school cultures to ensure more equitable and compassionate school practices.

To learn more and complete the S-CCATE, click here:

Join Melanie Johnson and learn about the National Indian Education Association (NIEA) Whole Child Initiative.

Join Melanie Johnson and learn about the NIEA Whole Child Initiative.

Podcast: August 17th

Webinar: August 15th at Noon EST

Our thanks to CEI President Paul Liabenow for his visionary leadership at CEI (2017-2023) as we welcome Dr. Melissa Patschke as CEI’s new incoming President as of July 1, 2023. 

Paul Liabenow

Former CEI President

Dr. Melissa Patschke

CEI President

(as of July 1, 2023)

We also welcome new Board members:

Tommy Payton, Principal (NY) and Sue Choi, Principal (PA)


CEI is also pleased to announce its new Advisory Board members: 

  • Viviana Barbaras, Nurtured Heart Approach Advanced Trainer, Merced Union High School District, California
  • Scott Goldstein, Executive Director, EmpoweredEd, Washington, DC
  • Dr. Rachel Santa, Director of Pupil Personnel Services, North Kingston School District, Rhode Island
  • Steve Woolf, Co-Director, Wild Heart Teacher, Colorado

Learn more about our boards.

You are also invited to join the HeartMind Community to receive discounts on publications and workshops, networking opportunities, and special offers for virtual consultations and additional resources from the Center for Educational Improvement.
Editor: Lauren Kiesel. Co-Editor: Meghan Wenzel
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