City of Cumming
February 2023
Celebrate Arbor Day at City Center Feb. 17th
The Cumming City Center will be the site of this year's Annual Community Arbor Day Celebration. The 4th annual event will begin at 3:30 p.m. with the formal program starting at 4 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 17th at the City Center's Kiwanis playground pocket park (overlooking the Lou Sobh Amphitheater). This year's event features a special "Happy Birthday to Smokey the Bear" theme with special guests including members of the Forsyth County Fire Department's Wild Fire Division, as well as free tree saplings and other Arbor Day goodies to take home, a community tree-themed art project, tree planting demo, food for purchase from Los Rios food truck, and more. Thank you to our program co-hosts: Keep Forsyth County Beautiful, UGA Extension Services-Forsyth County, the Georgia Forestry Commission, and Forsyth County Master Naturalists, as well as our tree sponsor, Rotary Club of Lanier Forsyth!
Welcome New City Center Tenant: Cumming Family Chiropractic
The Cumming City Center welcomed a new business tenant, Cumming Family Chiropractic, on Jan. 27th. Owned by local mom, Dr. Diana Husk, Cumming Family Chiropractic seeks to bring modern, holistic chiropractic care for the entire family to Cumming and Forsyth County. Dr. Husk, a 2010 West Forsyth High School graduate, is the only pediatric-certified chiropractic within a 20-mile radius. She specializes in women’s and pediatric health disorders, with an emphasis in autism, sensory processing, and anxiety. Cumming Family Chiropractic’s two other doctors, Dr. Nicole Hirshowitz and Dr. Elissa Chambers, are knowledgeable and experienced chiropractors with various post-doctorate training in pregnancy, pediatrics, and family health. Click here to read more about Cumming Family Chiropractic joining the City Center family.
Recreation Department Welcomes New Director
In January, long-time City of Cumming Recreation & Parks Department Director Greg Little retired. Greg began his career with the City of Cumming in 1985, working first as the Recreation & Parks’ Athletic Coordinator. He was promoted to the role of Department Director in 1998. We thank him for his more than three decades of outstanding service to the City of Cumming and wish him all the best in his retirement!

Jeremy Howell, former Assistant Manager of Aquatics at the Cumming Aquatic Center, was named the new Director of Recreation & Parks. Jeremy first worked for the City of Cumming as a lifeguard in his teens and continued to work on a part-time basis in different roles with the Recreation Department through high school and college. In 2005, he was named full-time Assistant Athletic Coordinator and Aquatics Coordinator for the department. With the opening of the Cumming Aquatic Center in 2011, he was named Assistant Manager of Aquatics at the CAC. Congratulations to Jeremy on his new role with the City of Cumming!
City Council Recognizes SkillsUSA Students
During their Jan. 17th regular meeting, Mayor Troy Brumbalow and City Council recognized members of the Alliance Academy for Innovation's SkillsUSA chapter. In November, Council members Joey Cochran and Linda Ledbetter attended the SkillsUSA Advocacy Day at Alliance Academy and presented a proclamation honoring the organization. During the January council meeting, SkillsUSA President Abigail Harris, Vice President Emma Thomas, Secretary Jackson Moskowitz, Parliamentarian Sanjita Prabhu, and Deputy Director of Fundraising Bhavya Siva thanked the Mayor and City Council for their support of the organization. SkillsUSA is a career technical student organization that empowers its members to become world-class workers, leaders, and responsible American citizens. Moskowitz explained that Alliance's chapter offers a wide variety of opportunities for its members, such as community service, social events, chapter meetings, and competitions.

In other business during the January Work Session and Regular Meeting, City Council took the following actions:

  • Approved a change to solid waste disposal fees for residents and businesses inside the Cumming City Limits. Due to increased costs from the City's solid waste contractor, Red Oak Sanitation, and increased dumping fees at local landfills, the solid waste disposal fee was increased by $1.50 per month, bringing the monthly residential fee to $19.50 and commercial fee to $24.50. The new rate increase will go into effect on April 1st.

  • Appointed Councilmen Joey Cochran and Chad Crane and Planning Commission Chairman Ralph Webb to serve on the newly created Cumming Design Review Board.

  • Adopted a new 5-year Water and Sewer Master Plan as required by the state. These plans are used to help guide and schedule system improvements, expansions, and replacements of aging infrastructure.

  • Adopted qualifying dates and fees for the upcoming municipal election on Nov. 7th.

Qualifying Set for 2023 Municipal Election
In January, City Council approved qualifying information for the upcoming City of Cumming Municipal Election, which will be held Nov. 7th. City Council posts 3, 4 and 5 will be up for election this year. These are the posts currently held by Joey Cochran, Christopher Light and Linda Ledbetter, respectively. Qualifying period will be Monday, Aug. 21st through Wednesday, Aug. 23rd, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. each day in the City Clerk's office at City Hall. Qualifying fees for municipal offices are set by state law at three percent of the yearly salary for each position, which equals $180 for City of Cumming Council members. Anyone wishing to run must complete qualifying paperwork and pay the $180 fee during the qualifying period. To qualify to run, candidates must be at least 21 years of age at the time of the election, be eligible to vote in the City of Cumming, and have resided in the City of Cumming (inside the Cumming City Limits) for at least one year prior to the election date.
Catch Up with Mayor Troy in Latest Mayor's Memo
The latest edition of the Mayor's Memo is now available. In this edition, Mayor Troy recaps important events and happenings from the end of 2022.

Click here to read the current Mayor's Memo.

Click here to read previous editions.
Aquatic Center Offers Parents' Night Out
Parents, do you need a date night during Valentine's month? The Cumming Aquatic Center has got you covered! The facility will offer its Parents' Night Out event on Friday, Feb. 10th from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. Drop the kids off and let them enjoy swimming, pool games, and plenty of pizza for dinner! Click here to register. Cost is $24 per child (ages 5 to 13 only).
Special February Events at Cumming Arts Center
Love is in the air at the Cumming Arts Center (111 Pilgrim Mill Road) this month. The Sawnee Association of the Arts will present several special events during February:

Love is the Air Art Show - Opens Feb. 2nd at 11 a.m. featuring work by Sawnee Association of the Arts members in the first floor gallery through April 15th. Second floor gallery features work by the South Forsyth Vertical Team (elementary, middle and high school students) through March 4th as well as a newly curated gift shop.

Chocolate Truffle Tastings - Treat yourself, loved ones and friends to some of the finest chocolate truffles in the world right here in Cumming during SAA Truffle Tasting events on Feb. 15th from 2-4 p.m., Feb. 18th from 6-8 p.m., Feb. 21st from 1-3 p.m., and Feb. 28th from 1-3 p.m. Groups can arrange private tastings on other dates and times also. For reservations, call Carole at 678-634-9240.

Classes & Open Studio - The following are available during February: private and studio drawing classes, fine art drawing workshop for children, painting, crochet, seashell decoupage, leather crafting and more. Visit for complete schedule of offerings.
Youth Council - February 7 at 5 p.m.

City Council Work Session - February 7 at 6 p.m.

Planning & Zoning Board Meeting - February 21 at 5 p.m.

Regular City Council Meeting - February 21 at 6 p.m.

All meetings are open to the public and held in the third-floor Council Chambers at City Hall, 100 Main Street, unless otherwise noted. For all meetings after 5 p.m., please enter through the rear parking lot entrance.

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