Newsletter - November 2022

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You carried out the League Mission

Thank you for:

  • Taking the time to be informed and vote
  • Sharing information and encouraging others to be informed and vote
  • Organizing and attending candidates’ forums
  • Being a poll watcher
  • Being an election judge

All those who worked so hard for the 19th Amendment would be proud of us!

Newsletter Highlights

Forest Preserve Referendum Passes

Bond Court Study Published

Cook County Forest Preserve Referendum Passes


On Tuesday, November 8, voters across Cook County Voted Yes for Clean Air, Clean Water, and Wildlife.  The overall yes vote was 68% with over 74% of Chicago voters voting yes. The Cook County commissioners passed a bipartisan and unanimous proposal in 2021 to put this referendum on the ballot and finalized language on December 14, 2021. The results from the recent election indicate that Cook County voters agree in the value of our open space and forests.  


Thank you to the LWV Cook County board and 14 chapters, including the LWV Elgin, who worked so hard to educate voters about the importance of the referendum and the value of the Forest Preserves. 

Bond Court Study Released

LWVCC Partners with Civic Federation for Bond Court Observations

Pretrial Fairness Act Comparison


  The LWVCC's Criminal Justice Group completed a 6 week project in partnership with the Civic Federation to compare pre-trial hearings before and after the Pretrial Fairness Act takes effect January 1, 2023. Fourteen League members listened in on 25 sessions of Central Bond Court along with 2 members of the Civic Federation. We heard over 1000 cases. These findings will be compared to those we find in 2023 when we repeat the project.

Read the report with analysis and recommendations on the Civic Federation's Website.

Voter Information

November 8 Election

The votes are still being counted and the results of the Nov. 8 election will be certified by Nov. 22. Those who are elected to the Cook County and Metropolitan Water Reclamation District offices will be posted on the LWVCC Website shortly after that date. We know that there will be at least 4 new Cook County Board Commissioners (out of 17), 2 new Board of Review Commissioners (out of 3), and 3 new Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Commissioners (out of 9).

   View the Current Results

Suburban Cook County


Cook County Clerk

69 W. Washington, Suite 500,

Chicago, IL 60602


City of Chicago


Chicago Board of Elections

69 W. Washington, Suite 600,

Chicago, IL 60602


Cook County League Advocacy

In this post-election time, whatever your political persuasion, you should want your governmental bodies to be ethical, transparent, and work for their constituents in an effective, efficient manner. The LWVCC works continually to promote good government practices that encourage these characteristics.

 In the last few months, the LWVCC has advocated by sending letters and/or discussing with Commissioners the following:

  •  supported two amendments which changed how vacancies on the Board and for independently elected officials were filled—an election when the remaining period was more than 28 months. (Passed by the Board)
  •  sent a letter to the Secretary of the Board asking that Board presentations be posted on-line for observers and interested citizens to be able to follow them during and after meetings
  • urged the Litigation committee to take appropriate steps to see that County officials and departments respond in a timely manner to recommendations made by the Inspector General of Cook County, as required by ordinance
  •  regularly observe and comment on the annual budget of Cook County and the procedures used to present the information to the public.

Cook County Governments News

 Cook County Budget

The $8.75 Billion Cook County budget for 2023 is expected to be approved on November 17 after a final meeting of the Finance Committee to vote on amendments, followed by a special meeting of the Board.   Members of the Budget & Structure Interest Group observed and reported on the budget meetings of the Finance Committee with the different County officials, which can be found here.  Among the things we learned were:

  • The Sheriff said that there should be little impact on the jail population when the SAFE-T Act becomes effective on Jan. 1, because of the bail reforms that were put into place in Cook County over the past several years. 
  • The second installment of the property tax bills should be ready before Thanksgiving and will be posted on the Treasurer’s web site, available for payment even before the bills are mailed.
  • Vacancies in positions in many County departments continue to be an issue – just as it is in the private sector.
  • The Board room in the County building will be made ADA accessible and technology improvements added as part of the capital budget. 


So called "forever toxins" was again at the forefront of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District's November 3rd board meeting. PFAS, as they are known, are a toxin that needs to be stopped at the source of discharge into the water. Once in, it is almost impossible to remove them. The MWRD belongs to water trade organizations.  Several commissioners want those organizations to put more emphasis on getting legislation passed that will hold the manufacturers of the the PFAS accountable for source elimination ("polluter pay principle").

LWVCC observes several of the Cook County Board, committee, and agency meetings each month. To read more: LWVCC Observer Reports

2022-2023 Cook County League Board Members 

OFFICERS: President: Cynthia Schilsky, LaGrange Area; Vice-Presidents: Pris Mims, Chicago, Kathi Graffam, LaGrange Area; Secretary: Carolyn Cosentino, Homewood/Flossmoor; Treasurer: Nancy Clark, Oak Park/River Forest.

Board membersLaura Davis, Palatine; Diane Edmundson, Chicago; Jan Goldberg, LaGrange Area ; Georgia Gebhardt, Wilmette; Betty Hayford, Evanston; Karin Hribar, Arlington Heights


The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan, political organization whose mission is to encourage informed and active participation in government; to increase understanding of major policy issues, and to influence public policy through education and advocacy. Membership in the League is open to anyone regardless of gender, race, or ethnic group.


League of Women Voters of Cook County

332 S. Michigan Ave. Suite 634, Chicago, IL 60604

312-939-5935 x127