It was a beautiful day on Monday to enjoy the spring-like weather during the winter. | |
Upcoming Events at St. Peter Lutheran | |
March 13: Parent/Teacher Conferences
March 14: Last Day for St. Peter Online Store
March 14: No School - Child Care Available
March 14: SCRIP Orders Due
March 14: 3:30-7:00pm St. Peter Men's Club Annual Fish Fry (more info below)
March 15: 10:00am TCLL Dodgeball Tournament @ VLHS
March 15: 5:00pm Worship Service
March 16: 9:30am Worship Service - Cherub Choir Sings (grades 2-4)
March 16: 10:45am Special Voters' Meeting (details below)
March 17: Spirit Day - Green Day
March 18: Spirit Day - Crazy Socks Day
March 19: 8:05am Chapel - Mr. Neumeyer
March 19: 5:00pm Lenten Soup Supper - Hosted by 7th/8th Grade Parents/Students
March 19: 6:30pm Lenten Service - Cherub Choir Sings (grades 2-4)
March 20: Spirit Day - Theme Shirt Thursday/PTL Popcorn Sale ($1/bag)
March 20: 7th & 8th Grade Class Trip Fundraiser @ The Maple Grille (11am-8pm)
March 21: End of 3rd Quarter
March 21: Last Day for PTL Auction Donations
March 21: Spirit Day - As Many Colors As You Can Day
March 22: 5:00pm Worship Service
March 23: 9:30am Worship Service
March 24-28: Spring Break - Child Care Available
March 31: Last Day to Purchase Tickets/Tables for Annual PTL Auction
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Redeemed: As we continue to focus on Jesus during this Lenten season, we can reflect upon the words from Luther’s explanation of the Second Article of the Apostles' Creed: "I believe that Jesus Christ, true God, begotten of the Father from eternity, and also true man, born of the Virgin Mary, is my Lord, who has redeemed me, a lost and condemned person, purchased and won me from all sins, from death, and from the power of the devil; not with gold or silver, but with His holy, precious blood and with His innocent suffering and death, that I may be His own and live under Him in His kingdom and serve Him in everlasting righteousness, innocence, and blessedness, just as He is risen from the dead, lives and reigns to all eternity." During this Lenten season, may we continue to focus on Jesus, God’s Son, the Savior of the World, who sacrificed Himself so that we may have the forgiveness of sins and life eternal. He has redeemed us all!
Serving in Worship: The Cherub choir (grades 2-4) will be singing in church this Sunday, March 16. Please have your child(ren) in the music room and ready to warm up at 9:10am. The Cherub choir will also sing during our Lenten worship service on Wednesday, March 19. Please have your child in the music room, ready to warm up at 6:10pm. Thank you!
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Special Voters' Meeting: There will be a special Voters' Meeting this Sunday, March 16 following the 9:30am worship service. This meeting is to discuss and approve the purchase of property next to the school.
Our Condolences: Our prayers are with Mr. Dan Sherry and his family upon the death of his father, Landon, Lucas, Logan and Libby's grandfather, Rev. David Sherry. Our prayers are also with Mr. Jarrod Heitkamp and his family upon the death of his father, Jace and Emily's grandfather, Doug Heitkamp. May God surround these families with His comfort and peace at the time. You can view both obituaries by clicking on their names.
| Call Declined: We are very happy to report that Mrs. Kelley Fehn has declined the call to Peace, Saginaw, and she will be staying at St. Peter. Thank you Kelley for continuing to serve at St. Peter! Below is a letter from Mrs. Fehn. | |
Dear People of St. Peter Lutheran,
After many prayers and bunches of wonderful conversations, the Lord has led me to continue my ministry with St. Peter. I look forward to continuing ministry with one of the best staffs around. I am very excited to see what the Lord has in store for us all in these coming years here at St. Peter.
I thank you for your patience and prayers during this process. The Lord is good and His love endures forever!
Peace and Joy,
Mrs. Kelley Fehn
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Call Accepted: We are excited to announce that Mrs. Alexandra Frisco has accepted our call to be our 5th grade teacher starting in the 25-26 school year. Below is an acceptance letter from Mrs. Frisco. Please continue to keep her, her husband and three children in your prayers as they make plans to move this summer from Alaska to Michigan. | |
Dear St. Peter Lutheran Church & School,
Since our initial contact in February, God has put an excitement in my heart for your ministry at St Peter Lutheran Church and School in Hemlock. When you extended the call, I knew that it would take much prayer, counsel, and deliberation to determine God’s will for me and my family as we were discerning if Hemlock was a place where we could serve and thrive. Thank you for giving our family the time that we have needed to deliberate over this call. It is with much joy that I share with you the decision to accept the call as a teacher at St. Peter Lutheran School.
I have felt the heart of your mission of nurturing and educating God’s children in a Christ-centered environment. I believe God has equipped me to do His work at St. Peter and I trust that God will use me to serve His kingdom through this new calling.
As our family prepares to move to Hemlock/Saginaw Area and begin serving there, we ask for many prayers during this process. We have been blessed during our time in Alaska, and we ask that you keep Anchor Lutheran School in your prayers as they will need to fill vacancies in the upcoming school year. While it is not easy to leave a place we love, we know that God is leading and directing us each step of the way.
Logistically, please pray for us as we make moving arrangements, look for housing, travel with three children, and adjust to the many changes that come with moving. We appreciate all of your support and advice as we join your ministry family! We look forward to seeing you in August and having our family join the ministry of St. Peter this upcoming school year.
In Christ,
Alexandra Frisco
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St. Peter Chapel Offerings | |
Lunch Menu for the Week of March 17:
Monday, March 17: Chicken Patty, Baked Beans and Applesauce.
Tuesday, March 18: Chicken Alfredo, Broccoli and Applesauce.
Wednesday, March 19: Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup, Carrots and Diced Pears.
Thursday, March 20: Hot Ham & Cheese Sandwich, Tater Tots and Pineapple Tidbits.
Friday, March 21: Bosco Pizza Stuffed Breadsticks, Green Beans and Mandarin Oranges.
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Pi Day (3.14): The 7th-8th grade Pre-Algebra students did several activities for Pi Day today (even though Pi Day is tomorrow), and they also had a challenge to see who could memorize the most digits of pi. Congratulations to Anna Gardner for memorizing the most digits of pi (104 digits!): 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679821. That is impressive! Anna set the new class record, previously held by Landon Sherry. Great job, Anna!
Reading Month Fun: As we highlight March Reading Month, our students had several fun activities again this week. There is a book bracket where students are voting on their favorite books. At the end of the month, there will be one book that will be crowned the favorite. We also had Valley Lutheran High School students who read and did some fun reading activities with our students on Wednesday. Finally, today we had our Animal Print Spirit Day.
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St. Peter PTL: Parent Tip Line! | |
PTL Tip of the Week: From the book Simple Habits for Effective Parenting by Randall Schroeder, there is a section on pp. 31-33 which encourages effective parents to avoid the extremes of being overprotective and overinvolved with their children. "The detrimental result from overprotection will often be insecurity, immaturity, low self-worth, and stifled growth in your child becoming an independent adult...Continually rescuing a child from every bump, bruise, and pain weakens his or her tolerance for frustration and diminishes a child's ability to stay determined and never give up."
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March Reading Month:
- March 17: Green Day!
- March 18: Crazy Sock Day: Wear Crazy Socks
- March 20: Theme Shirt Thursday ($1 Popcorn)
- March 21: Wear as Many Colors as You Can
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No School: There will be no school this Friday, March 14. Child Care will be available to those who have already arranged care.
St. Peter Men's Club Annual Fish Fry: The St. Peter Men's Club will be hosting their annual fish fry in the school gym tomorrow, Friday, March 14 from 3:30- 7:00pm for dine in and 3:30-6:00pm for take out. The sit down meal will be all you can eat. Adult meals are $17, Kids ages 6-12 are $8 and 5 years and under are free.
7th/8th Grade Lenten Soup Supper: The 7th and 8th grade parents and students will be hosting the Lenten soup supper on Wednesday, March 19 at 5:00pm in the church fellowship hall. Proceeds from the free will offering for this supper will go to support their class trip to Washington D.C. next month.
Maple Grille Fundraiser: Come out to The Maple Grille on Thursday, March 20th and have a fantastic meal while helping to support our 7th and 8th graders trip to Washington D.C. in April. 25% of all food sales will go toward their class trip. Both dine in and take out will be available. Click anywhere in this article to view the flyer. We appreciate your continued support of our students!
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GRASP: This is a reminder that if you wish to have your child participate in GRASP this summer, the deadline to order is April 25. GRASP is a program that helps K-8th grade students review reading and math over the summer. Order forms (available below) and payment can be turned in to the school office. | |
Summer SPLASH 2025: It is time to think about Summer SPLASH again! Registration for our St. Peter families is now open. You can find the flyer and intended use form on our website and in the school office. Use the pulldown menu and click K-8, childcare, then Summer SPLASH. Punch cards are available for purchase in the office. Registration will be taken on a first come, first serve basis and it will be open to the GENERAL PUBLIC on April 14th. If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Fehn.
Spring Break Child Care: The sign-up for child care during our Spring Break is open. Spring Break will be March 24-28. You MUST MUST sign up before March 15 in order to secure care. If you sign up and need to cancel, this must also be done before March 15. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Fehn.
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Tickets and Tables Are Now On Sale: Only 3 more weeks until the Annual PTL Auction. The deadline to buy tickets and tables is March 31. Tickets will not be sold at the door! Auction donations will be accepted until March 21. Here are the details:
Date: April 5, 2025. Doors open at 5:00pm with the auction beginning at 6:00pm.
Location: Swan Valley Banquet Center
Theme: Denim and Diamonds
Price: Tickets are $30 each and reserved tables are available for an additional $100. Tickets will not be sold at the door.
Bidding Info: The live auction will be done in-person, while the silent auction will be done online.
Dinner Menu: Chicken Parmesan, Buttered Noodles, California Mix, Tossed Salad, Rolls and Dessert.
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2nd-4th Grade Basketball: The 2nd-4th graders finished their season on Tuesday night. Thank to Mr. Hagenow, Mr. Wolter, Brady Klemish, Henry McQueen and Brooks Shirely for all of their help coaching these athletes this season!
Track: Track practices will begin the Monday after Spring Break, March 31. Practices will take place from 2:40-4:00pm. We will be practicing outside on our new track this season, so please dress accordingly. You can view the whole schedule below.
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2024-2025 St. Peter Lutheran Theme Bible Verse | |
Contact Information & Worship Times for St. Peter Lutheran | |
St. Peter Lutheran School
(989) 642-5659
2440 N. Raucholz Rd.
Hemlock, MI 48626
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Sunday Morning at 9:30am and
Saturday Evenings at 5:00pm
Sunday Morning Bible Study for All Ages on Sundays at 11:00am
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