Spencer Saks Takes on New Role as Legislative and Regulatory Advocate
We are excited to announce that Spencer Saks has been promoted to the position of Legislative and Regulatory Advocate! Spencer has been with CASA for nearly three years and has done a tremendous job in supporting our regulatory and legislative functions, along with many other areas. In his new role, Spencer will take the lead on a range of specific legislative and regulatory issues, in addition to his current responsibilities. Please join us in congratulating Spencer on this well-deserved promotion. We look forward to being a part of his continued growth and success.
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2025 Washington D.C. Policy Forum Recap
Thank you to all who joined us in the nation’s capital to hear from distinguished speakers and participate in visits with our California Representatives and their staff! During the CASA Policy Forum in Washington D.C., we heard from congressional staff, national water association leaders and other policy experts on what to expect in 2025. We have already received wonderful feedback about this year’s event and hope all those who attended left feeling informed, inspired, and ready to tackle the new year! As always, we were proud to advocate on behalf of CASA member agencies to advance clean water priorities. It’s never too early to save the date for the next conference, CASA’s 70th Annual Conference, which will be held on July 30 – August 1, 2025, in San Diego.
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Apply Now for CASA's Esteemed Award of Excellence
Your organization works hard to do what’s right for California. Recognition from the leading clean water association honors your hard work and accomplishments. It’s a symbol of respect, credibility, and innovation. CASA seeks to recognize members who provide essential public services and go above and beyond to protect public health and the environment. We invite all member agencies and associates to submit an Award of Excellence application by Tuesday, May 2, 2025. Award recipients will be announced and celebrated at CASA's 70th Annual Conference this summer in San Diego. Your commitment deserves to be highlighted, and we look forward to recognizing your outstanding contributions. For more information about the award criteria and categories, please visit the Awards Program Webpage.
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CASA Education Foundation Scholarship Applications
The CASA Education Foundation is dedicated to shaping the future of the clean water sector by awarding scholarships to promising students pursuing careers in the water and environmental field. Does your local college or university know about CASA’s financial aid opportunities for students interested in a water-focused career? We encourage you to share this opportunity with students in your community! The Foundation is accepting scholarship applications through May 17, 2025. Download this scholarship flyer to distribute to local schools!
For details on how to apply, eligibility requirements, and scholarship guidelines, please visit the website. Let's work together to inspire the next generation of environmental leaders!
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For questions about Federal Legislative Update, please contact Sarah Sapirstein. | |
House Subcommittee Examines Clean Water Infrastructure Funding Needs
On March 11, the House Subcommittee on Water Resources and the Environment held a hearing to explore the important roles the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) and the Water Infrastructure Financing Act (WIFIA) Program play to fund clean water infrastructure projects. On a bipartisan basis, subcommittee members and witnesses agreed that clean water utilities provide essential services, and that CWSRF and WIFIA are critical sources of federal funding for the sector. However, there was also acknowledgement that improvements can be made to both programs to increase their effectiveness. Importantly for CASA, the subcommittee’s discussion aligned with CASA’s federal policy priorities to have continued federal support for CWSRF and WIFIA.
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CASA Partners with CDPH for Utilities Focused Wastewater Surveillance Office Hours
On March 19, the CDPH Wastewater Surveillance Office Hours meeting will focus on utilities and include guest speaker Spencer Saks from CASA, along with members of the CDPH Cal-SuWers team, who will be co-presenting. Spencer will provide information about CASA, their partnership with CDPH’s Wastewater Center of Excellence, and the support and resources they offer to utilities. CDPH will present a breakdown of the current programs and the different pathogens being monitored in the Cal-SuWers program, as well as outline the resources available to both local health departments and participating utilities.
We encourage all utilities to join this event to get caught up on the Cal-SuWers program and learn how to join the wastewater surveillance network. If you have any questions about the program, we encourage you to prepare questions in advance of the meeting. You can submit questions beforehand by emailing WWS@cdph.ca.gov by Monday (March 17), or ask them during the meeting’s Q&A session.
Regulatory Workgroup Holds Annual Strategic Planning Session
Last week, the East Bay Municipal Utilities District hosted the CASA Regulatory Workgroup leadership at Pardee Reservoir to discuss the group’s progress and develop strategies for 2025-2026. The retreat focused on establishing priorities for the upcoming year, with a focus on issues that protect water quality while considering public health, environmental effectiveness, sound science and economic feasibility. During the event, attendees identified key issues and regulatory initiatives of statewide significance to CASA, ensuring that future efforts are aligned from both a technical and advocacy perspective.
Attend CASA’s Biosolids and Water Quality Regulatory Workgroup Meetings to find out more information! The next meeting will be held on March 20, and you can email Spencer Saks to get connected.
Sign up for CASA’s Regulatory Updates
CASA’s Regulatory Workgroup regularly puts together a comprehensive e-newsletter to share all regulatory updates on key issues and workgroup initiatives with the CASA membership. If you are interested in receiving these regulatory updates, please contact Spencer Saks. The latest edition is available here.
Supreme Court Rules in Favor of San Francisco
Earlier this month, the U.S. Supreme Court delivered a significant ruling in the case City and County of San Francisco vs. EPA, focusing on the use of receiving water limitations in NPDES permits. The decision was a win for San Francisco, which had sought clearer guidance on the NPDES permit requirements for its Oceanside wastewater treatment plant. CASA has supported the City alongside other national associations as an amicus in the case for several years. The ruling is expected to impact individual NPDES permits for wastewater dischargers across the region, though the full impact on permits in California remains uncertain. This uncertainty may lead to delays in the reissuance of NPDES permits as the State Water Board and Regional Boards determine the appropriate path forward. The CASA Attorneys Committee will be discussing this ruling at our spring meeting. In the interim, agencies are advised to consult their legal counsel about possible impacts to individual permits. CASA will continue to provide updates as more information becomes available.
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Webinar: Revolutionizing Wastewater Management with Smart Sewer Solutions
The Water Technology Alliance (WTA) hosts a monthly webinar on the last Thursday of each month from 12:00 - 12:45pm. Each session features a leading company or partner presenting insights into the latest innovations, technologies, and best practices in wastewater management. Through these webinars, WTA facilitates knowledge sharing between the U.S. and Denmark, bringing together industry experts to exchange experiences, explore new solutions, and discuss how technological advancements can address shared challenges in wastewater management.
On March 27, the first session in the series will be presented by Grundfos, focusing on two key topics that are shaping the future of wastewater management and utility operations. Visit the website here to register and for updates on upcoming webinars and topics. Attendance is free, and all industry professionals are welcome to join.
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2025 CWEA Annual Conference and Expo
Be sure to register today for the 2025 CWEA Annual conference and expo, April 22 – April 25 in Palm Springs! See the conference webpage for more information: CWEA AC25
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2025 Special Districts Legislative Days
Join the California Special Districts Association for Special Districts Legislative Days, a two-day conference held at the Sheraton Grand Sacramento on May 20-21, 2025. This event provides special district leaders with the opportunity to learn about and advocate on the most significant policy issues facing local agencies and the communities they serve. Register today for early bird pricing!
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Save the Date - PFI Event
Save the date for the CASA and CWEA Partnering for Impact Event on June 3, 2025, at the David Brower Center in Berkeley, CA. We are excited to welcome Felicia Marcus as our keynote speaker! This event will dive into critical topics like brine management and emissions from nutrient removal. The goal of Partnering for Impact is to build stronger utility, university, and industry collaborations for innovation and find areas where we can create a positive impact together. We hope to see you there!
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CASA represents more than 135 local public agencies engaged in the collection, treatment and recycling of Wastewater and biosolids to protect public health and the environment. Our mission is to provide trusted information and advocacy on behalf of California clean water agencies, and to be a leader in sustainability and utilization of renewable resources. | | | | |