The Great Big Home & Garden Show
Comments And Concerns
I am so proud of what you are trying to accomplish. I was at the IX Center on Saturday.
I am a nurse from Aurora. Please contact me to let me know how I can become involved with your organization.
Yours is a meaningful cause as citizens and consumers of health care services." Claire W.
"As a BSN RN who is not currently working due to a medical condition but having had both of my parents in several facilities, I know the struggles of them being short staffed and this was just a few years prior to covid hitting the world. I can only imagine what it is like now.
But putting such high patient loads on these staff is not only unsafe for the nurse, it can be deadly for the patients and for years they should have been lowering the nurse/nurse aid to patient ratio. Fingers crossed they finally listen this time." Debra W.
"Being an STNA, I fully support you."
Julia J.
I am a traveling nurse's aide in the state of Ohio my patient ratio is some days are up to 30 patients people get neglected because it's humanly impossible for me to take care of that amount of people how can I help? It should go by the acuity of the patient and right now it does not, some units are worse than other units but we are never staffed appropriately I've seen nurses have up to 40 patients by themselves there is never time for anybody to get the proper help that they need when you have so many patients to take care of what can I do to help this cause. State surveyors come in and Survey buildings but until laws are changed nothing is going to be changed
Rachael J.
This supporter of Carolyn's Law Petition shows a picture of his mother after she fell in a nursing home facility!