September 2024

The Frances Joseph Gaudet Umbrella Ministries

We are thrilled to introduce the Frances Joseph Gaudet Umbrella ministries and their new logos. Though our Gaudet Umbrella comprises six individual initiatives, we are intrinsically interconnected through the overlapping edges of identity, inequity, and impact inherent in all the challenging issues we face.

Through their symbolic imagery, our logos embody our collaborative efforts to address injustice, environmental issues, racial healing and reconciliation, educational opportunity, inclusivity, cultural competency and humility, and relational youth development.

The work of the Frances Joseph Gaudet Umbrella fosters a community of compassionate leaders who are committed to making a positive impact in the world through the lens of faith and empathy. We extend our deepest gratitude to those who have led the way in bringing this vision to life. Together, we embark on a journey filled with hope, unity, and transformation as we strive to walk in love, make Jesus known, and transform lives!

If you feel called to be involved in the ministries of the Gaudet Umbrella, please reach out:

Tamika Gerhardt

Frances Joseph Gaudet Missioner for Congregational Vitality & Beloved Community / (504) 895-6634 ext. 9

Post-Francine Message From Bishop Duckworth

We are relieved and grateful that the majority of our congregations and churches made it through Hurricane Francine with limited damage at most. To those in our community who were more affected and are still enduring the storm's difficulties -- you are in our prayers.

The experience of navigating a storm is always full of unknowns and challenges; it was heartening to witness the care, responsiveness, and support within our diocese. Thank you. Additionally, I am pleased to share that the diocese received an initial grant from Episcopal Relief and Development to assist the most vulnerable.'s Resource Page is still being updated with helpful information.

Any churches with damage, please call Church Insurance as soon as possible: 1-800-223-5705.

If you have any other concerns, the Diocesan Office staff is here for you: (504) 895-663.

Two Ways You Can Help

EDOLA's Hurricane Relief Fund

I have created EDOLA's Hurricane Relief Fund to directly assist churches and people within the diocese who experienced Hurricane related loss.

Donate to EDOLA's Fund

Episcopal Relief & Development

Additionally, consider donating to Episcopal Relief & Development. ERD is the humanitarian arm of the Episcopal Church; it partners with faith and community organizations to advance lasting change in communities affected by injustice, poverty, disaster and climate change. ERD has been generous with our diocese over the years with grants to support our work with vulnerable families. Select "Hurricane Relief" on donation page.

Donate to ERD Fund


Applications for Holy Orders

All of those currently in the discernment process, please remember your applications are due by September 30th!

If you need help or have questions, please feel free to contact Canon MacIntire at

Benefits Administrator Conference

September 27, 2024

We highly encourage all Administrators who have access in MAP or enroll employees in benefits to attend.

  • CPG representative on-site for training and an explanation of updates
  • Breakfast & lunch included
  • Door prizes & swag

Be our guest; no cost. Registration closes Friday, September 20, 2024.

If you have any questions, please contact Jessica Lee at


The 187th Annual Convention Registration Closes 09/26!

Parochial Clergy, Delegates, Retired Clergy (Canonically Resident) Registration HERE

Alternate, Guest, Clergy (Non-Parochial, Non-Canonically Resident) Registration HERE

09/26: Registration Closes

In Other News!

Congrats to Seminarian

Melissa Fauci!

A SIM Beloved Community Scholarship Recipient

Virginia Theological Seminary

Class of 2025

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Communications Corner

Join the Communications Church Staff Contact List
Submission Page

Employment Opportunity


Shared from Trinity Episcopal Church's Daily Meditations

Thoughts and Prayers

On the surface, who doesn’t appreciate that sentiment? Except when it starts to ring hollow by Americans who wring their hands in frustration after yet another senseless murder in a school. After every school shooting, The Onion posts the same “satirical” headline: “No way to prevent this, says the only country where this regularly happens.” Can we pass meaningful legislation? Common sense background checks? Removal of guns from a home when credible threats have been made? Red flag laws? Nah, just thoughts and prayers. 

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Events Around the Diocese

09/18 - 09/20

Godly Play - Core Training 3-Day Retreat

@ Trinity Episcopal Church

Godly Play Core Training is the recommended training for those leading Godly Play sessions, program administrators, parents/caregivers and clergy.

Over the course of two and a half days, participants experience all aspects of the Godly Play method and begin to become fluent in the Godly Play core stories and fundamental practices. Our training will follow an action/reflection model of learning with a mixture of trainer-led presentations and participant storytelling presentations.


4 pm

1315 Jackson Ave, New Orleans, LA 70130

Please contact Ashley Bond, Licensed Godly Play Trainer, for any questions:



Northshore Youth Pool Day!

@ Solomon Center Pool Pavilion

Fun games, fellowship, and SWIMMING! Youth 10 and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

10 am - 3 pm



HOMES: Carne Asada

@ Annunciation Episcopal Church

10:30 am, after Church Service


4505 S Claiborne Ave, New Orleans, LA 70125


CAMP ABLE: Improv Writing

@ Chapel of the Holy Comforter

11:00 am - 11:45 pm, after 10 am Service


2220 Lakeshore Dr,, New Orleans, LA 70122


A Service Honoring the Transitus of St. Francis and the Season of Creation

@ Chapel of the Holy Comforter

The event is a Transitus celebration in honor of St. Francis of Assisi and the Season of Creation.

The EDOLA Environmental Commission is coordinating this special event with with representatives of the Catholic Archdiocese of New Orleans.

6:30 pm

2220 Lakeshore Dr., New Orleans, LA 70122


CAMP ABLE: Pet Blessing & Pet Portraits

@ Christ Church Cathedral

5:30 pm Pet Portrait Making

6 - 6:45 pm Pet Blessing Service

2919 St. Charles Ave, New Orleans, LA 70115


Taste of the Spirits: Bourbon Tasting Fundraiser

@ Grace Memorial Episcopal Church

Enjoy a gourmet meal while sampling and learning about some of the best bourbons. All proceeds support the mission and ministry of Grace Memorial Episcopal Church.


100 W Church St., Hammond, LA 70401

More Info

10/25 - 10/27

TRINITY's Fall Rumage Sale

@ Trinity Episcopal Church

New Orleans's finest rummage sale is just around the corner! Bishops Hall (1315 Jackson Ave, NOLA) will be stuffed to the brim with bargains on Clothes, Jewelry, Household Items, Electronics, Linens, Toys, Shoes, Books, Games, Home Decor, Purses and so much more!

The sale entrance is off of Jackson Avenue, through the door at the center of the circle drive, just past the memorial garden and fountain. All of the funds raised support various ministries of the Women of Trinity Church (WOTC) and the WOTC Grant Program.

Friday 10/25 9am-3pm Saturday 10/26 9am-3pm Sunday 10/27 11am-2pm - all items half price on Sunday.

1315 Jackson Ave, New Orleans, LA 70130

Upcoming @ Solomon Center


A Day On Deacons: Exploring Your Call

No Fee. Bishop Shannon Duckworth be will lead Eucharist at 11:30 am.

More Info

10/10/2024 - 05/25/2025 (8 Sessions)

Women Gather in Community

More Info

10/11 - 10/13

EDOLA Women's Creativity Retreat 2024

More Info

12/06 - 12/07

St. Alban's Advent Retreat 2024

More Info

New Orleans Metro Area (An Incomplete List)

St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church

Location:1031 S. Carrollton Ave. (Uptown)

Dates: Saturday, October 5th thru Thursday, October 31st

Times: Monday – Friday 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm, Saturday & Sunday – 9:00 am – 7:00 pm

Event details: Kid friendly – games, crafts, and photo spots. Cash, Venmo, and credit are all accepted.

Special Event: Thursday, October 17th, St. Andrew’s will hold their open house that will lead to their pumpkin patch!

St. Paul's Episcopal Church

Location: 6249 Canal Blvd. (Lakeview)

Dates: October 5th – October 30th

Times: Monday through Friday 3:30pm – 6:00pm, Saturday 10:00am – 6:00pm, and Sunday 10:00 am – 5:00pm Pick a plump pumpkin and take a festive fall photo with their autumnal backdrop!

St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church

Location: 3412 Haring Rd, Metairie, LA

Dates: Tuesday, September 24th – Thursday, October 31st

Times: 12 pm – 8 pm daily (except on 10/31 when they will only be open until 6 pm)

Event Details: St. Augustine’s hosts “The Great Pumpkin Patch” every October featuring thousands of pumpkins and gourds in a myriad of sizes and colors. ​Every fall, the pumpkin patch sells pumpkins, gourds, jewelry, crafts, and home-baked goods like pumpkin bread and cookies made by St. Augustine’s church members and friends. Entrance to the patch is free. All are welcome to come, explore, and take photos free of charge. Pumpkins are priced individually by size.

Special Event: Come to their Pumpkin Palooza on Saturday, October 9th from 11 am – 2 pm for some additional fun!

St. Martin's Episcopal Church

Location: 2216 Metairie Road, Metairie, LA

Dates: Monday, October 7th – Thursday, October 31st (or until pumpkins are sold out)

Times: M-F 3:30pm – 6:00pm; Saturday and Sunday 11:00am – 5:00pm

Event Details: Free entry with pumpkins and gourds of all sizes and colors (prices vary).

Red M Studio will be at the patch on Friday, October 18th from 3-6 pm offering a free professional photo with a non-perishable food item donation to Second Harvest.

St. Mark’s Episcopal Church

Location: 3245 Manhattan Blvd., Harvey, LA

Dates: Wednesday, October 9th – Thursday, October 31st

Times: Monday – Saturday (10 am – 6 pm) and Sundays (1 pm – 6 pm). They will also host a car show on Sunday, October 20th.

Event Details: Pumpkins of varying sizes.

Grace Memorial Church Episcopal Church

Location: 100 West Church St., Hammond, LA

Dates: October 5 - 31

Times: Monday – Saturday (12:30 pm – 6:30 pm) and Sundays (9 pm –4 pm). T

Walking in Love. Making Jesus Known. Transforming Lives.