07 July 2023

Brought to you by Australian & New Zealand Olivegrower & Processor

Today's Top Story

We just had the world's hottest day on record, initial data shows - and experts say it's only going to get hotter

El Niño brings with it the likelihood of record high global temperatures and intense weather patterns. (ABC News: Greg Nelson)


Scientists told us it was close. And now we have data suggesting the record for the hottest day ever globally has been broken two days in a row.


So if you’re not onto it already, now is the time to act on soil moisture in your grove. Think mulching your prunings, and adding compost and other carbon-increasing elements like biochar. There’s more information on soil improvement in the June edition of Olivegrower & Processor.


And here’s some more information and insight into what it means:

Expert Commentary: 2023/24 El Niño for Australia

CSIRO experts explain the significance of a potential El Niño later this year, in the wake of the Bureau of Meteorology announcing an ‘El Niño alert’ on 6 June 2023.

Water Minister Tanya Plibersek requests advice on 'extremely difficult' Murray-Darling Basin Plan targets


Federal Water Minister Tanya Plibersek says the $13 billion Murray-Darling Basin Plan is "off track" and needs a "course correction".

Drought-resilient shrub goes east to support farmers in dry times

Sheep love grazing on Anameka Saltbush, an ideal supplementary feed during dry conditions.


The elite variety of saltbush was developed over 15 years and will help farmers through poor seasons, building their resilience to drought.


For those of you with sheep in your business mix.

Sustainable farming a key ingredient in Meredith Dairy’s business success


The world is in love with Meredith Dairy’s creamy, velvety goat cheese. Despite a small marketing budget, the Victorian dairy has increased domestic sales by 5-30% over the past 32 years. International sales are just as pleasing. The company exports to Southeast Asia, the Middle East and North America and has seen sales increase across these markets.


While much larger in scale than most olive producers, there are some really interesting ideas in this.


Have a question? Need some advice? Ask a fellow grower!


The FOE team regularly hears from growers with questions about grove or production practices, or equipment, that they just can’t find the answers to. They’re things other producers are likely know about and/or experienced themselves. So we’ve set up a new Friday Olive Extracts feature, Grower to Grower, where you can send your questions and have them answered by your peers.

Just send the details to and we’ll put them out to the Friday Olive Extracts community - that’s thousands of readers across the globe.

Got something to sell? Or want to buy? Go direct to your target market – olive growers and producers 

If you’ve got something industry-related to sell, you can reach your target market directly with Olivebiz Classifieds. Our online Classifieds service is an easy and inexpensive solution to advertising your unwanted equipment. And if there’s something you’re looking for, it’s the ideal way to get the message out loud and clear to your peers and industry associates – the most likely to have what you need.

Olivebiz Classifieds cost just $40 for AOA members ($100 for non-members), including a text ad and link through to either your web page or images hosted on our site. And you don’t need to be a tech-head: just send us your info and we’ll post it up for you.

Olivebiz Classifieds are online now at To arrange a listing, contact Gerri at

Farmers call for aerial culling in state forests as deer populations boom in NSW

Lowther farmer John Lowe says there are thousands of deer across the Central Tablelands. (Supplied: Limestone Coast Landscape Board)


Farmers and pest management advocacy groups have criticised the New South Wales government's failure to allow aerial shooting in state forests, amid rising deer numbers.  

Calling all contract harvesters …


While the harvest season is over for most growers, the AOA is still keen to hear from contract harvesters willing and able to harvest for smaller growers. We’re putting together an updated register of contract harvesters for future reference, so we can assist in ensuring all growers’ crops are able to be harvested.

Contractors from all growing areas are invited to send their details to Friday Olive Extracts Editor Gerri Nelligan at

Farm crime survey aims to reveal nationwide under-reporting of theft, property damage

The Univeristy of New England is surveying farmers about their experience of rural crime. (ABC News: Lauren Day)


The scale of farm crime across Australia is set to be investigated by a new University of New England (UNE) survey — the first of its kind in more than 20 years. UNE Centre of Rural Criminology co-director Alastair Harkness said the purpose of the research was to get a bird's eye view of farm crime across the country.


Irrigation webinar: New approach to delivery rights in Victoria - place of take approvals 

This webinar will discuss what the new place of take approval framework means for irrigators. It will cover:

  • The drivers for the change;
  • What the changes are, and what they mean for water users, including private diverters and irrigation district customers;
  • Proposed rules under the framework, including cap and trade of water delivery rights;
  • How the changes fit in the program of work to manage increasing delivery risk in the Murray.

Details: Wednesday, 12 July, 1-2pm AEST. Zoom event. Free.

Register here.

2023 Australian International Olive Awards - Entries now open

The 2023 Australian International Olive Awards (AIOA) is now open for entries.

Australia’s premier olive competition, with increasing international recognition and status, the AIOA provides benefits for entrants including:

  • Entries individually assessed and awarded on merit.
  • All entrants receive comprehensive judging feedback.
  • Successful judging provides eligibility for OliveCare® certification.
  • Unprecedented opportunity for international recognition of winning products and producers.
  • Official AIOA Results Book, providing a great marketing tool for all medal and award winners.
  • The opportunity to purchase high-resolution professional product images for use in social media, website and media purposes at only $35 plus GST. 

Find out more and enter here.

“I work so hard and it’s just wonderful to get something for all the hard work. I put my heart and soul into it, and I think it’s paid off with this award…and it’s expensive to make, so the boost in sales is such a bonus. Instead of three bottles, now people will ask for 12 – when it’s won Best in Show, it makes a great present.”

Liz Tonkinson, Leisal Rose, 2021 AIOA Best of Show EVOO

New Zealand

The great olive oil taste test


Pepper, banana, apple, rounded, smooth, “cough, cough” - how many different ways can we describe 31 different extra-virgin olive oils? 


It’s interesting to read tasting notes from a consumer ‘panel’.


Olive groves in Texas remain barren ahead of harvest season

Due to extensive damage from consecutive winters of extremely low temperatures, olive groves in Texas have not borne fruit since the 2020 harvest.

Police seize €852,000 worth of fake olive oil in Sevilla

Fake Olive Oil Seized. Credit:


An investigation by police in Sevilla has uncovered a gang of fraudsters selling fake olive oil. The Guardia Civil released a report on Friday, July (sic) 30 in which more than 143,000 litres of oil being sold as extra virgin in Sevilla have been seized, with eight of the scammers questioned by the investigators.

Solar project in Turkey threatens to destroy 30,000 olive trees


A farmer in western Turkey is fighting plans to cut down some 30,000 olive trees to make way for a solar power plant. Renewable energy firm Lodos Enerji has been granted permission to install solar panels near its existing wind farm despite the fact that the state land in question is rented by villagers for olive growing for a period of 150 years.

Friday Olive Extracts – send us YOUR news

The year is racing by and Friday Olive Extracts (FOE) continues and Friday Olive Extracts (FOE) will continue to bring all the latest industry news and events to your Inbox every week. THE place to share olive industry news, event details and reminders, our industry e-newsletter keeps growing in popularity and we now have nearly 4000 subscribers across the globe. If you’re not one of them, you can sign up here.

And please remember that FOE is YOUR e-newsletter, so we’re keen to receive your news and help spread the word. Just email your information to Editor Gerri Nelligan at - it’s free, and the best way to reach your fellow industry members!

Italy sees significant growth in culinary tourism

Nearly two out of three tourists to Italy say they are planning an olive oil-related experience.


Fifty-eight percent of Italian tourists in 2023 are choosing holiday destinations linked with food experiences, a 37 percent increase from 2016, a new report has found.

The law on olive oil in Greek restaurants under scrutiny


With the tourist season underway in Greece, experts have been assessing the law on olive oil in restaurants which allows standardized non-refillable bottles holding up to 500 ml of olive oil to be placed on tables.

Albanian olive oil exports quadruple in first quarter of 2023, officials say


The combination of Albania’s bumper harvest and poor harvests in Europe means there is more demand than ever from the European Union for Albanian olive oil.

Farmer stumbles on Roman artifact - weighing over 6,000 pounds - in Spain, photo shows

Photo from the Baena Town Hall.

While working in a field in Spain, a farmer stumbled on a massive ancient Roman artifact, officials said. Millennia later, the artifact is still relevant. The farmer was uprooting an olive tree in a grove near Baena and accidentally uncovered the huge stone relic, El Día de Córdoba reported on July 1.


8 July 

Submission of product, Australian Golden Olive Awards - VIC

17 July

Entries open, Hunter Valley Olive Show - Hunter Valley, NSW


23-26 July

Thinkfood Live - Melbourne, VIC

26 July

Entries close, 2023 Royal Adelaide Olive Awards - Adelaide, SA

14 August 

Entries open, 2023 WA Olive Awards 

15-16 August

2023 Soil Biology Master Class - Western Sydney University, NSW


15-18 August

2023 Soil Science Soil Biology Certification Course - Western Sydney University, NSW

30 August

Awards Dinner, 2023 Royal Adelaide Olive Awards

1 September

Entries close, Hunter Valley Olive Show - Hunter Valley, NSW

1 September

Entries close, Australian International Olive Awards - Adelaide, SA

1 September

Awards announced, Australian Golden Olive Awards - VIC

4 September

Entries close, 2023 WA Olive Awards

9 October

Medals announced (email), Australian International Olive Awards - Adelaide, SA

12 October

Awards Night, Hunter Valley Olive Show - Hunter Valley, NSW

21 October

Awards Night, 2023 WA Olive Awards

26-27 October

AOA National Olive Industry Conference & Trade Exhibition - Canberra, ACT


27 October

Awards dinner/Trophy presentation, Australian International Olive Awards - Canberra, ACT

To include your event, or update your existing event details, email FOE editor Gerri Nelligan at

Friday Olive Extracts is Published by:
 Olivegrower Communications:

Olivegrower & Processor 

June Issue

Australian and New Zealand

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