Light in the Window - April 20, 2023

Be filled with the Spirit, meditating on psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing, and making music to God in your hearts. Always give thanks to Abba God for everything, in the name of Jesus our Messiah.

Ephesians 5:19

Dear Covenant Family,

I am so grateful to be at a church which welcomes other faith communities to use our space for its intended purpose- to worship God. Covenant has a long history of being “home” to campus religious groups, including the Muslim Student Association which meets in the lower level of the Interfaith Center for prayer and events. On Sundays at 11, the Friends group (Quakers) gathers in our building for their quiet worship experience. Prior to the pandemic, a Brazilian church met here and enjoyed worship space in Yost Chapel.

In 2023, we welcomed a new worshiping group. This one is a little different because they are actually a branch of the Church of the Covenant approved by the Session- a worship service for Swahili speakers. The name of this worshipping community is Kanisa La Agano la Kiswahili (Church of the Covenant in Swahili). Sunday’s 1:00 pm worship was vibrant and Spirit-filled. Due to the number of out-of-town guests helping to launch the service, they used the sanctuary. Normally the group will be in Yost Chapel, and they welcome non-Swahili speaking guests.

The sermon for the day was given by Pela Abumba, known to many at Covenant since he began attending last July with his family. He preached on what “covenant” means in the Bible, using passages from Hebrews and Exodus, and expounded on the importance of keeping covenant in one’s family and relationships. The children and youth spent time in the Creche making crafts and having their lessons. All in all, it was a joyful day!

The diversity of religious experience that happens under our roof is truly inspiring to me. It is my sincere hope that our new Swahili service will be a healing balm for many in the African immigrant community. In this Easter season, may we celebrate new life all around us.

O Holy One, who is, and was, and ever will be; who loves, who saves, who makes all things new, as we celebrate the gifts of the resurrection, remind us that we are redeemed, and guide us to new beginnings. Remind us, always, that the miracle of the resurrection was not only for us, but for all. Guide us forward with hope and purpose, that we might offer the message of new life beyond our own circle, into our communities, and spread throughout your world. May your peace, your mercy, and your love be made known to all people and, through us, may it one day triumph over injustice and death. We pray all of these things in the name of the embodiment of your love, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Amani iwe nanyi (Peace be with you),

Pastor Jessie

[email protected]

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