June 2023 Update

What's Happening...

  • We hosted "CUT IT OUT" training for the Paul Mitchell School in North Little Rock. This is an important training that covers an overview of victim services in Arkansas and equips participants with local tools and resources to provide domestic violence survivors. If your salon would like more information on this training please contact

  • The ACADV staff attended the 18th annual Crimes Against Women Conference in Dallas, Texas. Our very own Brandy Dailey was a presenter.

  • We trained 5 our shelter members covering 8 counties in their fundraising and community development as apart of our shelter support.

  • ACADV attended part two of the FETI (Forensic Experiential Trauma Interviewing) training which provides more support for survivors of sexual violence. This impactful new training provided by Arkansas Coalition Against Sexual Assault added to our ability to provide a more comprehensive support to our members.

  • ACADV's Law Enforcement trainer, Ashley Walker, provided training at CALETA (Central Arkansas Law Enforcement Training Academy). We love supporting law enforcement agencies across the State of Arkansas with domestic violence awareness and support training. Email to request training for your agency.

  • We need volunteers to helps us paint t-shirts for the 2022 Clothesline Project honoring the lives lost due to domestic violence. VOLUNTEER

  • ACADV offers corporate training on domestic violence and safety in the workplace. Contact if you would like to schedule a free corporate training.

  • Hosting (FREE) lunch and learn Zooms on the 3rd Wednesdays of each month from 11:30am to 1pm CST for service providers of Domestic Violence Intervention Programs (DVIP) otherwise known as Batterers Intervention Programs (BIP). REGISTER

  • We are offering internships to support ACADV with awareness projects, with research, provide office assistance, member communication, donor management and help develop new marketing initiatives. Email for more info.



The Clothesline Project is a visual display of t-shirts hung on a clothesline displayed across Arkansas to raise awareness of the deadly reality that is domestic violence. Each t-shirt is hand painted to each individual domestic violence murder victim in the state of Arkansas. There are approximately 45-50 murders yearly and each one has a t-shirt on the clothesline that needs to be made. Volunteers would be hand painting t-shirts to go on the clothesline for the 2022 murder victims. You don't need to be an artist just an advocate for victims that aren't here to tell their story.

Contact Ashley Walker,, if you can help.

Become A Member

**The 2022 numbers are not completely populated at this time.


Help us continue to help victims of domestic violence and provide comprehensive training and support for shelter services across Arkansas.

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