A Message from Pastor Carolyn

Friday, January 27, 2023

Dear Saint Mark Family,


I trust that you have been reflecting on the charge I gave this past Sunday, for us to be risk-taking disciples of Jesus Christ, who are willing to participate in something bigger than ourselves. We must be risk takers if we truly desire to see a stronger, more fruitful, and a thriving Saint Mark.


Let me share a story with you.


Last November after worship, a father and his son walked out of the sanctuary. When the father saw me, he walked over and introduced himself. I greeted him and

thanked him for coming, telling him we are happy to have his son worshiping with us. The father looked at me with a smile on his face and said, “Please take care of him. He is the only one here.”


His son is one of the young adults who have been worshiping with us over the past four to five months. You most likely have seen him, and the others who are showing up on Sunday mornings. They usually arrive a little after worship begins, and leave almost immediately after worship ends. They are usually in the back 4 pews. Some may be sitting by themselves, and some may be in groups of twos or threes. They most likely will not come over and introduce themselves, but they will engage you if you introduce yourself.


They are curious about faith, and are willing to connect with a cause or movement greater than themselves. They believe God is, and are seeking ways they can connect and have a more personal relationship with Christ. Some have shared with me they really liked that we did a prayer walk in the neighborhood, and they love when churches engage their community. They want to know what community outreach project we are doing because they want to join.


I share this story with you because I want you to see the opportunity that is right before us: Young adults are coming to Saint Mark, and they are seeking a place they can call home. We have an opportunity to make them know they are welcome here, and they belong here. We have an opportunity to introduce ourselves to them, ask their names, sit beside them, invite them to lunch after worship, introduce them to others, and do any other thing that will make them know they belong here. We have an opportunity to make Saint Mark truly their church home, and to take care of him, and every young adult who comes. It will require more than just a few persons, however; it is going to take all of us.


So the next time you see a young adult you are not familiar with, please take the time to introduce yourself. Welcome them to Saint Mark, even if they have been two or three times before. Let them know they have a home at Saint Mark. Take the opportunity to take care of them.


May goodness and mercy pursue you, and may you show them unto others.


I look forward to seeing you Sunday.

Pastor Carolyn.

Saint Mark United Methodist Church

Rev. Carolyn Stephens, Senior Pastor

781 Peachtree St NE

Atlanta GA 30308-1205



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