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Fresh Start Focus

January 2023

Union Corners Mural

The Union Corners playground mural is fully installed! Reach Dane, local artist Amy Zaremba and DAMA (Developing Artists Murals and Alliances) designed the mural after years of initial planning and pause. The vision was to honor the neighborhood youth and the natural elements of Starkweather Creek.


In the painting, young Head Start children experience wonder on a creekside walking trail that was paved and tended to by the older youth of the Operation Fresh Start conservation programs. The wildlife within this painting inhabits the area and is visible on many local walking paths. The homes in the background represent the interconnectedness of the surrounding Union Corners/ Starkweather neighborhoods.


Operation Fresh Start was proud to host a community paint night in October where OFS participants worked along-side Reach Dane staff, parents, children and community members painting some of the key elements in the mural.


The mural is located on the back wall of the Reach Dane/Operation Fresh Start building on the 2600 block of Union St. Please, stop by to see the art installation!

Suttle-Straus Tour

Operation Fresh Start participants were invited to tour Suttle-Straus in Waunakee, where they had the opportunity to learn about print production.

Participants saw various publications including booklets, books, and marketing materials being printed, cut, folded, and bound.

Participants also had the opportunity to see Suttle-Straus employees operate various presses and print machines and where provided with hands-on experiences operating some of their machinery.

We’d like to thank Suttle-Straus for providing our young people with this career exploration experience.


Congratulations to Nunu on her graduation from the OFS Legacy Program.

"I didn't get to work with Nunu for her entire journey here at OFS," says Nate Good, Legacy Conservation Supervisor. "The transition from construction to conservation was not easy and I know you weren't super excited about conservation when you first started on my crew," says Nate. "By the end, you were dedicated even if you weren't passionate about conservation, you were here, you were working hard, and you were loyal to the crew and to OFS and that was something that made me feel really good as your supervisor."

Nunu's next step is to pursue a career in the healthcare field. Congratulations, Nunu!

Photos by: Maria Drews, OFS Volunteer


Thank you to JBC Coffee Roasters for selecting Operation Fresh Start as their 1st quarter charity partner to benefit from their limited-edition Blossom Blend coffee with 50% of each bag purchased going to support OFS.

During this week-long campaign 84 bags were sold raising $700. Thank you to all who made coffee purchases to support OFS!

What a great way to start the new year with a donation of 45 pairs of safety boots from Red Wing Shoes - Sun Prairie. We appreciate this valuable partnership so our participants have good, quality boots while working on the construction or conservation site. This partnership is also helping the environment in providing a second home to boots that still have some life left in them! Win-Win for everyone!

New Website coming soon...

Thank you to Ryan Pope from Out of the Box Advisors for providing extensive in kind services in the redesign of the OFS website, optimization, and staff training. Stay tuned....

Join our Team!

Do you possess skills in finance and management? Do you want to make a lasting difference in your community?

Operation Fresh Start is hiring for a Finance Manager to join our team! Apply today and start empowering emerging adults on a path to self-sufficiency and success!

Click here to learn more about the position

Thank you for helping OFS empower emerging adults on their path to self-sufficiency!


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