July 3, 2023
SBCC Exhibition
Animals, Lost Stories
This is the last week to view Animals, Lost Stories at the South Broadway Cultural Center. The exhibition showcases the work of the Beastiary Collective, comprised of four Albuquerque-based artists and animal rights advocates, Angela Casagrande, David D'Agostino, Mark Dyke, and Dan Fuller.

The Beastiary Collective is dedicated to revealing the trauma and tenacious survival of non-human species, specifically the pathos experienced by animals lost in the never-land of lost habitats, technological advance, and ever-increasing anthropogenic diseases.

The show runs at the South Broadway Cultural Center June 8th - July 7th, 10am-6pm Tuesday through Saturday.
Open Calls for New Mexico Artists
Request for Interest (RFI) in Public Artwork Projects for the Sunport Terminal Renovation
New Mexico artists are invited to submit a brief statement of interest to create the New Mexico artists' registry for the art projects at the Sunport.
The Sunport Reimagined Art Selection Committee is seeking works that reflect the Albuquerque Sunport's unique sense of place and history, and is taking special steps to achieve a balance between traditional and contemporary aesthetics, artistic elements and depictions.

There are up to five sites for artwork including commissions and purchases of existing work. A variety of media and styles will be considered. The overall art budget for this project is approximately $3 million with individual project budgets ranging from $200,000 to $1 to $1.5 million.

A submitted response to the RFI is required for all New Mexico artists who wish to be considered for any of the Sunport projects. The Committee will review a pool of qualified artists from the RFI for certain sites, and select semi-finalists who will receive additional briefings, materials, and possibly on-site tours.

Rolling Deadline: July 14, 2023 at 3:59 pm for the Concessions Bulkhead Mural and T-Connector Area
Punch Tin Artist Project
Request for Interest (RFI) for New Mexico Punch Tin Artists.
Artists who work in punched tin will be commissioned to create punched tin frames that showcase poetry created by Albuquerque's Poets Laureate, for display in the Albuquerque Convention Center. The selected artists will review the various Poets Laureate's poems for themes that they can create in their unique style of work to complement the selected segments of the Poets Laureate's work.

This is a Request for Interest for all Punch Tin artists living in New Mexico. Each selected artist will receive $4,000 for their finished Punch Tin Frame.

Deadline: July 21, 2023 at 3:59 pm
The Albuquerque Public Art Program has adopted and we are working to update the site!

We will continue to connect artists with mural making opportunities and providing information about Albuquerque's murals, including public and private murals, beyond just those in the Albuquerque Public Art Collection.

MurosABQ was created by Sandy Hill, of Studio Hill Design, as a public service to assure that everyone can learn about and view Albuquerque's murals and street art.