Dear Colleagues,

With Labor Day behind us, all Alliance schools are now back in session. Traffic patterns in towns and cities have changed as everyone adjusts to the “normal” of school schedules. Despite the unwelcome warm embrace of heatwaves in several parts of the country (indoor recess for all!), days are noticeably shorter, and I am told that, for some of you, Fall colors are already making their appearance. In classrooms, the fruits of summer planning, professional development, workshops and teacher research are finding fertile ground and providing inspiration for students. 

Reports from several schools indicate that the start to this new school year has been more settled and more predictable. Our students are glad to be back with you! Tragically, yet again, schools needed to grapple early in the school year with another school shooting. Yet again, messages were composed and sent out to provide reassurance to their communities, safety and security protocols were reviewed, and students were reassured by the predictable rhythm of school. Most schools have communication protocols prepared; for those needing resources, please see links at the end of this message. 

Schools are also reviewing their policies on freedom of expression as we enter an intense run-up to the November election. May we all continue to provide our young people and their families with a safe space that unites us around the needs of our students and, hopefully, provides respite from the intensity of political campaigns. I confess to a little envy of those teaching eighth grade and high school where I am sure there will be rich opportunities for learning in real time and much active debate as our nation’s story unfolds.

We are excited that “story” will be the theme of our January conference. The art of story and the act of storytelling stand at the heart of Waldorf education. Together, we will explore why this is so: what is it about a story that unites and strengthens us, teaches us deep lessons about being human, and brings the world to us? Storytelling is a fundamental human activity, found in every culture and across time. It has the power to transport and transform, to bridge and to build. We will explore our individual stories, our shared stories, and the earth’s stories. We will look at ways that stories can strengthen our communities and help us to learn about the richness of our differences. 

We are planning a conference that is intended to make a difference. The difference will start with our location: for the first time, the Alliance conference will move out of the Fair Oaks/Sacramento area of California to Ocean Charter School in Los Angeles. Although we will also offer a virtual option, we encourage you to plan now to have at least one or two people from your school present. It will be worth it! Los Angeles is an easy travel option from most parts of the country and Southern California has a long tradition of independent and public Waldorf education dating back to 1955. Today, there are six public and six independent Waldorf schools, each one unique in its setting, demographics, and approach. Consider planning to arrive early and arrange to visit a school

In addition to a central place for storytelling itself, we will have a rich array of discussions and workshops designed to deepen our storytelling skills - and why this matters - and many chances to connect with peers, to share and receive inspiration, to pose questions and to get a few answers, and for refreshment of body and soul. There will be many more details to come - but mark your calendars and plan for this conference to be a rich chapter in your own story this school year!

With warmest wishes to all of us, the authors of Public Waldorf, spread across the country from Hawaii, up to Alaska, across to New Hampshire, down to Florida, and the many locations in between, each with their own, unique story! 

Liz Beaven

Executive Director

Two links offering guidance for communication following a school shooting or other traumatic event:

School Leaders Zoom Meetings

Note that our twice-monthly Zoom meetings will resume next Tuesday, September 17th, with a new time of 1 pm Pacific/4 pn Eastern. The first session will be an opportunity to catch up with one another and look at trends we are seeing for this new school year. Anyone in a leadership position in a member school is welcome! (Plus others interested in leadership and the work of our schools.) Visit our website here for the zoom link.

Professional Development and Teacher Preparation

A listing by the Alliance is for information only and does not imply recommendation or endorsement. We encourage school leaders and teachers to fully research offerings before enrollment to ensure they align with their goals and needs. We recommend that you research familiarity with the unique needs and demands of Public Waldorf education. This is particularly important if public funds are used for professional development or teacher preparation. 

If you wish to have an event or workshop listed, please email us a new request for the new school year in the following format:

  • Title
  • Date & Location
  • Link


For a full list please

visit our website.

For additional listings and news of professional development or teacher education, please see Waldorf Today. Additional resources for early childhood educators can be found at WECAN.

Upcoming Professional Development

and Teacher Preparation

Center for Anthroposophy- Kairos Institute, Healing in a World of Need

  • Fall 2024 through Spring 2025: Online and In-Person

Gradalis Understanding Waldorf Education (UWE) Program

  • Sept. 2024-April 2025: Virtual,/

Center for Anthroposophy- Starlight Rays in Darkened Times: Seminars on Contemporary Topics

  • Fall 2024-Feb. 25: Virtual, Saturdays 3-4:30 pm ET

Leading with Spirit: Inspiring professional development opportunities for Trustees, Administrators and School Leaders

  • Sept.-Nov. 2024: Virtual

Sunbridge Institute

  • Fall 2024: Virtual

Northern California and Nevada Regional Conference for Waldorf Early Childhood Teacher : Becoming Revolutionaries of Tenderness

  • Nov. 8 & 9 2024: In-person, San Rafael, CA


Sophia's Hearth: Helping Children Meet the World Through Their Sense of Touch

  • Nov. 15 & 16: In-person, Keene, NH

Waldorf Handwork Educators: International Handwork Teacher Development Programs

  • Jan. 2025: 2 year program: Synchronous Program, Virtual (live attendance)
  • Jan. 2025: 2 year program: Hybrid Program, Virtual (video recordings & live discussions)

Jennifer Militzer-Kopperl: Renewal of Literacy

  • On-demand support courses for literacy and language arts in the grades; access for 6 months or 1 year, Online

Ashley Radaz Consulting: Comprehensive support for educators and school communities

  • On demand in-person or virtual sessions & workshops

Please visit our website to find out about job postings at our member schools.

For more information:

Liz Beaven, Executive Director 

Carly Fedor, Administrative Assistant

Alliance for Public Waldorf Education

1000 River Rock Drive, Suite 218

Folsom, CA 95630

Public Waldorf is a service mark of the Association of Waldorf Schools

of North America and is used pursuant to a license.


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