Sunday Morning at 9:15 a.m.
starting September 15
Fellowship Groups
Acts of the Apostles: led by Hayes Howard
We will start our latest study with the last 12 chapters of Acts of the Apostles, starting with Paul’s teaching in Athens, Corinth and Ephesus, followed by his arrest in Jerusalem and through to witnessing in Rome. Our reference materials are ESV Study Bible, ACTS – Teach the Text Commentary Series by David E. Garland, and The Message of ACTS by John R. W. Stott.
We meet on the first floor of the education building next to Matt's office, on the left.
Marriage Study: led by
Peter & Kelly Brustman - Josh & Azin Cooksey
We will be exploring the biblical meaning of marriage, focusing on Ephesians 5:18-33, where Paul refers to God’s intent and design for marriage as a “profound mystery”. The Meaning of Marriage by Tim and Kathy Keller will be our primary aid in exploring this mystery.
We meet in the library, upstairs, in the education building.
Showing the Spirit: led by Jay Gray
We will use Showing the Spirit by D.A. Carson for this study.
We meet in Matt's office, on the first floor of the education building, all the way down on the left.
Sunday Evening
Youth Group:
Meets Sundays from 5:30 to 7 p.m. in the Youth Room, upstairs in the education building.