September 2024
Youth Corner
Back to School: Ideas for Getting Organized
Getting ready for school can be a bit tricky! But with a few simple steps, you can stay organized and make each day easier.
Start by using a planner. This can be a notebook or an app. Write down your class times, homework, and activities each day. Make it fun by using different colors or stickers to help you see what’s important.
Using a planner will also help you set a routine. Make it a priority to wake up, eat, and study at the same time every day. Doing things the same way each day can make your life feel more organized and less stressful.
Keep your school supplies and homework in order by using folders or binders with labels. Then prepare and pack your backpack the night before. That way you won’t have to rush in the morning.
Communication with your teachers is crucial. Discuss any specific needs or accommodations that support your learning, whether it’s extra time on tests or seating arrangements. Building a good relationship with your teachers can make a big difference.
Use sticky notes or posters as reminders in your study area. Visual cues can help you stay on track and reinforce important information.
Joining a study group or finding a study buddy can make learning more fun. Collaborating with others allows you to share notes, discuss challenging topics, and support each other’s learning.
Finally, don’t forget to take care of yourself. Prioritize sleep, healthy meals, and regular breaks.
Life Hacks for Organizing Your Healthcare Needs
- Create a health binder
- Set medication reminder alarms
- Color-code your calendar (google makes this easy)
- Keep a health journal
- Track appointments with a calendar or app
- Use telehealth when appropriate
- Use your support team for help
- Create a list of questions before each appointment
- Use pill organizers
- Talk to your pharmacy about automating your medication refills
- Use mindfulness techniques when feeling stressed
- Join a support group
- Create and Keep a routine or schedule
- Use voice assistants for setting appointment reminders, creating questions lists, and keeping a health journal.
Back to School Tips for 2024 Video