Pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. - James 5:16

First Presbyterian Prayer Chain

June 4, 2024

Dear Church Family,

Please be praying for the following members as they heal and recover and as joyful milestones occur:

Please be praying for Wallace McClure as his health is declining and he is growing weak. He misses his church family dearly.

Bob Goebel is recovering from surgery and is on the mend. Connie Steele and Bob will no longer be attending worship because of mobility issues, so please pray for them as they worship from home.  They continue to be active around town and seeing friends.

Angie Iddin’s sister is undergoing aggressive treatment for Leukemia and has been hospitalized for a month. Please pray for healing and comfort, especially because she cannot receive visitors at this time.

We grieve with Amye Cole and her family at the death of her brother, Kirk Cole. Pray for her parents, Dan and Bonnie Cole, and their children as they mourn his loss.

Please also continuing praying for Marylyn Bullock who has a sprained wrist, and for Jenny Eversole and Pat Chambers as they heal from surgeries.

We rejoice with Pastor Meredith Loftis at the impending adoption and baptism of her son Grayson this Friday and Sunday! Celebrate with their family following the 11:00 service with cookie cake and bubbles on the Turnip Patch deck!

We celebrate with the Payne and Mayer families at the marriage of Alex and Lauren Payne this past Saturday! Alex is the son of Charles and Melanie Payne, brother to Ethan Payne, and grandson of Lanny and Ann Payne and Ron and Jean Mayer. Congratulate these families on the happy news!

This Saturday we also celebrate the marriage of Claudia Bible and Matthew Tolson! Claudia is the daughter of Tim and Vicki Bible, and sister of Abby Bible. Make sure and congratulate the happy couple and family!

In Christ,

The Church Staff

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