“Thanksgiving is a time of

togetherness and gratitude.”

-Nigel Hamilton

Les invitamos a la Asamblea de Acción de Gracias y a conmemorar los 75 años del Colegio. Para fortalecer los lazos de Comunidad y rendir homenaje a nuestra institución, vistámonos con los colores Bolívar: Azul y Blanco.

You are invited to our Thanksgiving Assembly to celebrate Colegio Bolivar's 75th anniversary. Let's strengthen the bonds of our community and honor our school by wearing Bolivar colors: Blue and White.

Colegio Bolívar - Una Comunidad Educativa

Accredited by: the Colombian Ministry of Education & Cognia/AdvancED since 1961, a global nonprofit working in over 85 countries, serving 36,000 institutions, 25 million students, and five million educators every day.

PBX: (+572) 485 5050
