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Quarterly News


ACTE CareerTech VISION is almost here!

I hope everyone has had a good first quarter of the year. We need your help on a few things! 


If you are going to VISION, check out what we have set up for you! Make sure you scroll to the bottom for an exciting opportunity! 


If you haven’t registered yet for VISION, what are you waiting for? 


Do you know of awesome people doing amazing things? Innovative programs? Rising stars in our profession? We need to hear about them. We have made a simple nomination form for awards, and we want to give a lot of awards this year! 

We just need to know who/what is awesome, who you are, and a few sentences as to why. It would be great if the nominee were attending VISION, but they don’t have to … .


Outstanding Counseling and Career Development Professional 

For the nominee, please describe (in three to five sentences) the outstanding and significant contribution, advocacy in CTE, counseling and career development, and/or service to the ACTE organization. Please include a short narrative below. Self-nominations are encouraged. Nominees must be a division member. 


Submit a nomination 

Rising Star in Counseling and Career Development  

This award recognizes new counselors or career development professionals at the secondary level, new to the profession (nominee completed no more than three years at time of nomination) who have made significant contributions to CTE and the counseling profession demonstrating innovation and professional commitment early in their careers. Please include a short narrative below. Self-nominations are encouraged. 


Submit a nomination 


Friends of Counseling and Career Development  

This award recognizes business, industry, or community partners with demonstrated contribution to Counseling and Career Development of CTE programs, support of CTE programs, and/or students. Please include a short narrative (below). Self-nominations are encouraged. 


Submit a nomination 


Innovative Program in Counseling and Career Development  

This award recognizes individual or teams for innovative counseling and career development programs with significant contributions to student achievement and support. Examples include, but are not limited to, Bridging Equity Gaps, non-traditional populations, etc. Please include a short narrative and supporting data to showcase your innovative success story. Self-nominations are encouraged. The individual, or at least one member of the team, should be an ACTE member. 


Submit a nomination 

Board Member - Counseling and Career Development CCD

Teresa "Gibby" Gibbons

VP, ACTE's Counseling & Career Development Division

CCD Division News


CareerTech VISION & Upcoming Webinars


There's Still Time to Register for VISION!

With robust in-person and virtual options

Join career and technical educators for our largest conference of the year at ACTE’s CareerTech VISION, happening this Nov. 30–Dec. 3 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Or you can choose to attend virtually for an immersive professional development opportunity.


The 2022 event will offer in-person attendees:


  • Inspirational keynote presentations focused on cultivating your leadership and professional development
  • CareerTech Expo, the largest and latest collection of CTE products and services
  • 300+ concurrent sessions, covering timely topics in high-quality secondary and postsecondary CTE
  • Focused preconference workshops, tours and the ACTE Awards Gala on Nov. 30 (additional fees for workshops, tours and the Gala required)
  • Access to the virtual platform, including 55 on-demand sessions, for up tp 30 days post-event


Virtual attendees will receive:

  • Live-streamed opening and closing General Sessions, featuring keynote speakers and CTE leaders on our mainstage
  • Access to 55 live-streamed concurrent sessions, covering high-quality secondary and postsecondary CTE
  • All-new Expo robots giving virtual attendees the opportunity to visit booths remotely
  • Access to the virtual platform, including 55 on-demand sessions, for up to 30 days post-event
Learn more and register
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Upcoming Webinars

We are excited to host several upcoming free webinars on a wide range of topics:


  • Curriculum Development & Design in Career & Technical Education, Oct. 27, 1:00 p.m. ET
  • Careers in Construction: Learning from Young Craft Professionals, Nov. 3, 3:00 p.m. ET
  • NextLevel Fellowship Program Info Session with Fellows, Nov. 10, 1:00 p.m. ET


Learn more and sign up to attend

Member Reminders

Election Vote ACTE

Renew Your Membership by Nov. 2 to Vote!

The 2023 ACTE board of directors’ election will be held this Dec. 2–Jan. 2! Please note these key dates:


  • Be sure your membership is current by Nov 2 to vote — renew now!
  • Voting will open during CareerTech VISION on Dec. 2 and run through Jan. 2
  • Winners will be announced in January 2023

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Techniques Reader Survey

Tell us honestly, what do you think about Techniques? We're conducting a brief readership survey to make sure we continue developing content that CTE educators find meaningful and of value. (Submit by Dec. 3, and you'll be entered to win a $50 gift card.)

Take the Survey

Upcoming Deadlines to Apply for ACTE Leadership Programs


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