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June/July 2023

LGBTQ+ Pride Month, Gun Violence Awareness Month/

Disability Pride Month, Minority Mental Health Awareness Month

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Happy Juneteenth!

Juneteenth commemorates the day enslaved African Americans in Texas finally received news of their freedom on June 19th, 1865. While we celebrate this important milestone in Black history, we must also acknowledge that the fight for freedom and equality is far from over. Black people still face threats to their safety and well-being due to systemic racism and discrimination. Let's honor Juneteenth by continuing to work towards a future where everyone can live free of fear and oppression.

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all the dads and father figures out there! Today, we celebrate and honor the hard work, dedication, and love that you have put into raising and supporting your families. Whether you are a biological father, stepfather, grandfather, or any other father figure, your impact and influence on the lives of your children and loved ones are immeasurable. Thank you for all that you do, and may you feel appreciated and loved on your special day.

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Happy LGBTQ+ PRIDE 2023

As we celebrate Pride Month, we want to take a moment to honor and recognize the incredible diversity and beauty of the LGBTQIAA+ community. The letters stand for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, and Allies.

It's important to acknowledge and celebrate the many identities and experiences within this community. We must also acknowledge the ongoing struggles faced by members of this community, particularly Black trans people who continue to be under siege. We stand with them in their fight for safety and recognition, and for all the rights and privileges that everyone else has.

Let's all work together to create a world where everyone is accepted and celebrated for who they are, where everyone can live safely and freely, and where love and inclusion are at the forefront. Happy Pride Month!

Pop-up Village - July 8, 2023 - San Francisco

Welcoming families, pregnant people, and all interested in celebrating community, engaging in self-care, getting valuable resources and services, and much more.

Pop-up Village Info
Victoria Keeton Ribka Tessera Serwaa Omowale

Congrats, PTBi Fellowship Graduates!

Victoria Keeton, Ribka Tessera, and Serwaa Omowale (left to right) recently graduated from the PTBi fellowship program after two years. We had a lovely celebration to confer their certificates of completion and celebrate their accomplishments.

In the coming newsletters, we'll share profiles of the current and former fellows and highlight their research and what they are doing now.

Get the June Voices Zoom Background

Spruce up your Zoom game with the June Voices for Birth Justice background featuring son, father, and Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission’s director of local conservations corps, Shawn Riggins.

Download Backgrounds Here

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