Spring 2024
Summer is on its way and the PIA is gearing up for another family fun season with both kids’ events and adult events. 
Many thanks to everyone who gave their time and funds towards the resurfaced basketball/pickleball court along with the fencing. We will be purchasing two new backboards with hoops to complete the upgrade. We would like to publicly thank Dan and Stephanie Jenness with their kids’ help for spearheading this major project.

As always, the basketball courts are available for everyone’s enjoyment! The courts are open until 10:00pm. Please be respectful to the neighbors by being mindful of the noise and picking up any trash. If you haven’t tried pickleball yet feel free to try the PIA court!

Also, the land north of the court is our new parking area. Please use it when attending a PIA event. Vehicles must be completely off Governor Paine Road so the PIVFD emergency vehicles may pass. Thank you in advance.

Remember our Annual Membership Meeting is June 22 @ 9:00am.

Positions up for election:
  • President 
  • Secretary
  • Two Executive Committee Member positions   

Cement work

The PIA board has approved two separate cement repair jobs:
  • The walkway from Narragansett Ave down to the post office
  • Repair the existing apron around the PIA building

After numerous calls to many contractors, we have not been able to get any interest in doing either of the jobs. We are asking you, our members, for help. If you have any contacts, leads etc., please share them with us. 
The PIA Members Cruise

The PIA Members Cruise to Fort Adams, Newport, RI (weather permitting)

August 3rd. Tickets go on sale July 1st.

See Linda Mosher or go online to Prudenceimprovement.org
BINGO & Queen of Hearts

BINGO & Queen of Hearts Start Friday, June 7 @ 8pm
Weekly Friday Night BINGO

The table layout will remain the same as last year. We ask that the only tables that get pulled together are the ones against the east and west walls so the BINGO workers can easily move around the room.

To maximize the number of people allowed to play BINGO we will be allowing only those actively playing BINGO to be in the hall. No non-playing adults and no children will be allowed indoors during BINGO. All players must be PIA members.

We will be playing the popular Queen of Hearts game again this year! Tickets can be purchased at their own table in the southwest corner of the hall. Doors open at 6:30pm for packet sales and calling starts at 8pm. Feel free to come early to get your packet and save your seat by placing your packet on the table.

You do not have to stay until calling if you write your name on the back of your packet and leave it at your spot. Just make sure to be back before the calling starts! 

Friday night dinners during adult BINGO are a great fundraiser for the PYO activities! If you like to cook and would like to prepare a Friday night dinner for the BINGO night, we would really appreciate your culinary expertise!!! We are looking for kitchen help from 6:30pm to 9:00pm on Friday nights to make about 30 simple dinners. The PYO pays for all the ingredients. 100% of the profits go toward the PYO activities. There are a total of 15 Friday night meals. We welcome any help we can get. Please contact Pat at PYO1018@gmail.com or 474-5948 for more information. Maybe you can help once a month, once a season or every Friday. We are very flexible. We need your help to keep these programs going. If cooking isn’t your thing feel free to support us by purchasing a dinner!!

Here are a few things we served last year:  
Clam Chowder and Stuffies
Lasagna and Salad
Italian Grinder and Chips
Jambalaya, Roll and Watermelon
We also serve pizza, hamburgers, hotdogs and more.

Dinners are warmed up at the hall and served from 7pm to 8:30pm or until gone. We ask that you do not serve anything with nuts so we don’t accidentally expose anyone to them. Cost is $10.00 per meal.

Help keep these activities going! Thank you!
Chowder & Stuffies Cook-Off July 13th
We are pleased to announce the Chowder & Stuffies Cook-Off July 13th at 5pm

Thanks to your fellow islanders who signed up last year and committed to do this event in 2024. However, there’s always room for more entries. Entry is easy. Just let us know you’re interested in entering by emailing PIA.Hall.Event@gmail.com or see Melanie Curley. Please enter early so we have enough supplies etc. We look forward to seeing our returning cooks along with some new ones. The more the merrier! There will also be the penny social table along with the liquor basket raffles.

Chowder should be made in a large stock pot (5 gal) and stuffie recipes prepared in a PIA-provided turkey roasting pan. Servings will be scooped, making preparation a breeze. We will provide tasting cups, spoons, scoops and ladles.
We need contestants to make this day a success. So, dig out those family recipes and go for a year of bragging rights. It's a fun afternoon for all. There will be a kid's table, prizes, raffles and more. We look forward to seeing everyone there.

We are also looking for donations for the liquor basket raffle. If you would like to donate a liquor bottle, any one of the board members would be happy to accept. Or, you can drop your donation at the PIA hall or at the home of Melanie and Gene at 0796 Narragansett Ave.
Snack Shack will serve hamburgers and hotdogs from 5:00pm - 7:00pm

$10.00 tastes all entries - Tasting starts at 5:00pm until all samples are gone. 

Drawings: Penny social raffle, Liquor basket & 50/50. Drawing starts at 6:30pm.

Donations can be dropped off with any board member or at the PIA during BINGO or Tuesday & Wednesday night events.
PYO / Prudence Youth Organization
News from the Prudence Youth Organization (PYO)
The PYO is a fun group for kids turning 10 years old in the calendar year until the age of 18 years old. The PYO members are pretty busy during the summer months assisting with the weekly kids’ BINGO nights and movie nights. They learn to work at the Snack Shack collecting money, making change, etc. They meet new friends and go on fun trips.

Here is a glimpse of some of the activities from last year:

  • The summer field trip was a roller-skating trip to United Skates of America! The kids had a great time either learning to skate or helping their friends learn to skate. What a great team building experience!!!
  • The annual youth basketball tournament was held in August! The kids had a great time either playing in the games or supporting their friends playing.
  • We had a tie dye party. The kids were so creative in designing their own t-shirts!
  • The teens requested a few teen activities such as Manhunt and paintball tag.
  • The winter trip was a trip to Mt. Cranmore. We started the trip with tubing on Friday night and then skiing on Saturday. Some kids learned to ski for the first time while others challenged their skiing skills. Everyone had a great time!!
Here is a look at what is in store for this summer from June 25–August 28: 
  • Kid’s BINGO nights every Tuesday featuring homemade ice cream sundaes from the Snack Shack! The hall will be open from 7pm - 9:30pm.
  • Kid’s movie night every Wednesday showing a PG or PG-13 movie with popcorn or your choice of candy and drinks to purchase from the Snack Shack! Please remember that children under the age of 10 must be accompanied by an adult and kids under 12 must leave the hall at 8:30pm or at the end of the 1st movie unless accompanied by an adult. Teen Night starts at 8:30pm and ends at 10:00pm for ages 12-17. There may be a PG-13 movie or an activity for the older kids such as dodgeball, scavenger hunt or basketball. Check the website for movie titles and Teen Night activities. www.prudenceimprovement.org
  • The Annual Basketball tournament in August!
  • A summer trip based on the kids’ interests.
  • Summer Prudence Island activities are based on the kids’ ideas.
If this sounds fun to you, join us!! We are always looking for new members. Feel free to stop by the PIA during Movie Night and or Kid’s BINGO night to check us out or feel free to email us at pyo1018@gmail.com.
How do we support these fun activities?

  • The Annual Treasure Craft Fair. This is a fun fundraiser for the PYO activities. If you are an artist and are looking to sell your craft at the fair, the donation is $25 per table for non-PIA members and $20 for PIA members.
  • If you want to support the PYO and you are not an artist don’t worry. We have an option for you: Feel free to donate a special island treasure to the PYO table. The PYO members will sell the items at their table!
  • The Snack Shack is not only a great learning experience for our PYO members, but it is also a fundraiser for our activities. Come support the Snack Shack on Tuesday nights to make your own sundae or Wednesday nights for candy and popcorn!

We look forward to seeing you this summer!!!!

We are hoping to kick off the summer by participating in the 4th of July Parade!! We will create a float of pirates up to no good with the traditional Prudence Island Parade water and candy throwing!
PIA Financials

Memberships are available online at www.prudenceimprovement.org.

$25 Family Membership - 2 adults and children under 18 years of age.

$15 Individual Membership - 18 years old and older.

Payments may be made online here or your check may be mailed to:

Prudence Improvement Association
PO Box 111
Prudence Island, RI 20892

Membership cards are available for pick-up at PIA events.

Thank you from the PIA Board and our members.

President - Pat Rossi
Vice President - Melanie Curley
Treasurer - Linda Mosher
Secretary - Jayne West
Executive Committee Members: Kristen Koopman and Stephanie Jenness
Prudence Improvement Association | PIA.Board@gmail.com