April 29: Join in on a Citywide Volunteer Extravaganza
Save the DATE!
Plans are underway for a historic citywide day of volunteering called 1DayHouston on April 29. Mission Centers of Houston will host volunteers for special projects, as will many churches and organizations, to collectively demonstrate God's love in action. The day will culminate in a free concert at the Toyota Center. Check out the current/future details HERE.
Pantry Power: Food Ministry Meets Many Needs
In 2022, over 37,000 people received groceries and meals through our two food pantries. Even beyond the pantry ministries, it might surprise you how many events involve food for all age groups at Joy and Gano as well as the homebound on a weekly basis. "With food prices hit by rising inflation this year," shares Executive Director Jeff Chadwick, "our food pantries are absolutely essential for our inner city communities. We know it is so important to meet physical needs like hunger and clothing, before we can share Christ as the bread of life in a spiritual sense." Another amazing fact: About 20-30 volunteers and six staff members invest more than 200 hours a week making this ministry run smoothly by stocking, sorting and assisting families as they shop. "Thousands of local residents thank you for donating to this outreach, and Mission Centers of Houston appreciates our pantry partners including Second Servings, Frito Lay, Texas Baptists, Panera, Starbucks, and the Houston Food Bank folks that provide food for the homeless."
You Are in for a Surprise on February 17
Yes there will be mouth watering brisket, live music and fabulous fellowship on February 17 at the annual Barbecue, Boots & Boogie -- but this year there might be something EXTRA that you don't want to miss. We are nearing capacity, so get your tickets soon to hear
Some of our newest silent auction items include a Texas-shaped granite cutting board, a family camping package, Kendra Scott jewelry, games, home and garden items and so much more. Raffles and an array of special contests (plus dancing) will make this a night to remember.
Call us (713-227-0304) to donate an item, vacation rental or service for our silent auction. Use this link to buy tickets or sponsor a table.
Of "COURSE" you will also want to join us on May 8
Practice your swings and call your buddies to join your winning team at this year's Golf Classic, Monday May 8! It will be twice as fun as expand to two courses!
Volunteer spotlight: Jonathan and Desiree Granado
The Granados have a special place in their heart -- and special items in their car -- for the homebound residents near the Gano Mission Center. In their early 20s, they carve out time twice a month to bring groceries and meals to about 20 folks who rarely leave their homes. "I have wanted to do missions for a few years," shares Deseree,"and when I read about the vision of Gano I knew I wanted to serve others right here in Houston." Jonathan truly enjoys meeting people and having long conversations, particularly with those who have very few people to share their lives with. "We are beyond blessed to have the role of homebound meal delivery for 2023 and hope we will be here for many years," adds Deseree. "We can't wait to see how God works through us!" Jonathan, a manager at a local ChickFilA, also plans to provide Gano with food on occasion.
Attention College age students! The Joy Mission Center invites you to be in ministry with other young folks on Wednesdays. Show up and be blessed!
Shout out to these loyal ladies from New Day Baptist! For the last 20 years, yes 20, Thelma, Dolores and Pat have helped make goodie bags for the homeless, kids club and senior adults.
God has blessed MCH with this Compassion Center warehouse and an array of donations. Volunteers are needed in March to organize items and donations in a way that can be retrieved on demand to serve others through our partner churches.
Homeless Enjoy Lunch and Bingo Fun
The Gano Mission Center is a great place to be on a cold January Monday. Dozens of homeless guests found a warm meal, coffee, and a fun bonus; most stayed for a few games of Bingo! "Everyone had fun and everyone got to choose a prize from the winner table," reports Pastor Juan."
Thank you for your support and encouragement as we continue to meet the physical and spiritual needs of people living in Houston's inner city with the love, mercy and grace of Jesus Christ.