Fairfax Recreation

June | 2024

Happy June in Fairfax!

The days are getting longer, and the sunshine is getting brighter, school is almost out, and dreamy beach days are upon us! We have lots of fun classes, programs and events happening right here in your own backyard. Join us for our favorite season of the year!

Summer Camps

We have waived our early bird pricing, and we still have spots open in nearly all our camps.

We like to imagine that it's the good 'ol days and kids are riding bikes to each other's houses and selling lemonade on the corner. We are lucky that this still happens in our sweet little town. But we also know that parents don't always get to spend the school breaks at home, so we started Camp Fairfax and over the years our camps have evolved to offer more of a variety, such as, Spanish Camp, Art and Nature for Kindergarteners, Sport Camps and more. Kids get to stay in town and take part in their community and have tons of fun!

Still looking for the right fit? Support your local community and join us! Scholarships available.

  • Tennis Camp – new dates and times!
  • Soccer Camp
  • Basketball Camps *filling up fast
  • Art and Nature *waitlist
  • Spanish Camp
Sign up for Summer Camp

College Essay Writing

Help your child prepare for college with a new college essay writing course happening in July with our seasoned, gifted and talented teacher, Caitlin Mohan!

Sign up for College Essay Writing

Ongoing Offerings

We will be offering our ongoing classes throughout the summer including:

  • New Parents, Babies and Toddler Group – check with Ali on various location spots throughout the summer months
  • Family Fun Days
  • Chi Gong
  • Age Friendly Yoga with Kelly Lynch
  • Adult Basketball on Mondays
  • June Boot Camp with Ballfax
  • Monthly Fairfax Photo Club

NEW summer session added for our toddlers out there-- Pop up Music with Dani on the Green Stage!

Learn more and register online

Community Arts Opportunity - Calling our creative volunteers!

Mosaic Project in the Parkade

Mosaic Project in the Parkade, spearheaded by our Artist in Residence Sharon Virtue. This project is to help beautify the Public Art in the Parkade section of our town. Sharon will be working with 10 -15 volunteers to create and install intricate mosaics to bring this art mural project alive. She is leading a small scale 3-day community implementation timeline:

  • June 1 – breaking, cutting and sorting tiles into boxes
  • June 14 and 15 – onsite installation process begins around the base of the parkade which is currently a plain concrete step.

Please contact Sharon Virtue directly if you’d like to be involved at

We would like to thank the estate of David MacDonald for funding this project.

Email Sharon Virtue

Mark your calendars

Fairfax Festival June 8 and 9

Event date: June 7, 8, and 9  

Where: Downtown Fairfax 

Join us for the 45th annual Fairfax Festival and Ecofest, a beloved community tradition celebrating music, art, and eco-friendly living! As one of the premier music festivals in the region, our event draws thousands to downtown Fairfax each year.

But what truly sets us apart? The Fairfax Festival is more than just a party – it's a labor of love organized by volunteers. It is a net-zero, financially independent, not-for-profit, FREE event. While the Town of Fairfax serves as a gracious conduit for the event, we don't profit from it. Instead, we partner with local non-profits and groups to raise money for charity, giving back to the community that supports us.

From delicious food and beverages to organic wine and artisan vendors, there's something for everyone to enjoy. With three music stages, a flea market, Ecofest activities, and fun for children of all ages on the ballfield, the Fairfax Festival is an experience like no other.

Mark your calendars for Friday, June 7th, when we kick off with a family movie night with WIZARD OF OZ, followed by a lively parade on Saturday, June 8th at 10 am. Don't miss out on this free, family-friendly celebration – see you there! Learn more at

Learn more about the Fairfax Festival

Summer Concerts

When: June 2, July 28, and August 3

Where: Peri Park

Curated by our Artist in Residence, Susan Pascal Beran, we are offering a summer concert music series, mark your calendars for the following dates and enjoy music under the redwoods in our charming little town.

  • June 2, 2:00-3:30pm - Lyndsey Everly, youth piano & song recital
  • July 28, 2-4pm - Gary Muszynski & friends
  • August 3, 4-5pm - Mads Tolling concert

Summer Play - Fairfax Theater Company

Event date: August 30 - September 15 | Every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday

Where: Fairfax Pavilion

Presents a hilarious, life-affirming comedy for all ages. REMEMBER WHEN!

Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, August 30 – September 15 at the Fairfax Pavilion.

Age Friendly Fairfax

Age Friendly Newsletter

Read the June Age Friendly newsletter here.

Ross Valley Senior Luncheon 

The Ross Valley Senior Luncheon will be held on Thursday July 11 from 11am – 2pm because July 4 is a holiday. The meeting will be a BBQ hosted by San Anselmo and a fun Team Trivia game after lunch (one of our favorite meeting topics). Be sure to join us for this lovely monthly gathering at the Women’s Club – 46 Park Road.

Age Friendly Yoga

Are you 55 years and/or older in Fairfax? Don’t miss out on our free high quality Age Friendly Yoga classes with Kelly Lynch offered several times a week! We ask for suggested donations to help offset these incredible classes.

View more Age Friendly activities
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