SEAL Analytical Monthly Newsletter -

November 2022

SEAL Analytical - Adopt a River

SEAL Analytical is committed to providing world-class environmental analysis instrumentation, but sometimes we need to get out into the environment ourselves!

Our team removed 600 trash items, large and small, from 2.5 km of local waterways and tributaries to the Milwaukee River on our semi-annual Adopt-A-River clean-up.

Adopt-A-River is a program of Milwaukee Riverkeeper, a science-based advocacy organization working for swimmable, fishable rivers throughout the Milwaukee River Basin. Their programs have removed over 110,000 pounds of trash from Milwaukee area rivers this year alone! Learn more about their program here.

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Upcoming Events

American Council of Independent Laboratories (ACIL)

November 8 - 10, 2022

Indianapolis, IN, USA


Annual Meeting

November 6 - 9, 2022

Baltimore, MD, USA

Discrete Analyzer Webinar Series

Part 1 - Hardware Troubleshooting

November 30, 2022 - 10:00 am CST

December 8, 2022 - 2:00 pm CST

Register here

Forum on Environmental Accreditation

January 9 - 12, 2022

San Antonio, TX, USA

For more information on any of these conferences and more, check out our Events page.


If running Ammonia or TKN chemistry on either a discrete or segmented flow analyzer, the age of your chlorine source (bleach or DCI) is vital. To help increase the longevity of the stock chemical, store in the refrigerator.

SEAL Book Club!

The book for September is The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto by Mitch Albom.

If you have any recommendations for books, please send us an email.

Donna Nook: First baby seals of the pupping season seen on Lincolnshire coast

Source: BBC News

Baby grey seals are back on the Lincolnshire coast as pupping season returns.

The pups were born at Donna Nook National Nature Reserve which regularly witnesses the birth of baby seals from late October to December.

Many stayed close to their mothers as visitors went to get a glimpse, with one appearing to be cradled by its parent.

People are regularly asked to give the animals space to protect them.

Full article 

SOFTWARE FEATURE: Multiple Locations for a Single Reagent

on AQ Software

For large amounts of samples, the reagent wedge volume (40 mL) may not be enough to hold the requisite amount of reagent for the samples. 

However, the SEAL AQ software allows for multiple locations to be added for the same reagent. This means that there is the possibility to have 2 or even 3 wedge locations dedicated to one reagent. 

The software will move to the second wedge after it has used the reagent in the first wedge.

In the software, navigate to Maintenance and Setup tab and then select Reagent Sets. On the reagent set tab that is used, go to the reagent position to be added. Then select the reagent name from the dropdown list. This will now use both positions for the same reagent.

Please click here to get instructions to do this. Contact SEAL Tech Support for more information or questions about this process.

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