Volume 11 | Issue 2
Green Schools Challenge
And the winners are...

Dream in Green invited schools, teachers, administrators, students, sponsors and guests to join us for a very special evening celebrating DIG. We all gathered at the Overtown Performing Arts Center to recognize participants of this year’s Green Schools Challenge.

Enrollment is now open for the 2023-2024 Green Schools Challenge!

Enroll your K-12 school to get access to
  • environmental education curriculum
  • lessons aligned with Florida St standards
  • professional development for teachers
  • access to mini-grants for green projects
  • year round staff support
Teacher Opportunities
Are you looking for a professional learning experience to rejuvenate you? We are looking forward to co-leading the Summer Institute for Climate Change Education with @climategenorg July 17–19 –– a virtual conference full of powerful and engaging keynote speakers, meaningful discussion about the intersection of social justice and climate change, and collaborative conversations between a national network of climate change education leaders.

$250 Registration. Scholarships available. Register here.
Volunteer and Job Opportunities
WE-LAB Program Vista

Dream in Green is seeking a highly motivated individual to oversee our WE-LAB program which is designed to engage, educate, and empower low to moderate-income and frontline communities to better understand environmental and public health issues. The WE-LAB Program VISTA would enhance the program delivery model, create an infrastructure of long-term community partners, and develop a volunteer recruitment program to perform outreach.
MUVE Summer High School Volunteer Program

Volunteers will learn about the local wildlife, restoration techniques, native and invasive species, and contribute to citizen science using iNaturalist. We will meet at Virginia Key on Friday mornings from 9:00am – 11:00am from July 7th – August 11th. This program is designed for high school students. We will admit a maximum of 10 student volunteers to the program, and award 20 community service hours to those who commit to a minimum of 5 sessions.
In the Community
Hurricane Season is here, are you ready?

The season runs until November 30th but don't wait to prepare. Make sure to purchase your hurricane items now, prepare your home, know your storm surge planning zone, and plan your evacuation route. For more information visit Miami-Dade County's Hurricane Guide.
Thanking Our Sponsors
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