Friday Newsletter

February 3, 2023

This Sunday

Bulletin available here. Children's bulletins available here.

Communion Service: 10 AM

No Sunday School

Nursery care available

No Youth Groups

Budget Info 2.0 POSTPONED

Listening Sessions Continue in Boulder Hall after the service during coffee hour.


  • Oregon Interfaith Earth Summit 2023: TODAY, February 5, 1:30-5:30. Register at the door or at Join other people of faith in your region who care about the environment and climate justice for this hybrid event: “Care for Our Common Home: Building Neighborhoods for Climate Resilience.” Salemites will meet at First United Methodist Church's Micah Building downtown. Snacks and beverages will be provided. However, parking is limited to the street, so consider carpooling. Doors open at 1 pm. If you only want to attend online, choose "unsure" for your local hub when registering.

  • The Salem Public Library’s annual Salem Reads month begins in February. The book for this year is Born a Crime by Trevor Noah, who grew up as a bi-racial child in South Africa during apartheid, when it was illegal to have such a heritage. There are a number of events and discussions scheduled by the library. You don’t have to read the book to take part in any of these events, but the Mission Peace Eco-Justice committee highly recommends it to you. You can pick up more information in the narthex, or read it here.

  • Missed the Legacy Giving Seminar last Sunday? You can watch it here.

Save the Date

  • February 19, 11:15 am: Budget Information 2.0 led by budget & finance, personnel, and stewardship committees. (Rescheduled.)

  • February 19, 6 pm: Labyrinth Learning event

  • February 22: Ash Wednesday

  • February 26, 11:00 am: Annual Meeting

  • March 11, 1 pm: Marie Glascock Memorial Service at Westminster

  • March 13, 1-6 pm: Red Cross Blood Drive at Westminster


  • You now have access to Pastor Kelly's sermons in written form to enjoy and share with friends. Visit Kelly's Corner here.

  • Children's bulletins at two separate age levels are now available every Sunday in the narthex (or grab this week's here). Each week's bulletin contains a code that unlocks secure online games and activities that reinforce the week's message.

  • If you have participated in a child protection training, but NOT turned in an application, please get it to Vik before the end of February so she can get you cleared and ready to help!

  • Deadline for placing info in the Friday Newsletter is every Thursday at 9 am!

Pray for

  • Peggy Hershey as she undergoes cancer surgery in the coming week.

  • Betsy Romeo's mother, Jo Brubaker, has gone on hospice care. Prayers for Jo and the Romeo family.


  • Per capita for members this year is $45.60. Questions? Contact the church office or a member of Stewardship or Budget & Finance committees. Thanks!

Westminster Presbyterian Church


3737 Liberty Rd. S 

Salem, OR 97302

PHONE: 503-364-3327

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