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CONNECTIONS: May 29, 2024

Congratulations to all our graduates and scholarship recipients!

Graduating high school recipients: Camille Grant, Lily Mathews, Aleksa Bamaca Diaz and Kimberly Lopez. Current college students: Ashley Lopez, Emelin Perez and Ana Bamaca.

Greetings, Church!

As the days grow longer and the sun shines brighter, CCSM gears up for another vibrant summer season! This issue of Connections has information about our Annual Church Picnic on June 9 (grill masters still needed), June Second Hours (a Sunday school like "second" hour after coffee hour), CCSM's Summer Kids program (kicks off this Sunday), and information about the San Mateo PRIDE Celebration on Saturday, June 8 (volunteers needed).

This Sunday in worship we'll share in communion and focus on "Sabbath" as a form of resistance. You can check out this week's scriptures in advance from Deuteronomy 5:12-15 and Mark 2:23-3:5. If you are interested in helping lead worship this summer by reading scripture, leading our Call to Worship, or serving communion please let me know!

In the midst of graduations and celebrations and summer vacations, I know our hearts are breaking as we continue to watch the violence unfold in Gaza. We grieve the victims of October 7, we grieve the tens of thousands of innocents in Gaza caught with nowhere to go, we grieve the thousands of lives lost as we witness months of violence and injustice and our hearts break.

And while I know God is where I can only be in prayer, often times the only words I find myself able to pray are "may peace prevail on Earth" as I know God's heart breaks alongside mine. At the bottom of this email there is an opportunity for you to join others in prayer, to make a gift to support humanitarian aid, and to call for a ceasefire. May we do what we can, with what power we have.

With hope and gratitude,


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Did you miss worship?


CLICK HERE for Rev. Álvaro Durán's Trinity Sunday sermon


It's time for the annual CCSM PicnicKick off your summer by joining the CCSM picnic in San Mateo’s Central Park. CCSM will supply the hamburgers, veggie burgers, hot dogs, chips and drinks; you supply the side dishes as noted below:

A-I: Dessert

J-R: Salad/fruit/veggies

S-Z: Side dishes (e.g. beans, rice, pasta)

See details on the flyer in both English and Spanish (click HERE) and available in Kloss Hall during coffee hours. 

Please RSVP to Sandy McNabb so we have enough burgers and hot dogs for all.


Saturday, June 8, 11am - 5pm • Parade on B Street 10:30am

CCSM is proud to participate in San Mateo County's 12th Annual Pride Celebration at San Mateo Central Park from 11am-5pm.There will be live entertainment, live DJ, resource and vendor booths, family friendly activities and more!

Also, the 2nd Annual Pride Parade starts at 2nd and B Streets at 10:30am and will end at Central Park.

We are joining other UCC churches to have a table at the celebration and we need your help to be present at the table as a loving, welcoming, CCSM presence AND we'd love to have as many people as possible walk in the parade.

Click the green button to learn more and sign up to serve!

Click Here to Serve at Pride


Wednesday, May 29

  • 7:15 - 8:45 PM — Bilingual Worship & Potluck, Kloss Hall
  • 7:00 - 8:30 PM — Chancel Choir Rehearsal, Sanctuary

Thursday, May 30

  • 10:15 - 11:30 AM — Women’s Coffee Group, Food Court, Hillsdale Mall (contact
  • 7:00 - 8:30 PM — Carillon Bells Rehearsal, Choir Room

Saturday, June 1

  • 8:30 - 10:30 AM — CC Riders Weekly Bike Ride (contact Peter Held for more info)
  • 10:30 AM — Coffee with CC Riders, Village Hub in Woodside (3154 Woodside Road)

Sunday, June 2

  • 9:30 AM — Joyful Noise Kids' Choir, Community Room
  • 10:30 - 11:30 AM — Worship Service in person and online
  • 10:30 - 11:30 AM — Youth and Children's Programs
  • 11:45 AM — Second Hour: Samaritan House, Buckham Room

Tuesday, June 4

  • 10:00 - 11:30 AM — Men’s Coffee Group, Food Court, Hillsdale Mall (contact Peter Held,


The Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence

In recognition of Gun Safety Awareness, please wear something orange on June 2 in honor of gun safety and of the victims of gun violence.

On July 1, 1993 a gunman entered a San Francisco law office and shot fourteen people, killing eight. This unspeakable tragedy devastated the community. It also inspired a movement to save lives by changing policies and challenging injustice. 

Since that day, for thirty years now the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence has fought for justice and legislative reform, engaging the nation’s leading legal experts to craft and advocate for effective gun safety laws and resourcing the entire gun safety movement. 

They uplift community violence intervention programs, partner with survivors, and defend lifesaving gun laws, holding the gun industry accountable in the courts.   

JUNE 2 SECOND HOUR: Samaritan House

Join us for a special Second Hour Presentation to learn more about a potential new ministry partnership with Samaritan House. This presentation will be led by Board Member, Dave Goulden, along with Samaritan House Senior Director, La Trice Taylor.

This is a great opportunity to learn more about the potential impact of this partnership, how you can get involved, and to share your thoughts and opinions.

CLICK HERE to learn more about this opportunity and join us this Sunday at 12pm in the Buckham Room.


CYF now has its own Google calendar... click HERE!

Sunday, June 2 - CCSM Summer Kids' Program Begins! Starting this Sunday (and continuing all summer long), kids of all ages will gather with Elaine and Lily in the Memorial Garden for activities and stories related to spirituality, care for the Earth, and community service. Youth "camp counselor" volunteers are welcome - this is a fun way to earn volunteer hours for school (no need to commit to being there every week!).

Most Sundays! 9:45am - Joyful Noise Kids’ Music Program led by Julie Berk. Come learn special songs, play instruments, and share periodically during the Sunday church service. Youth assistance is welcome!

June 23- 60 Minutes. Join us for a special 60 minutes where our youth will create a new ministry video for our partners at Peninsula Precious Plastics!

July 2024 - UCC Camp Tamarack Sessions. Please mark your calendar! Senior High: July 14-20, Junior High: July 21-27, Junior (4th-6th grade): July 28-August 3

July 26-28, 2024 - Possible youth cabin weekend at Mike and Lee Mullery's place in the mountains. Spend the weekend connecting with Spirit in nature and deepening friendships. 


We've got a lineup of interesting and fun "Second Hours" scheduled for June. Please join us each Sunday in June after church at 11:45ish in the Buckham Room (except for the Church Picnic on June 9th, in Central Park) for another hour of connection, conversation, and information.

Here's a quick glance at the month ahead:

June 2: Samaritan House- A potential new ministry partnership

June 9: Church Picnic, Central Park

June 16: Nuevos Caminos: The Next Leg of the Journey, Kloss Hall

June 23: Stop Human Trafficking San Mateo County

June 30: Why Pronouns Matter- presented by Adolescent Counseling Services


CORA (Community Overcoming Relationship Abuse) provides safety, support and healing for individuals who experience abuse in an intimate relationship and educates the community to break the cycle of domestic violence.

CCSM has supported CORA in the past with our plate offerings. MSJ would like to share information in THIS LINK with the congregation about asking our assembly people to protect funding for domestic violence services such as CORA.

Write letters or emails to editors of newspapers on climate change issues.



Weekly on Wednesdays  • 9:30-10:00am on Zoom

In light of the recent events in Gaza, Israel, and the occupied Palestinian territories, we are invited to join Churches for Middle East Peace, an ecumenical partner of the United Church of Christ's Global Ministries, to join others across the world in praying weekly for peace. Registration is free, but required to receive the Zoom Link. 


Make a Gift

You can also make a financial gift to help with humanitarian aid for people in Gaza, Palestine, and Israel through the United Church of Christ’s Wider Church Ministries HERE.

Call for a Ceasefire

 Send a pre-written message to your elected officials through UCC’s “Just Peace Church” program HERE calling for a ceasefire and encouraging Congress to take immediate action for de-escalation in Israel and Gaza, and support steps towards a lasting peace.



The "Blessing Box" outside of the entrance of CCSM is a project of the Ministry of Service and Justice, responding to the need for families in our neighborhood to access food and an expression of our call to be the "hands, feet, and face of God" in our community.

  • The container will be in the narthex to collect the following food items:
  • canned, dried and boxed
  • no fresh food please
  • donations must be full UNOPENED containers
  • no fruits, vegetables, or bread

  • We also collect individually wrapped plasticware!

Thank you for your continuing generosity!

CCSM Council of Ministries

Email to connect to any ministry!

Kay Harris, Council of Ministries Lead

Jim Schwandt, Building and Grounds

Kim Rey, Troy Grabow, Children, Youth and Families

Melodie Lew, Congregational Care

Sandy McNabb, Connect and Celebrate                       

Gary H. White, Environmental Justice

Alison Schwandt, Engagement/Communications 

Julien Phillips, Latino/a Ministry       

Pam Ridlehuber, Liturgical Arts

Sue Bell, Katie Bylander, Music        

Genel Morgan, Sharon Tobin, Service and Justice

Dave Olsen, Spiritual Life/Adult Ed.

Ivan Raikov, Stewardship

Email Kay Harris to get connected to a Ministry Lead anytime!

CCSM Committee Chairs

Chris Yeh, Endowment

Martha Bronitsky, Finance

Frank Garritano, Leadership and Governance

Chris Wuthmann, Pastoral Relations

Dave Goulden, Personnel

Phil Lind, Historian

Click HERE for CCSM's Governance Manual, and HERE for CCSM's Bylaws

Regular CCSM Office Hours:

9:00am - 4:00pm

Monday - Thursday

Scan this QR code or go to

to make a donation or pledge to CCSM.

Don't forget to ask your employer if they have a charitable donation matching program to make your pledge go farther.

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