To Hope and Act With Creation
Most of this summer, we have been treated to the glorious artistry of blossoming gardens, bright days by the ocean, and bold sunsets. We have been lucky in Maine to have cooler temperatures than most of America, but record temperatures caused 2300 deaths in the US in 2023, and this year will probably be higher.
But visible signs of climate change are present. Walking through the School House Pond Land Trust resembles a tree burial ground. Due to more intense storms that battered us with record winds and storm surges, the trails are altered by fallen trunks of great uprooted pine and oaks. The shallow and tenacious roots that clung to the Earth for decades could no longer grip the rocky Earth and now lie exposed like a dead beetle with feet up in the air. Historic landmarks like Three Trees at Ocean Point have disappeared into the waves of change.
| Climate change's impact is not only financially costly; it also affects us emotionally. Therapists are finding more people experiencing grief and anxiety, mainly because they are living through harsh weather events that threaten their homes and livelihoods. Experts at Yale University define climate grief as: |
[A] distress about climate change and its impacts on the landscape and human existence. It can manifest as intrusive thoughts or troubled feelings about the world's future. Also called "eco-anxiety," it can take the form of "eco-guilt," a sense of not doing enough personally, or even "eco-rage," an elevated anger that everybody else isn't doing enough to deal with looming threats.
As a spiritual person and church pastor, I believe it is vital to acknowledge the anxiety and be a source of hope for the future of our world. This year, our church is joining many Christians worldwide in celebrating prayer and action to protect our common home. "Seasons of Creation" is a special season, much like Easter time, where we celebrate Creation and acknowledge the divine continuing act that summons us as collaborators to love and care for the gift of all Creation and creatures. As followers of Christ from around the globe, we share a joint call to care for Creation. We are co-creators and part of all that God has made. Our well-being interweaves with the well-being of the Earth.
We rejoice in this opportunity to safeguard our common home and all who share it. This year, the theme for the season is "To Hope and Act with Creation." Amid the triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution, many are beginning to despair and suffer from eco-anxiety. As people of faith, we are called to lift the hope inspired by our faith, the hope of the resurrection. Together, we embody this hope in concrete actions of prayer and preaching, service and solidarity.
As our environment changes, so must we. This Season of Creation, we're called to move beyond worry and into action. We will offer daily ideas for reflection on our Facebook page, and in our Sunday Church Services at 10:00 AM each Sunday from September 8 through October 4.
Pastor Todd
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September Worship Schedule | |
Season of Creation: To Hope and Act with Creation
September 1 | Outdoor Worship & Picnic | Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost
"Every Good and Perfect Gift"
James 1:17-27
Song of Solomon 2:8-13
We will not serve communion but rather share in a meal together. Please bring your own chair(s), beverage(s), sandwich(s)/or food of your choice, a dessert or salad to share with others (please include serving utensils), and your own utensils, plates, etc. Worship cannot be streamed live from Barrett's Park, so a service from the archives will be shown on BRTV. The outdoor worship recording will be available at 4:00 p.m. on all viewing channels. In the event of inclement weather, worship will take place at the church, and a picnic will follow in Fellowship Hall. A decision will be made by 8:00 a.m. Sunday, and it will be posted on the church's Facebook page, and an email will be sent.
September 8 | Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Guest Minister the Rev. Eileen Sypher
"For the Love of Animals"
Genesis 1:24-31
John 10:1-5, 14-16
September 15 | Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost
"The Cross and Suffering in Creation – Learning from the Celtic Cross"
Mark 8:27-38
September 22 | Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost
"Welcoming the Tomato Snatching Chipmunk"
Mark 9:30-37
September 26 | Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost
"The Healers of Creation"
James 5:13-20
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Imagine Together
The Stewardship Committee has chosen the UCC’s “Imagine Together” theme for its 2025 Stewardship Campaign. We will mail you the Time and Talent cards the first week of September, followed by the 2025 Pledge cards in mid-October. As in past years, we will celebrate Stewardship Sunday on November 17, so stay tuned for more information in next month’s newsletter!
Imagine: God speaks to us through prophets of ages past and through visionaries and leaders today. God speaks in our hearts “with sighs too deep for human words” (Romans 8). And God speaks through spirited debate as we seek to discern the right thing to do. In all these ways, God stretches our imagination for what’s possible and what’s necessary.
Together: God calls us into community. We follow Jesus as siblings in faith. United with other believers, we form a Christian movement living the way of Jesus. Faith is not a solitary life but one that brings our hearts close to others. As a statement of faith from the United Church of Canada affirms, “we are not alone; we live in God’s world.”
The spiritual practice of generosity arises from imagining all that God calls us to do as a community. Our donations to our congregation make it possible to turn what we imagine into a reality. Through our annual commitments to our congregation, we imagine together all that we can do.
Lana Brandt, Stewardship Chair
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Thank You, Summer Singers - Welcome Back Choir!
In June, we sang a hymn titled " We Need Each Other's Voice to Sing." That need continues year-round. So, we say a huge thank you to the many singers who have graced us this summer for worship. Some have sung regularly every week, while some have been guests who have only been in our region for a short time. Our enthusiasm and energy get a shot of invigoration when we sing together and discover the talents of others. Thank you!
Although summer seems as though it is only beginning, it is time to mark our calendars for Thursday, September 5th, at 4:30 p.m. when our Vocal Choir will resume rehearsals for repertoire in the coming months of worship. Rehearsing together is a very important prerequisite to making good music together.
Guest singers are still welcome to join us both on Thursday evenings and Sundays at 9:00 a.m.
New singers are always welcome! Do you enjoy singing but lack confidence? Come sing with us for just a few weeks, and you'll be ready to almost sing solos. Do you worry that you can't make it every week? Don't worry - we know that people have lives, and we have a sign-out system.
Come try it out. If you need any info, call the church office.
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Rally Day!
Rally Day is almost here! Let's welcome back our Sunday School Families!
The first day of Sunday School, Rally Day, will be Sept. 8th at 10:00 a.m. We will start our morning upstairs with a children's message from Pastor Todd. Then, our PreK-6th grade students will come down to the Sunday School room with Ms. Magen and our Jr./Sr. High students will go to the Library with Graham.
If you have questions about our Sunday School and Jr./Sr. High Sunday School programs, please contact Magen at Registration information is below.
I look forward to seeing everyone on September 8th!
Ms. Magen
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Sunday School for PreK-6 Grade
We invite you to join us for Sunday School every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. from September to June! Our program is from the Spark Curriculum, specifically designed for children in grades PreK through 6. This year, we are excited to introduce a new curriculum, "Activate Faith," which connects Sunday School with the church year by incorporating readings from the Revised Common Lectionary.
Children will have a great time participating in hands-on learning activities, interactive games, and creative crafts. We are looking forward to welcoming you!
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JR & SR High Sunday School
We invite you to join us for our JR & SR High Sunday School program, designed for students in grades 7 through 12. Our classes are held every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. in the church library. The youth will be following the engaging Spark Curriculum. We look forward to having you with us for our second year!
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Bells Choir Rehearsal Resumes September 12
Welcome all bell ringers and bell ringer wannabes to the 11th season of the Congo Church Bell Choir! We have lots of wonderful music planned – some old favorites, some new pieces – and we’re eagerly looking forward to participating in worship again after our Summer break. If you haven’t rung with us before but would like to, please contact Jamie Knobloch or come to a rehearsal. Rehearsals are on Thursday afternoons from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. starting September 12. There will be no rehearsal on September 26.
See you soon!
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The Sin of Certainty?
Hybrid In-person/Zoom Book Group begins Wednesday, September 18 at 4:00 PM
Have you ever felt like you don’t have the certainty of faith that other Christians seem to embody? Author Peter Enns thinks certainty is not as helpful or important as you may think. In fact, sometimes certainty is pride, rigidity, or arrogance rather than a living, breathing faith that helps us to love more fully. Join us for this fascinating book by Peter Enns! We will meet in the church library, and you can join us on Zoom every Wednesday.
From Amazon:
With compelling and often humorous stories from his own life, Bible scholar Peter Enns offers a fresh look at how Christian life truly works, answering questions that cannot be addressed by the idealized traditional doctrine of "once for all delivered to the saints."
Enns offers a model of vibrant faith that views skepticism not as a loss of belief but as an opportunity to deepen religious conviction with courage and confidence. This is not just an intellectual conviction, he contends, but a more profound kind of knowing that only true faith can provide.
Combining Enns' reflections of his own spiritual journey with an examination of scripture, The Sin of Certainty models an acceptance of mystery and paradox that all believers can follow and why God prefers this path because it is the only way by which we can become mature disciples who truly trust God. It gives Christians who have known only the demand for certainty permission to view faith on their own flawed, uncertain, yet heartfelt terms.
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Monday Noon Bible Study begins September 16 (Hybrid in-person and online)
Join us every Monday at noon (except Monday holidays). We will meet in the library and via Zoom. In the beginning, we will examine the text for the coming Sunday. If there is enough interest, we will take 3-4 months and survey the whole Bible. Let me know if you are interested.
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Interested in Confirmation?
This year we are offering Confirmation for students in 8th grade and above who have not been confirmed. Please contact Pastor Todd if you are interested and we will set up a meeting for parents and confirmands once we know who is attending.
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Give Light: Spiritual Support for Climate Engagement
Date: Saturday, September 28
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Location: Second Congregational Church, 51 Main St., Newcastle, Maine
Workshop fee: $20 (no one will be turned away for inability to pay)
The Workshop is an interactive, multifaith experience led by Rev. Fred Small
As we come to understand the gravity of climate disruption, it's easy to become disheartened. How do we maintain equanimity and compassion for ourselves and others while sustaining engagement? In this interactive program, Rev. Fred Small will invite us into meditation, reflection, conversation, and song, fortifying our spirits and deepening our resolve as we face the climate emergency. The purpose of this heart-centered experience is not to examine climate science, policy options, or activist strategies (important as these are) but to reflect upon our emotional and spiritual response to change and challenge. Participants of all faith traditions and spiritual orientations (or none) are welcome.
Rev. Fred Small is a Unitarian Universalist minister, singer-songwriter, former environmental lawyer, and Minister for Climate Justice at Arlington Street Church, Boston. Cited by Bill McKibben as “one of the key figures in the religious environmental surge.” Fred left parish ministry in 2015 to devote his energies to organizing, advocacy, and counseling.
Lunch: Bring a bag lunch for a lunch break at noon. Water will be provided.
Registration in advance for the workshop is required, as we have limited space. To register, please contact the Workshop Coordinator, Jill Linzee, by email at and indicate that you wish to register for the Give Light workshop. Jill will then send you information on how to make an advance payment of $20 for the workshop (by check, credit, or debit card). Once we receive your payment, you will receive confirmation that you are registered for the workshop.
If you would like to attend the workshop but can’t commit to it full-time, you are welcome to participate in just the morning session (10:00 a.m. - noon).
Any questions about the workshop can be directed to Workshop Coordinator Jill Linzee,
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Update from the Sanctuary Renovation Committee
In preparing to give an update on the sanctuary renovation project, I thought it would be helpful to start by explaining why we are considering renovating the front of the sanctuary.
The committee’s highest priority is to improve accessibility: These three steps are about 8” tall and only 9.5” deep – not meeting US building codes for safe stairs. The railing is awkward at best, with the finial obstructing easy reach. Then, if your target is the choir loft, there is an additional step into that space, and if you are one of the “back bench boys (or girls),” you need to navigate two more steps. The committee’s top goal is to make worship participation as a reader, speaker, singer, musician, acolyte, or preacher a safe, comfortable, and inclusive experience.
Our second goal is to maintain the aesthetic of a beautiful, sacred space. Our historic sanctuary has undergone many changes through the years, but we have always protected that feeling of holy ground and the traditional appearance of a congregational house of worship. This committee intends to follow that course as well and will provide opportunities for your feedback in this process.
Our third priority is to use space more efficiently to create safer, more commodious places for two active choirs. The vocal choir has often reached maximum capacity, especially during holidays and special services. There have been times recently when it would have been difficult to exit the loft safely and quickly in an emergency. The bell choir tables set up in the limited floor space are an obstacle for acolytes, ushers, and deacons serving communion. With seasonal objects like the Christmas tree, creche, and Advent wreath in place, the congestion is amplified.
So, where are we in this process? We’re in the very early stages so far. We have met with and hired a designer and expect to start seeing proposals in the next few weeks. The Committee will view these, ask questions, make suggested changes, view the ensuing edits, etc. When the committee is satisfied with a layout, we will bring that to you as a recommendation so you all can weigh in. The designer will be onsite at that meeting to give a 3D tour of the proposed space and hear your thoughts. We will need a final plan before we can begin to estimate costs, but the committee believes strongly that this project will cost dramatically less than our previous renovation – which included the entire building except the sanctuary.
We plan to give regular updates as we progress, in the monthly newsletters and in person, so you will always be informed about what we are up to. In the meantime, please don’t hesitate to reach out to any of us if you have questions or concerns! The committee includes Jamie Knobloch, Genie O’Connell, Peggy Pinkham, Lee Corbin, and Richard Shepard.
Thank you!
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News From the Deacons
Church services will take place at Barrett Park on Sunday, September 1, at 10:00 a.m., followed by a picnic. We ask you to bring the following:
- Chair
- Beverage and sandwich/or food of your choice
- A dessert or salad to share with others.
- Your own utensils, plates, etc.
As we may have folks who join us and are unaware of the above, bringing an extra chair or any of the above would be greatly appreciated.
This is typically the Sunday when we have communion; however, our traditional communion will not take place due to this venue. In the event of rain, services will take place at the church, followed by a “picnic.”
We look forward to supporting Sarah Whitefield, a Pastoral Intern, from September 2024 to May 2025. Rev Todd will meet weekly with Ms. Whitefield, and a “Support Team” (Nancy Adams, Dan Lavitt, Peggy Pinkham, and Ginger Rickeman) will meet monthly with her.
Pastor Todd will be away from September 5-12, the Rev. Eileen Sypher will preach on August 8.
We encourage anyone to sign up for Sunday's invocation/scripture reading. This should be a short prayer and welcome. Our Pastor can provide an invocation and will share the scripture days before the Sunday.
Additionally, all are welcome to sign up to 1) provide flowers for Sunday service and 2) host coffee time after church. This can be done online, on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall, or by calling the church office at 633-4757.
Thank you to all who presently have volunteered for any of the above!!
We welcome your comments and thoughts – please reach out to any of the Deacons.
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Church Life & Education
You may call the church office to request Zoom links.
Adult Education
8:15 AM Sunday
Not Currently Meeting
Bible Study
NOON on Mondays
(except for holidays)
Book & Meditation
6:30 AM Tuesdays
Currently Reading: Blood Brothers by Elias Chacour
Wednesday Book Group
4:00 PM Wednesdays
Men's Breakfast
8:00 AM
First Thursday of the Month
Mama D's
Spouse Support Group
2:00 PM Wednesdays
Bells Rehearsal
2:00 PM Thursdays
Choir Rehearsal
4:30 PM Thursdays
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