Book Club News: January Issue

To start off a brand-new year of reading, we bring you our discussion of the latest historical novel from Marie Benedict, The Mitford Affair, which details the infamous political rifts that formed between the Mitford sisters in the time leading up to World War II.

Craving book talk between your book club meetings? Check out our list of top book podcasts to stay connected to the literary world and explore an abundance of author interviews.

We also have advice on inviting authors to your book club, and upcoming online discussions to look forward to in the coming months.

Very best,

Davina Morgan-Witts
BookBrowse Publisher
Book Club Discussions
Discussions are open to all to view and participate, so if you've read a book, click on "discuss."
If you have not, we suggest you go to "about the book" to avoid spoilers.
The Mitford Affair
by Marie Benedict
From the Jacket

From New York Times bestselling author Marie Benedict comes an explosive novel of history's most notorious sisters, one of whom will have to choose: her country or her family?

As the Nazis rise in power, novelist Nancy Mitford grows suspicious of her sisters' constant visits to Germany and the high-ranking fascist company they keep. When she overhears alarming conversations and uncovers disquieting documents, Nancy must make excruciating choices as Great Britain goes to war with Germany.

From the Discussion

"I loved The Mitford Affair. I have read quite a bit about the Mitfords, have read many of Nancy Mitford's books and yet with this book I still learned quite a lot. I remain baffled as to how the Mitford sisters could be so politically dissimilar considering their upbringing and social standing." - scgirl

"I have always found Marie Benedict’s books fascinating. She teaches me something every time I read one. She finds pieces of history and brings them to life. Selecting three of the Mitford sisters to do a deep dive into their lives was absolutely engaging and helped educate me even more on this time period." - mimimw

"I enjoyed this book a lot even though I found myself cringing over the characters' dedication to fascism and Hitler. I did not know much about the Mitford sisters, so after finishing the book I looked up the family, and it seems that Benedict did a pretty good job of staying true to the real-life characters... I like to read a book such as this that makes me struggle and think." - mtnluvr
Book Club Podcasts for Serious Readers
If you love reading, listening to book podcasts can be a great way to spend your spare time. Whether you choose to follow along with a conversation about a book you've enjoyed, an author interview or an author reading, book-based audio content makes for pleasant entertainment at home or on the road. And as reading is often a solitary activity, podcasts can offer a much-needed sense of connection and help stoke your excitement about reading or discussing books with others.

But with the podcast still being a relatively new listening format, and one that's detached from traditional media, it can be tough to know where to start. So we've put together a list for you of some of the best book podcasts out there.
Inviting Authors to Your Book Club
Inviting an author to join your book club's discussion of their work, whether on Zoom or in person, is an excellent way to create a sense of excitement around your reading and enhance the conversation. But figuring out how to go about doing this can be intimidating, and you may not know how to navigate all the details.

That's why we've come up with some simple and easy guidelines for you to follow that explain how to approach an author, organize their visit and ensure that everything runs smoothly and according to plan. Best of luck, and have fun!
Book Club Discussions
Discussions are open to all, so please join us! At the moment, we're discussing The Mitford Affair by Marie Benedict.

Later this month, we'll begin discussing The Love of My Life by Rosie Walsh, followed by Laura L. Engel's You'll Forget This Ever Happened in February and The Nurse's Secret by Amanda Skenandore in March.

If you would like to receive a message when a particular discussion opens, you can sign up for a one-time notification. You can also find inspiration for your book club among our more than 200 past discussions.
Resources for Book Clubs
BookBrowse offers a cornucopia of resources for book clubs including recommended books by genre, time period, setting and a wide range of themes; advice on starting and running a book club and much more!
Usually published once a month, Book Club News is one of BookBrowse's four free newsletters. We also publish BookBrowse Highlights every Thursday, Publishing This Week every Sunday; and Librarian News monthly.
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