The Newsletter of
Bellevue High School PTSA
我们很高兴地宣布,98名BHS学生在 2022-2023 学年赢得了金刚狼卫士称号!这意味着他们为非营利组织志愿服务了超过100 个小时,并做出了一系列惊人的事情,从送杂货、清扫和包装食物,到辅导、翻译和更新网站。我们也为 20 位12年级的学生感到自豪,在 BHS 学习期间,因为有两年获得了金刚狼卫士称号,他们赢得了金刚狼卫士毕业荣誉绳。最后,我们有 4 位12年级学生,Mary Fisher、Allison Hall、Alicia Siebers 和 Esther Yoon,他们在 BHS 4 年都获得了金刚狼卫士称号。本学年有 12 名12年级学生、36 名11年级学生、22 名10年级学生和 28 名新生获得了金刚狼卫士称号。

新一年的Wolverine Guard 志愿者服务时间是从 2023 年 5 月 1 日开始,一直持续到 2024 年 4 月 30 日。您现在就可以开始志愿者工作,并自豪地帮助社区。

Patti Liffick & Lucille Tam
金刚狼卫士联席主席 2022-23
4 Years Certificate Recipients for Class of 2023:
Mary Fisher
Allison Hall
Alicia Sieber
Esther Yoon
Class of 2023:
*indicate 2year Honor Cord Recipient
Thomas Bailey
Athena Bao *
David Chang *
Sonali Dash *
Graham Ederer *
Joon Eom *
Mary Fisher *
Tanishka Goplani *
Allison Hall *
Emma Huang *
Zack McKee-Pflaum *
Robin Nelson
Ethan Park *
Jungho Park *
Gloria Shin *
Alicia Siebers *

Stephanie Song *
Blane Stauffer *
JC VanAppledorn *
Grant Wilwerding *
Kevin Xiao *
Ayano Yamaji *
Ester Yoon *
Class of 2024:
Eddie Anderson
Kaan Bakkal
Lorraine Cha
Ivy Chen
Jenny Cheng
Katie Chin
Leo Choi
Tara Cunningham
Benjamin Fuzukawa
Camille Grieve
Sienna Hwang
Ben Jack
Yolanda Jiang
Angelina Kam
Aliza Kato
Nicole Kim
Avanya Kohli
Alexa LaMoria
Kaia Liffick
Chelsea Lin
Michael Masters
Alex Pyrah
Rohan Saraiya
Hojoon Song
Wonjoon Song
Hojoon Sung
Keona Tang
Philip Tang
Noah Tsai
Kosha Upadhyay
Vincent Wang
Elliot Wong
Justin Wu
Uina Yamaguchi
Katie Yu
Ray Zhao
Class of 2025:
Isaac Cho
Winona Chu
Rae Kazi
Amy Kidd
Michael Kulakovsky
Ashley Kwon
Kevin Lee
Kaylyn Oh
Luis DeTorres
Sadie Fader
Yejee Park
Bridget Pingree
Sydney Tam
Soichiro Tanaka
Sheldon Wan
Alan Wen
William Fisher
Evan Huesh
Kayli Wong
Carina Wu
Angelina Xu
Alicia Yu
Emily Zhang
Class of 2026:
Amelie Agraviador
Soraya Arjomand
Daniel Choi
Daniel Debenport
Adel Dekhani
Evan Du
Imogen Easton
Vaugh Ederer
Rowan Gerron
Megan Hang
Jessica Herr
Elizabeth Hu
Ryan Huang
Ariel Kam
Sophie Kim
Madelyne Masters
Ashlen McKee-Pflaum
Will O'Hara
Mara Sabes
Shaan Saraiya
Meriel Seu
Kenny Shin
Duke Stauffer
Alina Sycz
Eleanor Olivia Tsai
Swafiya Twahir
Sophia Xu
Alexa Young
Dear BHS Families,

PTSA Membership growth needs your help!
Our membership goal is to reach 600 memberships this school year, we still need 45 more memberships to reach our goal. 

With your support, we will work toward fulfilling the PTA mission of being a powerful voice for children; providing a relevant resource for families, schools, and communities; and serving as advocates for the well-being and education of all children.

As a thank you for this support, WSPTA offers a number of benefits and discounts for its members:  Please take advantage of these discount offers: 
Seattle Symphony - 15% discount on tickets. 
Corporate Shopping Co. - discounts at over 250 top national retailers. - save up to 20% off daily parking rates. 
Great Wolf Lodge - 30% off. - 10% off. 
The Real Leather Company - save $15 off leather bag. 
Obscure Belts - 10% off any leather belt. 
Tickets at Work - discounts for travel, hotel and attractions. 
LEGO® Bag - 20% discount on LEGO® Bag products. 
FedEx Office - special rates for printing. 
Nectar Bath Treats - 30% off non-sale items.
Avis Car Rental -  Up to 25% Off Rentals
Budget-Rent-A-Car: Up to 25% Off Rentals

You can access the discount site here: 
The credentials(username, password) to access this site is in your welcome letter when you join the BHS PTSA.

To Join BHS PTSA, please click:

Thank you very much for your support. 
CLASS OF 2024 RAFFLE 5/22 - 6/9
We need YOUR help to BUY and SELL tickets!!!
Our goal is to sell 2,000 tickets for $10 each so that we can raise $20,000 to help fund prom, grad night, senior breakfast and baccalaureate.

Over 25 parents have already signed up to sell! This amounts to over 35% of tickets already committed – AMAZING! We are looking for 30+ more people to sell - please sign up today to sell 25 tickets and help us provide an amazing graduation experience for all our kids! 

Participation in these events allows our young adults to reflect on their time at BHS and provide closure as they embark on their journeys ahead. All these events (with exception of the actual graduation ceremony) are planned, executed and funded by us – the collective group of 2024 parents. Traditionally, we make a big fundraising push Junior year and the raffle is a key fundraising
tool, raising almost ½ of what is needed to pull off these events and keep ticket prices on the lower end.

BUY TICKETS – Tickets are going fast - buy yours before they sell out!

You can buy from anyone who has signed up to sell or email Kim Millen to quickly and easily buy tickets! Each ticket entered has the chance to win 1 of 4 exciting prizes! Increase your chances of winning - buy 5 for $50 or 10 for $100!
This time next year, our kids will be excited as they celebrate their graduation from BHS through all of these iconic events! THANK you for your support– together we’ve got this!! 
Go Class of 2024 Wolverines! Kim Millen
2023 年毕业典礼主题:
6月12日星期一晚上 7:00
Sacred Heart Church in Bellevue
毕业典礼是毕业周仪式中历史悠久的传统部分。 这是朋友和家人聚在一起纪念这一人生重要的时刻,庆祝学长学姐的许多才华(歌手、音乐家、艺术家等等……!),并为反思和感激创造空间。
PROM VOLUNTEERS – Our senior Prom is to be held Saturday, June 3rd at Newcastle Golf Club this year. It has been a tradition in the past for Junior parents to help with set-up, but we are happy to have help from any parent that is interested. We are in need of 25 parents to each donate two hours of their time. Please see the Sign-Up Genius below for available slots. If you have issues with sign up please contact Amy Day -
NEEDS: 20 parents –
Who: PREFERABLY Class of 2024 Parents
Time and Date7:30 -10:30pm on Wednesday June 14, 2023 at Bellevue HS
Description: Check in the class of 2023 Seniors for their All Night Grad Party and send them off for an evening of fun and celebration with their classmates. Instructions to be provided closer to June 14. If you have issues with the sign up please contact Heather Serres –
Looking for 4 additional chaperones for the Graduation Party Night! (SENIOR PARENTS IF POSSIBLE)
This is a great way to continue the festivities with the class. Chaperones will arrive at 9:30pm by the lower aux gym and return with the students after the event around 4:30-5:00am. If you have a buddy you can pair up on the bus. The event cannot run without the chaperones. Feedback last year was extremely positive and parents that attended had a blast!
Please contact Gina Dattilo if you can help out!
Once again, the Bellevue High School Orchestra Booster Club will be selling Leis for the graduating class of 2023.
Wearing a beautiful Hawaiian Orchid Lei, a custom that originated in Polynesia, for graduation is…
  • a long-standing BHS tradition
  • the must-have accessory for our graduating students’ big day
  • a way to give back to the Bellevue High School Orchestra!
The Orchid Lei will be available in three colors: Purple, White, and Yellow at $35.00 per Lei.  Information regarding how to purchase will be shared via the Blast and can be found by visiting our website:
All orders must be submitted by May 29th.
Registration for Sports will open in May 15 for the 2023-24 – Registration for Clubs will be open after the school year begins.
FinalForms is out athletic and activities database for our BHS students. The parent and student forms need to be complete every year prior to participating in sports or activities. WIAA allows one sport per season. Our BSD 2-page sports physical is good for 2 years from the date of physical and valid impact testing is good for 2 years.

To Participate in a Sport at BHS:
1. Register for Athletics or Clubs at BHS FinalForms (
a. A student may be on only one interscholastic sport roster per season
b. Parent/Guardian and Student questions need to be complete every year
c. If you attend International, Bellevue Virtual Academy or Big Picture, please contact Kelli at
2. Please attend ImPACT Testing (if required)
a. Athletes for most high school sports must have a current concussion baseline ImPACT test completed to participate (valid for 24 months) require ImPACT testing.
b. Sports that do not require ImPACT testing are: Cross Country, Badminton, Drill Team, Swim Only, Tennis, Golf, and Track & Field (except Pole Vault requires the ImPACT test)
c. ImPACT testing dates – June 14th, July 5th, July 12th, July 19th and July 26th at BHS **we will have additional dates for individual teams to host impact testing**

3. A 2-page BSD sports physical will need to be on file with the school Athletics and Activities department, email a copy to Kelli at
a. BSD Sports physicals are kept on file for 2 years – please be sure we will have valid BSD sports physical on file for your athletes for the whole sports season.
b. Coaches should not accept or receive a sport physical.
4. To make payments:  
a.* Please Note: ASB membership is required to participate in Athletics and the Athletic Fees are applied to your students account & applied when team rosters are complete. The fees include the ASB Card fee, a school transportation fee (fee amounts vary), and a participation fee per sport (maximum $300 per individual/family per school year), $150 Club sport base fee for Water Polo, Lacrosse and Badminton.
b. Sports fees are applied once rosters are set each season.
c. Questions in regard to Fees/Fines, please contact Cathy Lanning, BHS ASB Accountant at

Regular Season Sports 2023-24
Fall Sports – registration opens 5/7/23 until 8/21/23 and XC, Golf, Soccer, Swive, Tennis, Volleyball, Water Polo begin 8/22
Cross Country, Boys Golf, Girls Soccer, Girls Swim and Dive, Boys Tennis, Volleyball, Boys’ Water Polo, Cheer and Dance
Football – registration opens 5/7/23 until 8/15/23 and football begins 8/16
Winter Sports - registration opens 5/7/23 until 11/12/23 for Basketball, Swive and Wrestling begin on 11/13
Boys and Girls Basketball, Boys Swim and Dive, Boys and Girls Wrestling
Gymnastics registration opens 5/7/23 until 11/5/23 and gymnastics starts on 11/6
Spring Sports- registration will open 5/7/23 until 2/25/23 and begin on 2/26
Girls Badminton, Baseball, Girls Golf, Boys Soccer, Softball, Girls Tennis, Boys and Girls Track & Field and Girls Water Polo
Boys and Girls Lacrosse – start TBD
**please check out BHS athletics website for all cut sports
Practices are mandatory beginning on these dates. If a team has a tryout, it will be scheduled for the first days of practice.
To find contact information for our all of our coaches please visit our school website –
FinalForms, athletic and activities site:
Questions? Please contact Kelli Mayer, BHS Athletics & Activities
ImPACT Test Dates for the BHS Fall Sports Season 2023/24, calling all athletes participating in BHS Fall Sports:
No registration needed, just show up – the impact test takes approximately 30 – 45 minutes.
ImPACT Testing will begin at 2:00pm
May 3rd and May 10th – Football Team impact testing in the Lower AUX Gym
May 17th – Girls Soccer Team impact testing in Room 1113, the History Hallway
May 24th the Volleyball Team – Room 1113, the History Hallway
May 31st – Boy’s Water Polo Team – Room 1113, the History Hallway
June 14th – ImPACT testing - Room 1113, the History Hallway
Students need to bring their fully charged laptop to take the ImPACT test for the May & June test dates.
July 5, July 12, July 19 and July 26 – BHS Fall Athletes ImPACT testing – Room 0108 (basement) **no laptop needed.
August 15th - Football Team – Room 0108 (basement) **no laptop needed.
August 17th for Fall sports Teams – Room 0108 (basement) **no laptop needed.
Impact testing is required for Football, Soccer, Divers, Volleyball, Water Polo prior to participating.
Please contact Kelli Mayer, BHS Athletics & Activities at if you have any questions.
The Wolverine Way. It’s Worth the Climb…. We hold high standards.
We embrace the challenge together and support one another along the way.
Boys Varsity Lacrosse
State Semifinal Game on Wednesday May 24th at Snohomish High School 7:00pm
State Championship Game is on Saturday May 27th @ Starfire Athletics, Tukwila 4:30pm
Girls Varsity Golf
3A State Championship on Tuesday May 23rd and Wednesday May 24th @ The Golf Club at Hawkes Prairie, Lacey
Boys Varsity Golf
3A State Championship on Tuesday May 23rd and Wednesday May 24th @ Indian Summer Golf & Country Club, Olympia
Boys Varsity Tennis
3A State Championship on Friday May 26th and Saturday May 27th @ Vancouver Tennis Center, Vancouver
Girls Varsity Water Polo
State Championship Tournament on Wednesday May 24th, Thursday May 25th, Friday May 26th, Saturday May 27th @ Curtis High School
Boys and Girls Track & Field
3A State Championship Track & Field meet on Thursday May 25th, Friday May 26th, Saturday May 27th @ Mt. Tahoma High School, Tacoma

GO Bellevue!!!
30 years ago, a famine in Ethiopia led to 1 million deaths in just two years. Today, Ethiopia is alarmingly close to repeating history. After six consecutive years of failed rainy seasons, they are on the brink of famine. The UN estimates over 20 million people to be impacted by the crisis. The people of Ethiopia are in urgent need of our help.

To do our part, UNICEF Club is hosting a fundraiser that ends this Friday, May 26th. This is an opportunity to help Ethiopian children born into dire conditions, with little to no hope of fighting their way out of starvation and poverty. The proceeds from this fundraiser go directly to the International Rescue Committee’s program in Ethiopia. The International Rescue Committee works with local organizations to provide humanitarian aid for all those affected. By donating, you are giving these children a chance for a better life.

Additionally, to incentivize donations, several teachers at Bellevue High School have volunteered to complete various fun activities if their donation goal is reached. You can specify whether you would like your donation to count for a specific teacher’s goal or for the school wide total when you upload your receipt.

You can donate online using this link (please choose the IRC), or you can ask your student to bring cash donations to cash jars in participating classrooms. You may also bring the cash donations to Ms. Golding in room 2106. If you choose to donate online, please upload your receipt here so we can track our totals. Millions of people are counting on us as citizens of the world to step up, let’s unite for Ethiopia.

Bellevue UNICEF Board
提交 Bellevue Blast 文章的截止日期如下:
  • 学校新闻和 PTSA 文章 – 周五下午 6 截止日期
  • 体育和活动文章 - 周日下午 6 点截止
PTSA 执委会 / 快速链接
PTSA Presidents

PTSA Vice President Fundraising

PTSA Board
Committee Chairs
PTSA Vice Presidents Communications

PTSA Secretary

Krista Heys

PTSA Treasurers

BHS Administration

Asst. Prin: Katie Klug
Asst. Prin: Thomas Gangle

BHS Athletics/ Activities
Director: John Hill
Asst.Dir: Kelli Mayer

BHS Main Office
