Friday, August 2, 2024

Greetings UCCB,

Our hunger gathers us as a church. We are homesick for the flavors of the Passover feast as we remember the taste of being chosen by God and set free from bondage. We are homesick for the flavors of a meal with Jesus with the taste of being loved, of being a part of a tight, table fellowship We are homesick for the Table set for the family of God celebrating a common love and the bonds of a shared purpose.


Come join the feast this Sunday, August 4, 9:30pm, at UCC Boxborough as we read of the bread from heaven and gather at the Table. Steve Griffin will offer special music and Edward Rosser will be playing the piano.


See you on Sunday,

Richard & Jill

Richard & Jill Edens

Interim Co-Pastors

UCC Boxborough


Sunday, August 4, 2024 at 9:30 am

In person at UCCB also via Zoom


Join Zoom Meeting:


Meeting ID: 883 0675 3408

Passcode: 7387


Please note: our worship services are streamed live via Zoom and recorded for posting on Facebook and YouTube (


Sit and Sew at UCCB

August 7, 2024

First Wednesday of the Month

9:00 – 3:00

We missed gathering in July but we WILL be meeting in August! It’s been a long hot summer, with another month or so to go. A great way to beat the heat is to meet in our wonderful air-conditioned Gathering Room to work on our projects whether sewing, crafting or whatever makes you happy. We meet on Wednesday, August 7, from 9:00 to 3:00. You are welcome to come for an hour or two or come for the day. Just bring your project and a smile. Hope to see you there.

Little Free Pantry Donations Needed!

We would like thank everyone for their generous support of the Little Free Pantry! The community need continues and we are currently low on high protein options (canned fish/meat, peanut butter) and canned vegetables. If you are able to donate, there is a collection box in the lobby.

Want to learn more about this specific Little Free Pantry, or sign up to be a steward? Contact us at 978-263-7387 or


Want to contribute funds to stock this pantry, click Donate on the Giving page at and complete the Special Collections section or send a check to the church indicating Little Free Pantry on the memo line in either instance.

Church Office

The Church Office will be closed Monday, August 5th through Thursday, August 8th. Please leave a voicemail at 978.263.7387 or an email and Jenn will get back to you ASAP.

Have a great week!

Third Act and the “Summer of Heat”

Recently in the news there has been a lot of talk about aging. And UCCB, like many other mainstream churches, has an aging congregation; 98% (!) of the respondents to our recent church-wide survey reported their age as 55 or older. But just because we’re part of the senior demographic doesn’t mean that we have to sit back and rest on our laurels. If you feel like you still have a lot to offer, consider becoming involved with Third Act, a “community of Americans over 60 determined to change the world for the better”. Dedicated to safeguarding our climate and democracy, Third Act harnesses the wealth, wisdom, and power of the over-60 generation to effect real change.  You can join Third Act’s mailing list, take action with letters or phone calls, or attend an event. On a recent hot and humid morning, Ellen and Glynis joined dozens of other over-60’s in Bedford, MA to protest Bank of America’s fossil fuel investments. 2024 is on track to beat even 2023 for heat - and 2023 was the hottest year on record. Meanwhile, big Wall Street banks are using our retirement savings to fund fossil fuel companies. We hope you’ll consider joining this “rocking-chair rebellion” and turn up the heat on big banks!

UCCB Survey

From the congregational survey undertaken in June, we learned that many respondents would like to see us build Sunday School/Christian Education programming for the children that come to our services. For us to be prepared to offer Sunday School during the program year that starts in September, we need to work on this during the summer.


The Edens would like to meet with interested folks to explore how we may create something that is fun and engaging for children. Together we hope to build a program around a rotating group of volunteers, working in pairs, who would take children to the Gathering Room during the sermon for activities related to the theme of the day. Should you be interested in helping, have ideas for how we may proceed, or if you just want to know more, please join us after worship on 8/11.


Thank you for completing your survey! We are listening!

Do you have something you want to share in the weekly Flash?

Submissions for the weekly newsletter are due on Thursday morning at 9:00am. Please submit your camera ready announcement and the dates which you would like it run to Any questions, please contact Jenn in the church office at 978.263.7387.

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