Knowing God, Loving God, Making God Known

Join us for worship this Sunday at 10am

Click here to join the service on Zoom

As promised at the Annual Meeting, we will be posting some of the reports of the other ministries at St. Clement's. First up is Paraklete Press/Revised Common Lectionary Bible Study. Click here to read!

Also, if you would like a copy of the annual report for 2024 you can download a PDF copy by clicking here.

The People's Pantry is in need of the following donations:


HART 2025: A Meal for the Unsheltered

Volunteers still needed!

Once again, St. Clement’s will partner with United Methodist Church in Rancho Cordova to provide a meal for those who are unsheltered. This program is part of HART. Guests will be staying overnight at the UMC for two weeks. St. Clement’s will prepare a meal the evening of Wednesday, January 29 (Time TBA.) We have done this regularly for the past few years, and it is gratifying to cook and serve for folks who so appreciate a hot, home-cooked meal. Those who attend are often the most frail. We have our menu down to a science. We will again serve sloppy joes with green salad, potato salad and dessert. We also need items for a brown bag breakfast. We will be cooking for 50, so that volunteers also get fed and guests might have seconds. The maximum number of guests expected is 20.

For further information, please contact Laura Simkins.

If you have already signed up, Laura will be in touch with further details.

We also need financial donations toward the food that is prepared. They can be made through Realm, in the collection plate; designate HART.

Volunteers still needed are:

Cooks (Recipes and financial reimbursement provided):

2 Cooks-25 servings of Green Salad each

Shoppers (Financial reimbursement provided):

40 Clementines

24 Hardboiled Eggs

Overnight Supervisors: 2 Teams of two, at least one male on each team; 2 for 7 PM-12 Shift; 1 for 12-6:30 PM Shift

Rev. Zac's discretionary fund will pay half of the fare for a Lyft, Uber, etc (up to $25 dollars a week) for those who need transportation to church on Sunday mornings. For more details please see Rev. Zac or Debbi Honeycutt.

Thank You from Laura Simkins,

Your Outgoing Senior Warden

I would like to express my thanks to Rev Zac, our vestry and our congregation as I leave behind the post of Senior Warden. I submitted my Annual Report, but it did not convey the honor and joy I have felt while I have been in this role. What an incredible two years it has been! We were blessed to have Rev Zac as our interim priest, and he held down the fort admirably while we pursued our search for a permanent rector. We undertook a surprising number of interviews, all on Zoom. At one point I was interviewing a candidate from somewhere just outside Yellowstone! Your vestry was professional and focused in this discernment process. I am impressed with the ethical values we maintained and how we allowed the Holy Spirit to guide us. Ultimately, we interviewed our final candidate, Rev. Zac, and we knew we had found a great fit for St. Clement’s; God had led us to him. He has now been with us as full-time rector for one year, and our worship and adult formation have been greatly enriched by his presence.

As we will hear on Sunday, we are all members of the body of Christ, and each member is as important as the others. Your vestry very ably demonstrates this concept. I want to thank Sharon Burke- Polana for maintaining and building on our partnerships with AA groups, 4 Paws 4 Freedom and Little League. Her acumen in working with others is remarkable. And let’s not forget the labyrinth she designed! I thank Guido Polana for taking over from Sharon as Junior Warden and getting so much done around our property (let there be light!) I thank Harry Shippy for taking minutes each month; it’s not an easy task, but he stepped up as he always does when something is needed; he’s a willing and humble volunteer. I thank Debbi Honeycutt and Sharon Burke-Polana and Carlyn Mansell of the Financial Team for taking on the enormous role of Treasurer. Debbi is our official Treasurer, and I know it’s been difficult for her to come up for air these past two years. Her commitment is extraordinary and kudos to her for working with the diocese to straighten out our financial records. I thank Lynn Holman for her steadfast devotion to worship and helping to make Morning Prayer an integral part of St. Clement’s worship. And, lastly, but far from least, I thank Betty Chapman for her wise and insightful leadership of our stewardship campaigns.

I’ve noted how each of the above individuals worked together on goals while they have been on vestry, but they all wear a variety of other hats, too, and our church thrives because of them. It also thrives because of the contributions of so many in our congregation. We are a living, breathing church, and we are all part of the body of Christ. Thank you all for coming together as one!

I have enjoyed watching Rev. Zac grow in his role as our rector, and I look forward to what the coming years will bring. And may God bless our vestry in the coming year.

Altar Guild: Len Honeycutt & Stephen Soulman

Usher: Reggie Daniels

Acolyte: Debbi Honeycutt

Lector: La Benesh

Intercessor: Pam Quarles

Chalice Bearer: Len Honeycutt

Media Ministry: Guido Polana & Sharon Burke-Polana

To become a volunteer, please see Len Honeycutt.

The prayer list is in the entryway of the church for any who wish prayer for themselves or someone in need. It is a black binder on the table to your right as you walk in.

Lectionary Bible Study

The Lectionary Bible Study is at 2:00pm on Tuesdays.

To join a class, please contact Betty Chapman at:

Emily Hyberg Ordination as Priest---March 1 in Santa Rosa

First Day of Lent---March 5

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