Dear CEE Community and Friends,
This month I am thrilled to share the news that Tal Cohen, Benedetto Marelli, and Serguei Saavedra have been granted tenure by MIT, bringing the total number of CEE promotions in the 2022-2023 academic year to six. In other news, we highlight the Climate and Sustainability Scholars Program developed with the help of Prof. Desiree Plata. New Scientist features the Marelli lab's biodegradable packaging that changes color when exposed to rotting foods. The Jameel Observatory-CREWSnet project led by Prof. Elfatih Eltahir will pilot in Bangladesh and Sudan to help communities adapt to the impacts of climate change. Prof. César Terrer and Stephen M. Bell explain the benefits of restoring abandoned croplands. Prof. Dave Des Marais received a Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award from NSF, three CEE professors were named recipients of J-WAFS seed grants, and two CEE graduate students received NSF Graduate Research Fellowships. We congratulate Prof. Oral Buyukozturk on receiving the Mustafa Inan Special Award for Excellence in Science and Engineering, Prof. Otto Cordero was named one of the 2023 Simons Investigators in Aquatic Microbial Ecology, and Prof. Lydia Bourouiba named this year’s G.K. Batchelor Lecturer at the University of Cambridge.
Also in this issue, new research from Prof. Markus Buehler and colleagues uses artificial intelligence to generate bio-inspired materials and a machine learning method to explore the interior of materials from the outside. Research from Prof. Serguei Saavedra reveals a new method of monitoring wildlife, and researchers in the Chisholm lab find that some ancient microbes colonized the ocean by rafting on exoskeleton particles. Our May spotlight highlights graduate student Shailey Patel, who will receive her MEng degree in June.