This Week at

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St. Nicholas’ Mission is to actively share Christ’s love for all people.

Our vision is to strive to be a welcoming community who worships a caring and merciful God, proclaims the Gospel, and promotes justice, peace, and love.

St. Nicholas Episcopal Church

Pastor: Bob Farrow

office: 706.628.7272

Sunday, July 21

The Ninth Sunday After Pentecost

Proper 11

10:00 a.m.

Holy Eucharist Rite II

Join us in person or online!

Readings for Sunday:

Jeremiah 23:1-6

Psalm 23

Ephesians 2:11-22

Mark 6:30-34, 53-56

Evening Prayer

Wednesday, July 24

5:00 p.m.

In the Parish

Vestry meets July 21

after the service in the Parish Hall

Our friends at Christian Valley Church have invited us to join their congregation for a morning of united worship followed by lunch. Sunday, July 28 at 10 a.m. at 11175 GA-315, Cataula, GA 31804. It’s sure to be a spirit-filled morning you don’t want to miss, so let’s have a big turnout in support of Christian Valley.

Annual Parish Picnic

August 4

Our tradition continues with the outdoor service at the Callaway family’s Blue Springs on Sunday, August 4 at 10 a.m., followed by a covered dish picnic.

There is a food sign-up sheet in the narthex - but we only have one Sunday to sign up for food at church, so if you don't get on the list July 21 you can call Erin in the office to add your contribution.

It is fine to bring friends, swimsuits and towels! Please plan to come and enjoy worship and fellowship at this beautiful (and unique) location. 

NOTE: The Callaway family has asked that no images of Blue Springs be posted on social media or any other public forum. Please respect their wishes in this regard.  

Open House a Festive Success

Our community Open House on July 13 was a wonderfully good time. The St. Nicholas congregation baked, cleaned, set up, and turned out! We had a couple dozen visitors from the Harris County community and a grand time was had by all.

Applause goes to our bakers: Katherine, Sheri, Carolyn, Alex & Jim, Suzy, Martha, Connie, Charlotte, Judy, Kathy, Drucye, and Erin; to Katherine and David for arranging for help with the landscaping and to David for the lovely flowers; to Alex & Jim for outdoor beautification; to Kevin for the musical ambience; to Field Marshal Rose; and to all the unsung heroes who lent their time and energy to polishing up and showing off our little ol' St. Nicholas on its big day.

Enjoy some photos from the Open House.

Impromptu Bake Sale Supercharges the RDF

We had such a great response to our call for cookies for the Open House that we had more than we could serve on Saturday. The solution: a pop-up bake sale Sunday morning to benefit the Rector's Discretionary Fund! We were hungry and generous: the bake sale raised $180 for the Fund.

And not a moment too soon: We have had four applications for assistance this week alone. So far this year, the RDF has helped 30 Harris County residents with utilities and rent.

This is a small but mighty outreach program of our congregation that furthers St. Nicholas' mission to actively share the love of Christ for all people. Thanks to all who contributed.


Good luck to Harris County Softball Team!

Liza Price (Drucye Cox's granddaughter), and the Harris County Little League Softball team won the State Softball Championship on July 12.

This weekend, they'll be in Warner Robins, playing for the chance to represent the Southeastern Region in the Little League World Series!

Good luck to the Harris County team and safe travels to all.

Did You Know?

St. Nicholas' Sheri Cody Serves on the Board of the ECF

The Episcopal Community Foundation (ECF) for Middle and North Georgia (formerly Episcopal Charities Foundation) was established by The Rt. Rev. Bennett J. Sims in 1982 at the 75th Annual Council of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta. Its mission is to serve the poor and oppressed throughout the Diocese.

ECF is governed by a Board of Directors which stewards the funds of the Foundation and awards the grants that fufill its mission.

Sheri is an At-Large member of the ECF Board, representing the Chattahoochee Valley Convocation (of which St. Nicholas is a member). She will serve a three-year term.


Book Club Meets August 7

The St. Nicholas Book Club has chosen The Secret Keeper by Kate Morgan as its next read.

From The Historical Novel Society: "Though I initially felt the story started a little slowly, I soon found myself gripped as Laurel dug into her mother’s story, finding clues that led her back in time to the London Blitz. ... The ultimate revelation left me feeling completely satisfied. Morton’s story is much more than a family saga; it’s an historical mystery that impacts multiple generations. This novel is definitely going on the keeper shelf!"

There are a couple of copies on the table in the narthex, or look it up on the PINES system.

In-Kind Donations: Receipts are Important to the Church!


We are so blessed to have congregation members who donate the cost of goods and services to the benefit of St. Nicholas, many of whom prefer to remain anonymous. The congregation deeply appreciates the generosity of these folks.


The church also needs to know, come budgeting time, what it really costs to run the church and to put on our programs and events.

If you pay for something for the church but do not want reimbursement, please consider submitting your receipt anyway. You can be credited with an in-kind donation on your private giving record and the church will have a better idea of what things really cost.

You can bring receipts to Erin any time, even if the donation was made earlier in the year.

Prayer Requests

Your prayers are asked for:

Your prayers are asked for Ann Bacher and her family; Barbara Bradley and the Bradley family; and Liz Dixon.

Continued prayers for all those in need within our community and those in the world who have suffered due to war and natural disaster. We pray for peace for the people of Israel and the Palestinians.


Please send all prayer requests to

In the Wider Church

Click here to read.

News and Events from the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta

Click here to catch up on what's happening in our own Diocese, including an Events calendar for the few months.

In Our Greater Community

Volunteer Opportunities this Fall at FOCUS

From the Program Director:

Good morning! My name is Regina and I am excited to be the new Program Director for FOCUS! I come to FOCUS with 20 years of teaching experience with students of all ages who learn inside and outside of the box! 

My confidence in this position was built on the invaluable pool of volunteers, many of whom I already know , who selflessly give of time, talent, and treasure as they are led by the LOVE of Jesus

This email is to invite you to join us as we get ready for this fall's LEVEL-UP Programs. A team of volunteer instructors have graciously agreed to teach and we are now gathering the support team that will make the classes possible. 

Level-Up will begin the week of September 16th. Classes will have a similar format as before with Servant Leadership at the beginning followed by break out groups for the kiddos. Volunteers will be asked to be here between 5:00 and 5:15 to help prepare for the kiddos who hopefully arrive at 5:30. Classes will end at 7:00.


Trevor & Brandi will teach a Master Chef class for up to 24 students. There are stations that will each be equipped with tools and supplies that will aid in the students creating the recipe Trevor demonstrates for each class. We need at least 6 volunteers for Mondays.


Nyjah & Donna will tag team the Art & Design class. Students will learn how to use creative skills to visualize, design, and build an "Armour of God". They will sew and craft clothing and accessories. 4th-8th

Angela & Ellie will bring Jr. Cosmetology to FOCUS. Students will enjoy laughter and fun while learning about God's gift of hair care and hair-crafting. 4th - 8th

Alyson & Case are excited to share their God given talent of music. They will teach students how to play an instrument while learning a song start to finish by the end of the program. 4th-8th

Karrie and Heather are bringing the class for kiddos interested in the outdoors, steam projects, and generally more activity and movement. This class will also be open to younger students. 2nd-8th

We need one to two volunteers for EACH Tuesday class

The number and ages of students who register will determine any need to pivot with classes. Your help in any way will be very much appreciated! 

If there is anyone else you believe who would be interested and willing to serve with the kids programs, please send them this email or send me their contact information. 

We are planning to have a Program Volunteer Meet & Greet/Tour of the new building on Thursday Aug.1st at 10:00am. I am hopeful that most of you will be able to join in on this opportunity to see the space, share information, and ask questions. 

If you can not attend and you are interested in helping with the LEVEL-UP programs this fall, please email me at with contact information and I will reach out to you individually! 


Gratefully yours,

Regina Jones

706.505.6474, Text or Call

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