Trinity Tidings

The Third Sunday After the Epiphany

January 26, 2025

 Click link for the Sunday Morning Scripture Readings

Welcome, Kelley!

We are delighted to welcome a new staff member to our office team! Kelley Harbert began her work as Administrative Assistant last week. She is perfectly qualified in many ways; she worked five years as sole office manager in a Lutheran Church, and she has a warm, attentive personality. 

Kelley has lived in the Austin area since she was a teen. She & her family moved to Horseshoe Bay in 2021. Her husband is retired from military service. Kelley is a grandmother; their oldest son & his family with three young children, ages 6, 3, and 2 months, live in greater Austin. In addition to their two teens still at home, they enjoy life with 3 dogs and 2 cats. Kelley is very involved at their home church, Lake Shores Church. 

Like Georgia, Kelley is here during Trinity's regular office hours, M-Thur 9 AM - 2 PM. Kelley's direct email address is Please drop in and enjoy meeting Kelley!

Sunday Schedule

8:15am . . Holy Eucharist Rite II

9:00am . . Nursery Opens

9:15am . . Sunday Adult Education

10:00am . Holy Eucharist Rite II

Weekday Schedule

Monday 9am - EfM

Tuesday 9am - Worship in the Courtyard

Tuesday Noon - Women's Bible/Book

Study (1st & 3rd Tuesdays)

Wednesday 9am - Men's Bible Study

On Line Services

This Sunday, we will livestream the service of Holy Eucharist. It will be available on Trinity’s Youtube page beginning at 10:20am. Anytime after 10:20am click on the above YouTube link to go to Trinity’s YouTube channel. There you will see “Live” or “Live Now” and click on it to join the service. If it is not there, refresh the page after a couple of minutes.

Click link for the livestream bulletin.


Women's Bible/Book Study

Tuesday, Jan. 28


Parish Hall Classroom

The discussion based on the book 

The Measure, continues. What was left in Pandora's box after she snapped the lid shut? How does this weave into our life & faith? Please read up through page 150. Bring your lunch, if you like. See you soon. Sally 

Recommended Names for Rector Search

Please click here for form LINK.

Sandra Travis

Our beloved sister in Christ Sandra Travis died following a long illness on Sunday, January 19. Sandra and her husband John, married for 56 years, have been devoted members of Trinity for some 12 years. Sandra had not been able to worship with us in person regularly for several years, but many will remember Sandra for her bright personality, lively good humor, and radiant smile. Sandra's life is well captured in her obituary, LINK

Sandra's funeral service will be February 15th at 2pm at St. Nicholas Episcopal Church, 2265 Bulverde Rd, Bulverde, TX. In lieu of flowers, please send donations to Hope Hospice, New Braunfels.

May light perpetual shine upon Sandra.

May our loving God surround John and family with love, that they may have confidence in God's goodness, and strength to meet the days to come. 

Starting Jan. 26th Sunday Adult Education

9:15am - Parish Hall Classroom

Jan. 26—Celebrating Holy Days!

 Feb. 2—Celebrating Holy Days!

A holy day is any day set apart for special observance because of its significance for faith. The BCP Calendar of the church year (BCP, pp. 15-18), specifically lists as holy days the Feasts of our Lord, and other major feasts and fasts. Join us with BCP readings for all holy days.


Beginning Feb. 16—Surprised by Hope

We will explore the content within Surprised by Hope, written by N. T. Wright, about Christian assumptions about the afterlife, the resurrection, and the mission of the church. 

Wildfire Response Fund

Episcopal Relief & Development (ERD) is the compassionate response agency of The Episcopal Church. ERD responds to human suffering nationally and around the world, and they are collecting funds to support relief efforts in Los Angeles. Many of those whose lives have been devastated are ordinary people of limited means. You may make your donation here:  LINK

Bishop Doyle offers these words penned by Frank Graeff in 1901 as a prayer:  

Does Jesus care when my heart is pained

too deeply for mirth or song,

as the burdens press,

and the cares distress,

and the way grows weary and long?

O yes, He cares, I know He cares,

His heart is touched with my grief;

when the days are weary,

the long night dreary,

I know my Savior cares. 

Visit Trinity's Website

Trinity Church Office: 830.693.2822 | Office Hours Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

  The Rev. Claire Field, Interim Rector

 The Rev. Robert Chambers, Assisting Supply Priest

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