UPK News

and FAQs

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from the New York State Education Department's Office of Early Learning

Summer Edition: 2024-2025 Program Year

Important Dates and Deadlines:

girl holding a pinwheel in a field with the text reading don't forget

  • July 31, 2024: 2023-2024 Final Reports due

  • July 31, 2024: FS-10F Final Budgets are due to Grants Finance

  • Available Now: 2024-2025 Application Initial Survey now open in the NYSED Business Portal. Prekindergarten applications will be assigned once the final report and initial survey are approved.

  • August 29, 2024: Prekindergarten applications are due. For guidance on how to fill out the 2024-2025 Prekindergarten Application please see our Prekindergarten Application Webinar from June 2024.

  • August 29, 2024: Hard copies of the FS-10 Proposed Budgets for prekindergarten programs are due to the Office of Early Learning. Please be sure to include one original (with wet-ink signature) and two copies for each project being accessed.

  • October 2024: SUFDPK monitoring season begins. LEAs being monitored by the Office of Early Learning in the 2024-2025 project year will be contacted directly by their OEL liaison in the fall.

  • October 2, 2024: Prekindergarten child counts pulled from this date will be used in conjunction with March 12, 2025 child counts to determine final payments for prekindergarten funding. See the 2024-2025 PreK Child Counts memo for more information. Live webinar announcement coming soon!

  • March 12, 2025: Child counts pulled from this date will be used in conjunction with counts in October to calculate final payment for the 2024-2025 program year. The higher of the two counts will be selected.

  • May 8, 2025: Navigating PreK Day - Save the Date!

2024-2025 PreK Child Counts Reporting Deadline and Guidance

The Office of Early Learning has released the 2024-2025 PreK Child Counts Reporting Deadline and Guidance memo. Please refer to this memo for guidance on ensuring accurate and complete data are reported. Errors in coding may result in a reduction in the district’s reimbursement amount.


In response to concerns raised by LEAs who experience significant change in enrollment throughout the year, and to align with the K-12 data system, all PreK student counts must be entered monthly via the Student Information Repository System (SIRS). To calculate the final payment for the 2024-2025 program year, OEL will look at the data from October and March and select the higher of the two.

Following the data sets in October and March, OEL will contact LEAs with recommended changes. Please note that districts, per IRS, should enter UPK enrollment numbers monthly so the Department can analyze trends in enrollment to inform our decision-making and policies. 


LEAs receiving SUFDPK funding are also required to input their child counts via the SED Monitoring and Vendor Performance System (MVPS) on or before the close of business on March 12, 2025.


Please reach out to your OEL Liaison or with any questions. 

Read the 24-25 Child Counts Memo Here
photos of presenters at upk day

Navigating PreK Day 2024 Materials Available!

On May 2, 2024 the Office of Early Learning hosted Navigating PreK Day 2024 at the Cultural Education Center in Albany, NY. Commissioner Betty A. Rosa delivered opening remarks, and over 150 attendees were able to engage in sessions on Inclusion and PreK Best Practices, NYSED's Literacy Briefs, Building Relationships to Foster Positive Behavior, and Play in the PreK Classroom. Fiscal presentations and budget updates were also integrated into the day, as well as one-on-one appointments with an OEL programmatic or fiscal liaison. All presentations from Navigating PreK Day 2024 are now available on the Office of Early Learning's Professional Development website. OEL plans to host another Navigating PreK Day on May 8, 2025. More details to come!

Fiscal Management System and Personnel Activity Reports - Internal Controls

According to the New York State Education Department’s Fiscal Guidelines for Federal and State Funded Grants, LEAs receiving SUFDPK awards must have a proper financial management system in place, along with strong internal controls and written procedures, to properly account for funds received and expended. Please see the Financial Management System and Personal Activity Reports – Internal Controls memo for more information. 

Read the Full Memo Here
three young children smiling with the text that reads fostering positive behavior

Fostering Positive Behavior in the Prekindergarten Classroom

The Office of Early Learning recognizes the importance of addressing behavioral issues in early education settings. Efforts have been directed towards implementing strategies and interventions that promote positive behavior and minimize the need for exclusionary disciplinary practices. Our Positive Behavior Guidance memo and Positive Behavior Guidance webpage aim to equip educators with effective tools, resources, and guidance to support children's behavioral needs proactively.

Visit the NEW Positive Behavior Guidance Webpage

2024-2025 Allocation/Award Lists and Funding Overview Chart Now Available

Allocation Lists and Grant Award Lists for the 2024-2025 school year have been released and are posted to the Office of Early Learning's website. A Funding Overview Chart can also be downloaded from the same page.

There have been significant changes regarding prekindergarten funding for the 2024-2025 school year. The Office of Early Learning has created a memo to provide information to help school districts understand their current funding sources, Universal Prekindergarten (UPK) allocations and/or Statewide Universal Full-Day Prekindergarten grants, for the purpose of prekindergarten programming.

Understanding Your 2024-2025 Prekindergarten Funding Memo
teacher with students at a table

Best Practices P-3 Webinar Series


This year, the Office of Early Learning was excited to host a series of webinars that focus on best practices in Prekindergarten through Third Grade. Webinars on best practices this year included:

  • The Value of Play: Play-Based Learning for P-3 Students

  • Best Practices for UPK Collaboration

  • Social Emotional Learning in the P-3 Classroom

Recordings of each can be viewed on the Office of Early Learning's Webinar Series webpage.

photos of prekindergarten students working with teenagers

UPK Classroom Spotlight: Brewster CSD


When the Brewster Central School District administration was trying to find space to house a PreK program, BHS Principal Nichole Horler suggested the high school. That seed of an idea sprouted endless opportunities for not just the PreK students, but for high school students as well.


Over this inaugural year, 100 high school students volunteered in the PreK classrooms. For some students in the Child Development course, volunteering provided hands-on work experience. For others, it was just a way to contribute to the common good.  Student volunteers prepared activities, decorated bulletin boards, helped set up cots for naptime, read stories, helped with crafts, and interacted and played with the PreK students.


“The relationship between the PreK and high school students is invaluable,” explained PreK teacher Sara Sherwood, “the high school students are wonderful role models for the little ones.”


Of course, many departments and clubs reached out to plan collaborative projects. The Science Honors students planned bi-weekly Wacky Wednesday Science experiments including rainbow science, dissolving candy canes, oozing cauldrons, magic milk, lava lamps. gingerbread playdough, Oobleck, and fizzy snowmen. The English Department started a Book Buddies reading program. Music students demonstrated playing instruments. Art students created a Batty sponge painting and Solar Eclipse viewers.


Foreign Language put on an Italian Immersion Day complete with language lessons, mask making, songs and dance. There were two Physics Science Fairs where high school students provided hands-on learning experiences about motion, gravity, and forces while the Life Skills class provided a laundry service to wash naptime blankets through their business, Bubbly Bears.


There have been whole school building events including a Halloween Parade, Holidays around the World, holiday concerts and a preview of the school play in which the PreK students interacted with their teenage peers.


Besides all the creative in-house specials, the Montessori-like social-emotional piece is not lost on teachers and staff. The vibe in the high school has changed. Just walking down the halls creates a positive atmosphere.


“There has been a positive impact on the high school dynamic student behavior,” said PreK teacher Karen Barke. High school kids look out for little ones, wave and fist bump them in the hallways, make sure they are using appropriate behavior around them in the hallways, and always greet them with a smile!

2024-2025 OEL Fiscal Guidance Handbook

fiscal guidance handbook cover

The 2024-2025 Office of Early Learning Fiscal Guidance Handbook is now available for download. This document will help guide the reader through the FS-10, FS-25, FS-10A, and FS-10F process. It also includes information on M/WBE for SUFDPK grantees, a calendar of important dates and deadlines, as well as a funding stream graphic organizer.

2024-2025 Fiscal Guidance Handbook

Helpful Resources/Professional Development:

architecture plans on a white table with a hard hat

Field Guidance for the Use of Building Aid to Support Expansion of UPK/SUFDPK Spaces

Under Education Law §3602(6), Building Aid can be used for constructing, expanding, and renovating facilities specifically for prekindergarten. A recent amendment in 2023 expanded the scope of the law to include the improvement of Universal Prekindergarten (UPK) and State Universal Full-Day Prekindergarten (SUFDPK) spaces. This change allows school districts to increase the capacity of programs serving UPK and SUFDPK funded students, providing better access to high-quality early childhood education. See the attached memo for specific details.

View the Building Aid Memo Here
Are you a district looking to start a UPK program using State-Administered PreK funding? The Office of Early Learning is here to help! OEL liaisons are available to walk you and your staff through the process of applying for UPK funding and running a successful program. Contact us at 518-474-5807 or

UPK Classroom Spotlight Opportunity

The Office of Early Learning is looking for best practices from districts, CBO, and Direct Contract Agency UPK classrooms to spotlight throughout the year. If you are interested in sharing a success story in any of the following areas, please submit your story via email to the Office of Early Learning at

  • Learning centers
  • Theme integration
  • Building classroom community
  • Differentiated instruction
  • Kindergarten transition
  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion in the UPK classroom
  • Anything the district is inspired to share with the field

You will need to include the following information in your submission:

  • Subject: UPK Spotlight Submission
  • Local Education Agency Name
  • Teacher Name
  • Photo of the best practice in action
  • 1-2 paragraphs describing the best practice and highlighting any results since its implementation.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Your Feedback Matters

The Office of Early Learning provides technical assistance to grades P-3 in New York State.

What does support from the Office of Early Learning look like to you?

Please complete a quick survey to let us know how we can best be of assistance.

image of the New York State Education building
New York State Education Department Office of Early Learning logo

Erik Sweet, Executive Director, Office of Early Learning

Lori Smart, Director

Tanya Amodio-Kovacs, Supervisor

Paulette Coppin, Supervisor

Grace Bombard, James Bordis, Samantha Chobot,

Lauren Cosamano, Carly Feldman,

Eric Feml-Nelsen, Jason Gish,

Tiffany Koo, Noelle Lake, Christine Lyons,

Terry Onofrio, Brandon Orszulak, Madison Ramnes,

Tina Rose-Turriglio, Christina Ryan,

Mary Sandoval, Rachel Schlude, Michelle Sidoti,

Zak Snyder, Megan Tobiasen, Vicky Woods