Weekly Newsletter of the
First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton
January 23, 2025
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Sunday, January 26, 2025 at 10:15am
Worship Service: Broken Open
Sanctuary Boston
We long to heal from trauma, to practice restorative justice, to recover from addiction, to purify our hearts, to repair the world: to fix ourselves and each other. But how do we live in a world that can’t be put back together? What might we miss when our focus is on erasing damage and restoring usefulness? What can disabled, mad, and trans thought teach us about the difference between goodness and being good for something power and money understands? What might be holy about falling apart? Music will be led by Ashley Mulcaire & other members of the Sanctuary Boston band (Taiward Wider, Callie Jennings). Sanctuary Boston is a community of vibrant worship and real connection, grounded in Unitarian Universalism and open to seekers of all kinds. Sanctuary is an all-ages community that centers the leadership and experiences of young adults.
Join Us On Zoom: https://bit.ly/fuusn-worship-2024-2025
Share Your Joys or Sorrows
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Split the Plate: JFS of MetroWest
In January, the Board and Ops Council have approved an experiment with a new way to do the offering called “Split the Plate.” Each month, except for our Stewardship month, a new task force will choose one local, national, or international organization to share our collection. Half of the funds we raise during worship or that are contributed to the collection online during the month will go to that organization and half will go to FUUSN’s annual budget. If you are interested in becoming part of that task force or if you have ideas for organizations to support, please email Rev. Debra.
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January's recipient is JFS of MetroWest, which is working diligently to settle as many refugees and asylees as they can before the next administration takes office. Rev. Debra had the opportunity to meet and listen to their executive director at a meeting on immigration convened by the Massachusetts Council of Churches in December, and an urgent appeal was made for funds. Learn more... | |
This month, we remember loved ones, friends and members of our community who have passed but who are still with us in spirit. We also hold in our hearts the memory of the following FUUSN members who died in the month of January in years past.
Helen Levy, 2009
Lydia Farago, 2010
Matt Holland, 2010
Holly Zeeb, 2016
Kay Sachs, 2020
Barbara Krause, 2020
Judy Zacek, 2021
Dan Bancroft, 2023
Ellie Mamber, 2024
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Volunteer with BIJAN
Thursday, January 23, 2025, 5:30-7pm
As folks are looking for ways to plug in and support in stopping deportations, we want to lift up the ongoing opportunities with Boston Immigration Justice Accompaniment Network. BIJAN emerged as a network responding to requests from those in the detention and deportation process. BIJAN has developed volunteer opportunities that can both support people and families navigating these systems, and work towards preventing deportations. You can see current opportunities here.
Join BIJAN for a New Volunteer Orientation this week: Hear from BIJAN organizers, learn about our work, ground in our shared values, and connect directly with coordinators to fill some of the most needed volunteer roles. RSVP here.
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Immigrant Defense Hotline: 617-988-0606
Lawyers for Civil Rights has launched the Immigrant Defense Hotline (617-988-0606) to expand access to timely and free legal advice for immigrants facing imminent threats related to immigration enforcement, such as immigration raids or mass deportations.
The hotline will be staffed with attorneys from LCR's staff and pro bono network. Callers who leave a message will receive a same-day response to questions about immigration enforcement and reports of immigration raids. They will track activity closely with community partners and mobilize legal and policy advocacy to protect immigrant families. FUUSNites, please help get out this information.
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Ministers on Vacation January 26-February 1, 2025
Rev. Debra and Rev. Joel will be on vacation and not reading emails from January 26th through February 1st. If you are a FUUSN member and having a pastoral emergency, please reach out to the lay minister on call (see below), who can also reach out to an area minister for you.
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Time to Join FUUSN
If you've been considering becoming a member of FUUSN, this would be an excellent time to join. We will be submitting the number of current members to the Unitarian Universalist Association in early February as part of the annual certification process, and our numbers determine our representation at General Assembly. We will also be recognizing new members during our worship service on February 9th - the next time will be in May.
We'd love to officially welcome you. Please reach out to Rev. Debra or Devin if you're ready to become an official member before the end of January.
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FUUSN Mission: Possible!
Yes, that’s the theme for the 2025-26 pledge drive.
The Annual Pledge Drive Team is eager to unveil plans for this year's drive.
With the benefit of Reverend Debra’s extensive experience in fundraising, the
pledge drive process is being reshaped. Instead of pledge parties, this spring we will...
And what a party it will be!
On Saturday, March 1st at 6:30pm in the Parish Hall, we will host a
Pledge Drive Kick Off Party
Live Music, Food and Drink
To celebrate and support our beloved community.
Mark your calendars for March 1st and stay tuned for details coming soon.
We are BRINGING THE PARTY IN! to make our
Annual Pledge Drive Team
Suzanne Buchko, Chip Highfield, and Linda Ross
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Using Realm Saves Staff Time and FUUSN Money!!!
Want someone's email address or phone number? Instead of calling Agatha, please use Realm instead. Just login and go to the Directory to find the person you're looking for. Having trouble logging in? Contact realmhelp@fusn.org.
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Over 60s Presentation: Philosophic Religion, FUUSN's Heritage
Sunday, January 26, 2025 at 12pm, Alliance Room
Arthur Anderson, JD. Author, Researcher
As a religion researcher, Arthur Anderson will trace the classical Greek philosophical religious way of life perspective to their resurrection in the 19th century Transcendental movement and the founders of FUUSN. Arthur’s expansive historical perspective powerfully enlarges our understanding of our UU roots and FUUSN’s foundation. Discussion and lunch bites. Learn more.
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New Greeter Team Training
Sunday January 26, 2025 after service
We are seeking new members for our team of people who welcome visitors and newcomers to FUUSN each week before the service. If you are extroverted, love FUUSN, and can volunteer at least twice a month, please join current greeters for a training on how to best welcome and engage visitors. Sign up here. Current greeters, please sign up as well.
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Sunday, January 26
11:45am-1pm: Band Rehearsal, Sanctuary
12-1:30pm: Over 60s Presentation: Philosophical Religion, Alliance Room & Zoom
12-1:30: New Greeter Training, Children's Chapel
Tuesday, January 28
7-9pm: Board of Trustees Meeting, Children's Chapel and Zoom
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Fabulous FUUSN Mardi Gras Services Auction is Coming!
Don't miss our Mardi Gras Services Auction on Saturday, February 1! This party is one of the more enjoyable Saturday nights you will have all year.
- Doors open at 5:30pm for dinner, socializing, and browsing raffle and auction items.
- Live Auction starts at 6:30pm. Optional bidding on great items such as weekend vacation homes, gourmet dinners, and other services. End time 8:30/9:00pm.
- $10 per adult entry INCLUDES dinner and drinks!! (Wine/beer as well as non-alcoholic options.)
- Childcare in the Children’s Chapel included throughout the evening! There will be games, crafts, and movies for the kiddos while adults relax, enjoy each other’s company, and are entertained by the auctioneers. Kids can bring PJs and sleeping bags for the movie.
- No need to RSVP.
- You are encouraged to wear your most festive Mardi Gras party outfits - nothing is too silly!
The success of the auction is by nature dependent on the donation of services by FUUSN folks. We are always looking for donations of services, particularly from folks who have not donated services in the past. You can view last year's auction catalogs. Feel free to be creative in thinking about what service you can donate.
As part of the auction activities, we also sell raffle tickets for special offerings leading up to the auction itself. We will have a Services Auction table set up in the Parish Hall after services on January 11, 18, and 25. We will be selling raffle tickets and/or you can sign up to donate a service. Or if you just want to learn more about the Services Auction, this is the place to come.
Questions or if you want to discuss offering a service? Please contact Pat Rohan.
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Farewell to Jenise
Sunday, February 2, 2025, 11:40am
A farewell party will be held for Jenise Aminoff, our former Communications and Technology Coordinator, on Sunday, February 2, 2025 during coffee hour. Cake and goodies will be served, including gluten-free treats. Jenise's last day was Tuesday, January 21, 2025.
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Food & Plastic: Hearing the Cry of the Earth with Professor Philip Landrigan, MD
February, 6, 2025, 7:30-9pm
Our Lady Help of Christians’ Lower Hall
The Sacred Heart and Our Lady Help of Christians Collaborative Creation Care Team invites you to hear from a global environmental health expert, Professor Philip J. Landrigan, MD, Director of the Program for Global Public Health and the Common Good at Boston College. From 2021 to 2023, Dr. Landrigan chaired the Minderoo-Monaco Commission on Plastics and Human Health, which studied plastics’ impacts on human health and helped shape recommendations for the UN Global Plastics Treaty. Learn More
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UU Plant-Based Eating Club Small Group Potluck
Sunday, February 9, 2025 at 6pm
On Sunday, February 9, at 6pm, the UU Plant-Based Eating Club is hosting small-group potluck dinners in members' homes. Participants will enjoy a variety of plant-based foods, share recipe ideas, and discuss topics relating to plant-based eating. Any items brought to the potluck should be free of animal products, including eggs, cheese, dairy and honey. Newcomers are welcome, and recipe assistance will be provided upon request. For further details and to RSVP, go to this Signup Genius page. Please note that small-group potlucks are for Plant-Based Eating Club members only; if you are not a member and would like to join, or are not sure if you are a member, please send an email to UU-Plant-Based-contact-us@googlegroups.com.
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Thanks to everyone who helped run the fantastic Celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr. on Monday, January 20th! Particular thanks to Jeannie Chaisson, Jacki Rohan, Pat Rohan, Denise Joseph, Joyce Pollace, Emily Gelbert, Jud Leonard, the FUUSN Choir, and Hattie Kerwiin Derrick for her work as liason between FUUSN and the Mayor's Office.
If you weren't able to attend the event, you can watch the recording on YouTube. See news coverage of the event in the Newton Beacon.
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Kudos to Rev. Debra, who has been chosen as a 2026 Minns Lecturer.
According to their website (www.minnslectures.org), in since 1941, "Minns Lectures established itself as an important forum for challenging perspectives in Unitarian Universalism. The lectures continue today as a source of theological and religious expression. Minns Lectures are an annual series of lectures on religious topics conducted under the auspices of the Minns Lectures Committee." Previous Minns lecturers include James Luther Adams, Jack Mendelsohn, Rosemary Bray McNatt, Mark Morrison Reed and William Schultz.
Rev. Debra will deliver two lectures, with respondents, in the spring of 2026, on sexuality in the Bible. During the next year, she will be revisiting work she began 30 years ago on the positive messages about sexuality that can be found in the Hebrew Bible and Christian Scriptures and conducting new research with feminist, womanist, and queer conversation partners. You can follow Rev. Debra's work on this project at her new medium account:
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Have a news item you want to share? Want to schedule a FUUSN Event? Please use our web forms! Note that any event using physical space at FUUSN must be approved by Agatha, and until you receive confirmation from her, that event will not be scheduled or added to our Events calendar.
Submissions for each newsletter must be sent in by the preceding Tuesday at 9am.
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FUUSN Contacts
Anne Watson Born, Director of Music Ministry, (617) 286-2622
Agatha Clancy, Office Administrator, (617) 286-4105 (9am-3pm or emergencies only)
Rev. Dr. Debra Haffner, Co-minister, (617) 286-4668
Rev. Joel Miller, Co-minister, (617) 286-4226
Devin Shmueli, Director of Family and Community Ministries, (617) 286-6257
Lay Minister On Call for January: Christine Lookner, 617-340-9299
Care Crew contact: Sheila Ardery, 617-564-1769
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First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton www.fuusn.org | 617-527-3203 | | |
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