October 2022 Issue


President’s Message 

Welcome to Autumn!

As I write this article, we are hearing about the devastation in Florida and the Carolinas because of Hurricane Ian. We send best wishes to our colleagues living in those states as you deal with the aftermath of the storm. We hope you and your families are safe and able to access the necessities you need.

The IFHE XXIV World Congress is now history! It was a wonderful week in Atlanta meeting with other home economists from around the world. The planning committees, the Georgia and IFHE-US volunteers and our two Co-Chairs, Bev Card and Janine Duncan, did an exceptional job in welcoming the participants, whether in person or virtually, to this event. If you would still like to participate virtually, you may still do so until December 10. See the article about the Congress in this newsletter.

There are several other events you may be interested in participating this coming year. There will be a professional development opportunity on October 29 by Zoom. Kim Kamin has organized a session that builds on the last plenary session of the Congress. The topic is Decolonising Home Economics. Her article has more information about this event. She is planning two other events, including celebrating World Home Economics Day in March 2023.

If you were not able to participate in this year’s IFHE-US Sharon McManus Cultural Event, you missed a great evening. The recorded program is available for viewing at your convenience. Mary Kaye Merwin, Director of the IFHE Development Fund, has the link to the program in her article in this newsletter. It was presented by Audrey Jones-Drayton which was a great overview of the good work of the IFHE Disaster Assistance Partnerships efforts in Guyana. We were able to raise $1,000 through the Cultural Event to use for the project. Thank you to all who attended and contributed to this important work.

The 2022-2024 IFHE-US Board has begun its work for the biennium. The first Board meeting was held on September 28. We welcomed Rachel Schichtl as President-elect, Lori Myers as the Director of Communication, and Kathryn Carroll as Young Professionals Network Director.

With the work and excitement of the Congress completed, the IFHE-US Board will be working to provide other sources of professional development and communication to support the members of our organization. Please look for these opportunities in this and future newsletters as well as special communications from IFHE-US. 

All best wishes as you continue your good work in home economics/family and consumer sciences. We hope to see many of you on October 29!


Sue Buck

President, IFHE-US

Presenters:  Janine Duncan, Jaqueline Holland and Sue Buck, Moderator (as of 10/14/2022)

The session will offer practical suggestions for FCS professionals in a variety of practice settings and content areas to advance equity.  More details will follow. Please share the date with your colleagues who would like to attend.


To sign up, complete the registration form below.  Zoom links will be sent about a week before the webinar. PDU’s will be applied for.  Questions, contact Kim Kamin,

Register for 10/29 Professional Development Event

Saturday, January 28, 2023, noon Central Time    


Book Study: I am a girl from Africa

by Elizabeth Nyamayaro.

Available from Amazon or check with your local library.   

A “profound and soul-nourishing memoir” (Oprah Daily) from an African girl whose near-death experience sparked a lifelong dedication to humanitarian work that helps bring change across the world. (From Amazon) Ms. Nyamayaro was saved by a UN worker and Ms. Nyamayaro went on to work at the United Nations. 

Saturday, March 25, 2023, noon Central Time

Theme: Waste Literacy

Join your colleagues as we celebrate World Home Economics Day and learn about ways to cut back on waste. 


What a phenomenal World Congress that we experienced in Atlanta just a few short weeks ago! As you know, Congress only occurs every four years, and had not been in the United States since 1988. 

The Congress theme was Soaring Toward Sustainable Development. Gathering on an international stage, several hundred professionals convened in person and virtually to share expertise, explore ideas and network with colleagues from around the globe.

You can still be a part of this special professional development opportunity!  Registration is still OPEN for the Virtual XXIV IFHE World Congress. Register by December 1. Virtual sessions are available on-demand until December 10th.

The virtual experience includes opening and closing cultural evenings, plenary sessions, workshops and symposiums, the EXPO (posters, textiles & design and exhibitors), Learning Day on the Move (educational tours), and nine concurrent sessions. The Congress APP will include the Congress schedule, 48 of the concurrent sessions and prerecorded presentations from authors unable to attend.




In June, we celebrated the annual Development Fund’s McManus Cultural Event held just prior to the 2022 AAFCS Annual Conference. The featured program was a zoomed presentation on our DAP partnership with the Aishalton secondary school in Guyana, South America in which resources continue to support their Home Economics program. The program was coordinated and presented by Audrey Drayton, the Americas IFHE Director. The Development Event raised a total of $1,726.41 and after production and program expenses, $1,000 will be forwarded to the DAP project.


As you know, the AAFCS Conference was a hybrid event with both in person and virtual segments. Technical difficulties resulted in not having a copy of the presentation available for sharing. However, with our thanks to Audrey Drayton and Sue Buck, a second presentation was recorded for us and is now available for everyone to see and learn about this important project. The link is available to you at your convenience in watching. Here is the link:


We hope that you will take advantage of learning more about this project. Donations are continuing to be collected for the project and can be made either via the donate button on the IFHE-US website and indicating DAP project, or by sending a check for the project to:

           LuAnn Boyer

           IFHE-US Director of Finance

           22500 County Road 21

           Ft. Morgan, CO 80701


2023 IFHE Dues Update

IFHE Membership Dues are based on a calendar year (January – December). So, regardless of when you paid the 2022 1-Year dues, renewal for your 1 Year Dues should be paid in January 2023. If you have normally paid the 4-Year dues and are not sure when they expire – contact me using the information below or on the NEW 2023 IFHE-US Membership Brochure which has been posted on the website (

Following the 2022 Council Meeting held during World Congress in September, the 4 Year dues which were previous reduced for all members will still apply for memberships in Developing Countries. Other who wish to pay for multiple years can still do so, but there will NOT BE A REDUCED FEE.  

Current Members whose dues expire December 2022 will receive an email later this fall with a reminder to pay 2023 dues. With the next Congress in 2024 - request for submissions for abstracts, etc. will be a fast pace so those planning to attend Congress June 24-29, 2024 in Ireland will want to get membership dues paid early 2023 so you’ll be ready to meet deadlines.

Luann Boyer

IFHE-US Director, Finance




  • Does anyone have updated contact information for Ruth Norman?

  • What other names should be in the category:  Region of the Americas – Vice Presidents:
  • Alberta Hill – 1994-1999
  • Juanita Mendenhall – 1996-2002
  • Sherry Betts – 2002-2006
  • Jeanne Pearson – 2005-2006
  • Gwendolyn Hustvedt – 2008-2010
  • Jenny Schroeder – 2014
  • Jan R. Scholl – 2016-2018
  • Janine Duncan – 2022-2024

  •  Region of the Americas - IFHE-US Committee members:                     

                       Juanita Mendenhall

                       Sherry Betts

                       Joanne Pearson

                       Betty Logan – 1997   

                       Peg Hoffman – Chair of Nominating Committee - 1997

                       Ruth Norman

                       Sarah Auker

                       Joan Pearson

                       Carol Anderson – 2011

                       Elizabeth Goldsmith – 2011


Any more name and dates, etc. would be appreciated. I’m especially interested in committee chairs and dates. The listing of members will probably be in the appendix.


Anyone with information can send it to me at Ginny Hall, 830 S. 2nd St., Unit #6, Delavan, WI 53115-2118 or by phone: 262-728-6467 OR by email to Mary Kaye Merwin ( Thank you in advance for all of your help!

See what's happening on our social sites:

Did you know we have a Facebook and a Twitter site for IFHE US? We do!

Please join us below to stay connected.

Facebook  Twitter  

IFHE US Board of Directors

President: Sue Buck (

President-Elect: Rachel Schichtl (

Director of Finance: Luann Boyer (

Director of Professional Development: Kim Kamin (

Director of Communications: Lori Myers (

Director of Young Professional Network: Kathryn Carroll (

Recorder: Sandra Poirier (

Director IFHE-US Development Fund: Mary Kaye Merwin (

Nomination Chair: Cheryl Empey (

AAFCS Global Perspectives: Kim Kamin (

IFHE United Nations Chair: Anita Ferron (

XXIV IFHE World Congress Co-Chairs: Bev Card ( and Janine Duncan (

IFHE-US Diversity and Inclusion Statement
IFHE-US values diversity, inclusiveness, sensitivity, and accessibility. We promote respect, dignity, and equality for all global individuals and families. We are committed to human well-being through education, health, safety, and sustainable living for all people. As we act with integrity and respect intercultural values and ethics, we will be able to empower and improve every-day living for all.