
August 2024

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Yes, July was a big month for political news. Joe Biden dropped his re-election bid, putting country ahead of personal ambition. Kamala Harris became the apparent Democratic nominee after securing endorsements from key Democratic leaders, including her would-be rivals, and raised a record $200 million in just her first week. (66% of donors were first-timers.) Her ascension to the top of the ticket also sparked a huge surge in volunteers signing up for campaigns all over the country. Donald Trump was officially nominated as the Republican Presidential candidate. That was no surprise, and his choice of JD Vance for Vice President cemented the GOP's MAGA credentials. (See articles about Vance below in "In Case You Missed It".)

Despite all of this news -- or really because of it -- our mission remains the same: We must defeat Donald Trump. And we must elect Democrats up and down the ballot to ensure that Democrats control the White House, the House, the Senate, and statehouses, too. As we have painfully learned, the latter are where reproductive rights and voting rights are controlled. On November 5, there can be no doubt about which party Americans want to steer our country into the future.

Many of us may feel energized by the recent news and optimistic because of recent polls showing Kamala Harris improving against Trump. We may feel buoyed by what we read on social media and see on TV or by the upbeat conversations that we have started again with our friends. We may feel the tide turning by Kamala Harris' fundraising. Please ignore all of that. Elections aren't won by clever pundits, good feelings, or polls. They are won by hard work by ordinary people like us.

The only way to save our democracy is at the ballot box. Please donate whatever money you can to worthy candidates at all levels of office. Get out of your comfort zone and doorknock, phonebank, write postcards, write letters to the editor, and talk to your family and friends. Whatever you have done in the past, do more now. With November 5 less than 100 days away, now is the time.

As always,

Your faithful editor 

In This Issue

  • Psst? Have You Read the Republican Platform?
  • Good News and a Lesson from Wisconsin
  • Kamala Harris in Her Own Words
  • Upcoming Events
  • Things You Can Should Do Now
  • In Case You Missed It
  • Thank You for Donating to Our Work


The Republicans held TrumpFest ’24 (officially the Republican National Convention) just a few weeks ago in Milwaukee. The event is the latest to make clear that there is no Republican agenda except Donald Trump’s agenda. The MAGA-ites, opportunists, election deniers, and sycophants were all there paying homage to liar, felon, demagogue, and rapist Donald Trump. If you didn’t tune in (and who could blame you) at least educate yourself by scrolling through the Republican Platform. (At a mere 16 pages, it won’t take you long.) It’s hard to believe that this masterpiece is the output of months of work by a major political party. With its random capitalizations and exclamation points that appear all over like acne on a teenager, the document looks as though it was tweeted out by Donald Trump himself in the middle of the night…or maybe written by middle schoolers. Rick Wilson, a longtime conservative GOP strategist, said the document looks like the result of someone asking ChatGPT to translate the GOP’s Project 2025 into Moron.

If only we could find this clownishness funny. But the real GOP agenda is Project 2025, the GOP playbook for taking over the government. This blueprint, which we wrote about in our last issue, is the brainchild of the ultra-conservative Heritage Foundation and was written by some very smart conservative GOP operatives, including former Trump Cabinet Secretaries, federal officials, and White House aides. This crowd has the savvy and experience to execute the blueprint to take over the federal government under a Trump Administration and drastically reduce, if not eliminate completely, key agencies. It aims to roll back women’s rights, regulation, environmental projections, and other critical protections. Unlike the GOP Platform, Project 2025 is detailed and long (900 pages!) but you can learn what you need to know in this summary from Indivisible. Or watch this excellent video presentation by Heather Cox Richardson, a Boston College history professor with a large following for her Substack newsletter.

As the appalling details of Project 2025 have spread, Donald Trump has denied any knowledge of the plan or the people behind it. But reporting by CNN and others, shows that Trump's denials ring hollow. A number of the plan's leading architects are close associates and JD Vance even wrote an introduction to it. Read more about the cast of characters behind Project 2025 in Politico.


Last month, the Wisconsin Supreme Court reinstated the use of absentee ballot drop boxes across the state, removing unnecessary barriers for many voters who are unable to cast their ballots in-person. Drop boxes allow voters to return their absentee ballots securely without worrying about ballots being lost or delayed in the mail or having to bring ballots back to their municipal clerk’s office in person during business hours. Drop boxes are a basic feature of absentee ballot voting in at least 29 states and help boost voter access and participation. The Wisconsin court’s decision overturned its previous decision in 2022 that drop boxes could be placed only inside local election clerks’ offices (what's the point?) and that only the actual voter could return their ballot in person. This latest decision is especially consequential because Wisconsin is likely to be one of the key battleground states that will decide the outcome of the 2024 presidential election. There are big takeaways from this news: 

  • State and local elections matter. The state supreme court’s decision happened only because of a single race in 2023 that flipped the court from a conservative majority to a progressive majority.  

  • We win when we do the work. In that 2023 race, progressive judge Janet Protaswiecz won because ordinary people got organized and did the unglamorous grassroots work to get her elected.

  • People from outside Wisconsin made a difference. Concerned citizens from across the US recognized that what happens in a single state race can have a huge follow-on impact across the country. It used to be said that all politics is local. These days, it might be more accurate to say all local politics is national. Remember that the work we do in a single local race in our own state or elsewhere in the country can have an enormous ripple effect nationally. 

Please remember and repeat this story whenever you talk to someone who thinks that local elections don't matter.


My daily challenge to myself is to be part of the solution, to be a joyful warrior in the battle to come."

"I always start my campaigns early, and I run hard. Maybe it comes from the rough-and-tumble world of San Francisco politics, where it's not even a contact sport -- it's a blood sport. This is how I am as a candidate. This is how I run campaigns."


TODAY - August 1 from 5-7pm: Fundraiser for M PAC in Salisbury. M PAC is Maria Horn's political action committee that supports like-minded Democratic candidates across Connecticut for state and local office. Funds donated to M PAC do not go to Maria's campaign because she participates in CT's public campaign financing and cannot accept further donations to her campaign. Donations to M PAC will go to campaigns in state and municipal elections, by supporting legislative leadership and local Democratic Town Committees (DTCs) outside of Maria's own district. To RSVP please email (The address will be provided after you RSVP.) Even if you cannot attend the event, you can support M PAC by clicking here to donate.

August 3 from 8am - 3pm: The Sharon Democratic Town Committee at the Sharon Craft Fair. Visit the DTC's booth on the Sharon Town Green, where voter registration, campaign signs, and candidate literature will be available, along with home-baked treats and make-your-own lawn sign materials. Candidates will stop by at some point during the festivities. For more info call (860) 364-0362.

August 5 at 5:30pm: The Sharon Democratic Town Committee (DTC) will hold its regular monthly meeting. All registered Sharon Democrats are welcome to participate, although only elected members of the committee are permitted to vote on agenda items. Go to to request a Zoom link or attend in person at Sharon Town Hall.

August 7 at 7pm : A Conversation with Heather Cox Richardson on Project 2025. Force Multiplier invites you to this special Zoom conversation with Heather Cox Richardson in support of America Votes, which is coordinating a national network of grassroots groups targeting 3.2 million surge voters in nine Presidential and Senate battleground states. Click to register and donate. Suggested donation $100. If you can give more, please do. If not, please give what you can and join the event. Donations will support 40 grassroots groups though the Blue Surge Turnout Fund, a partnership with America Votes.

August 10, 18, 24 from 10am-1pm: Doorknock with State Rep. Maria Horn for all our fabulous candidates. Maria Horn's campaign continues to run doorknocking outings to help all of our Democratic candidates, including US Rep. Jahana Hayes, State Senate candidate Justin Potter, and US Senator Chris Murphy. So when you knock for Maria, you're knocking for the whole Democratic ticket. Never doorknocked before? No problem! There will be training, and new volunteers will be paired with seasoned hands. It's the most effective way to provide important information about the candidates and issues on the ballot, and inspire our neighbors to get to the polls. Click below to sign up or call Cindy Barrett, Maria's volunteer coordinator, at (860) 781-5066. 

Goshen on August 10 - sign up

Norfolk on August 18 - sign up

Washington on August 24 - sign up

August 19 from 1-3pm: “Messaging Mondays” with the Sharon Democratic Town Committee (DTC) at The Edward, 19 West Main Street in Sharon. The Sharon DTC hosts twice-a-month gatherings to write postcards to voters. Click to sign up or just show up. All are welcome! For more info call (860) 364-0362.

August 20 at 7pm: Salisbury Democratic Town Committee. This regular monthly SDTC meeting will be held at Town Hall and via Zoom. The SDTC is committed to promoting good government and democratic principles at every level of our civic life. The SDTC recruits candidates for local elective and appointed offices and supports the most qualified Democrats to run in municipal, state, and national elections. Meetings are usually on the third Tuesday of every month. Contact Al Ginouves to receive a copy of the agenda and the link to the meeting.


August 26 from 5:30-7:30pm: “Messaging Mondays” with the Sharon Democratic Town Committee (DTC) at The Edward, 19 West Main Street in Sharon. The Sharon DTC hosts twice-a-month gatherings to write postcards to voters. Click to sign up or just show up. All are welcome! For more info call (860) 364-0362.

August 31-September 2: The Goshen Democratic Town Committee at the Goshen Fair. The Goshen DTC will be hosting a booth at the Goshen Fair and is looking for volunteers to assist in two-hour shifts for the booth. This is an important opportunity to connect directly with voters, so please consider taking a shift. For further information contact Chairman Henrietta Horvay at (860) 491-3129.

September 8 from 3-5pm: Fundraiser for Jahana Hayes with Senators Chris Murphy and Richard Blumenthal. This event takes place in Litchfield (Address to be provided after RSVP). Host committee: Davida Foy Crabtree, Eda di Biccari, Lynn Fulkerson and Dr. John Fulkerson, Laura Shapiro Kramer and Jay Kramer, Lynne Potter, Mary Sherwin, Merle Waxman and Dr. Stephen Waxman, former NY Governor David A. Paterson, Dean Birdsall, Patricia Donovan, Bill Honan, Lee Greenhouse and Flora Lazar, Anna and Richard Heys, Deborah Helck and Joe Yeno, John and Darcy Markelon, Marie McFadden, Kathy Thompson, Bibby Veerman, and others to be announced. This race is critical for Democratic control of the House of Representatives. Republicans have zeroed in on Jahana Hayes’ district as one of their top pickup targets, and she’s counting on our support. This occasion will feature music with renowned saxophonist Paul Winter, remarks by environmentalist Bill McKibben, and other celebrity guests. Please click to RSVP and donate (from $50 to $3300). And please spread the word!


If you're worried (and aren't we all), remember that the best antidote is action. So please read the event calendar above as well as below for ways that you can do more and worry less.

With so much attention focused on the Presidential race, it's easy to forget the important state and local races, including those right here in our backyard. We have great Democratic candidates, but they can't win without our help. Direct contact through doorknocking is the single most impactful way to influence voters -- phonebanking is a close second due to its direct contact. So please read below and sign up. If you're worried about doing it, don't worry. The campaigns will partner you with experienced doorknockers, so you won't be alone. You will be amazed by the great conversations you will have with voters.

Doorknock for Justin Potter – Justin is our great candidate for State Senate (District 30), but as a newcomer, he needs our help spreading the word. He has the right energy and platform to defeat the GOP incumbent, Senator Stephen Harding, and turn this seat blue for the first time since 1978. Justin has a strong background in affordable housing, which he has made a cornerstone of his agenda. That issue has become a priority for Democrats, Independents, and even Republicans, and is increasingly important to local businesses, which are struggling to attract employees who can live within reasonable distances of work. The 30th District is geographically the largest in our state and Justin needs our help making sure that voters across the district learn about him. Please sign up to knock on doors for Justin. Call Kay Munoz at (973) 861-9932 with any questions.

All in for North Carolina (AINC) – This New England-based group is working remotely to help Democrats win elections in North Carolina. Joe Biden lost here to Trump in 2020 by the smallest margin in any state. However, the influx of young progressive voters, especially in Mecklenburg County where Charlotte is located, makes NC a state that Democrats can win. This phase of calling is focusing on calling people in Mecklenburg County who have expressed an interest in volunteering to elect Democrats. These efforts should have a multiplier effect. For every person who signs up to canvass, phonebank, or help out in the office, that will mean many other voters reached. Join AINC every other Sunday night for phonebanks from 6-8pm to recruit volunteers for the Mecklenburg County Democratic Party's initiatives. For more information and to sign up click here.

Saving Democracy – Our local advocacy group, Saving Democracy, continues to write postcards on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 2-4pm at the White Hart Inn. Grab a friend, a neighbor, an acquaintance, or join in to meet someone new. The group writes postcards encouraging Democrats to vote. It is easy – cards, address labels and the scripts are provided. One focus in August will be registering new voters. Additionally, there will be cards to support our local candidates and congressional races in swing states. Voter turnout will have a big impact on the outcome of the elections in November and these postcards – and your hard work – have a positive impact on turnout. For more information, contact

If your schedule doesn't allow you to join on weekday afternoons, postcard packets can be picked up during daylight hours from the bench near the front door of 37 Chatfield Drive in Lakeville.

More events will be scheduled during the month, so join the Saving Democracy email list to get updates by emailing

Special bonus: Simon Rosenberg, author of the "Hopium Chronicles," has offered everyone on the Saving Democracy email list a free one-month subscription to his Substack newsletter.


How JD Vance’s Shocking Inexperience Turned into an Asset. JD Vance wasn’t picked as Donald Trump’s running mate because he can deliver Ohio. It’s already in the tank for the GOP. And he wasn’t tapped because he’s the most qualified to be a heartbeat away from the presidency. The entirety of his government experience consists of less than two years in the Senate. Vance’s ascension is owed to something else entirely. He is the embodiment — and one of the most articulate defenders — of a belief system that has gradually taken hold of the Republican Party, one that prizes cultural and ideological warfare and rewards the warriors who are most effective in taking the fight to non-believers. Read more from Politico.  

JD Vance’s Radical Religion. For all the commentary about Donald Trump’s choice of Senator JD Vance as his running mate — he’s the survivor of a tumultuous upbringing in small-town Ohio, a former marine, a Yale Law graduate, the author of the 2016 memoir Hillbilly Elegy and the hero of the 2020 movie adaptation, a convert from Never Trumper to fervent acolyte — one aspect of his biography that could prove of major consequence has received scant attention: his religion. He became a Catholic in 2019 and since then has aligned himself with conservative-Catholic currents of thought that have already had profound effects on the Supreme Court -- and, through the Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade, on American life broadly. Read the full article in The New Yorker.

Who Can Achieve the American Dream? Race Matters Less Than It Used To. Researchers at Harvard have found that Black millennials born to low-income parents had an easier time rising than the previous Black generation did. At the same time, white millennials born to poor parents had a harder time than their white Gen X counterparts. Black people still, on average, make less money than white people, and the overall income gap remains large. But it has narrowed for Black and white Americans born poor — by about 30 percent. The community you come from still has a huge effect on your economic mobility. For centuries, this meant a tremendous advantage for white Americans, even those born into low-income families. But in a surprising shift, the Harvard study suggests that this advantage is not as large as it once was. Read the full story in The New York Times.

Democratic House Leader Hakeem Jeffries on the Election. Hakeem Jeffries succeeded Nancy Pelosi as the House Minority Leader in 2023. In this Zoom call hosted by Hopium's Simon Rosenberg, Jeffries discusses the state of the 2024 elections, including Kamala Harris' campaign and the effort to flip the House of Representatives to a Democratic majority. "4 in '24" is the motto for campaign to win the mere four seats that Democrats need to take control of the House. If you haven't heard Jeffries, this recording is worth watching. His energy and clarity of thought are infectious and inspiring. Click here to watch.


Here at the Salisbury Democratic Town Committee (SDTC), we have been heartened by your response to our annual appeal. Many of you responded with generous donations to last month's appeal. This is a time when we are all getting numerous requests to support many different worthy candidates and organizations, so your willingness to support the SDTCs work is especially affirming. Your financial support enables us to continue to nominate and elect competent and caring people to our public offices locally, statewide, and nationally. In addition, especially in times like these, the SDTC serves as a focal point for engaging and empowering concerned citizens to take action to defend and improve our democracy. If you have not already given, you can still donate here. Thank you!


Please send us any news or announcements that you would like us to share with our community. We publish on the first of each month, so please send us any submissions at least one week in advance. Please submit to the editor at


If you like this newsletter, please forward it to your friends and family. Let them know that they are free to join our mailing list, regardless of where they live. We are delighted to have readers from anywhere -- Salisbury, the Northwest Corner, or elsewhere in the world. They can use the QR code or click below to sign up.

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Paid for by the Salisbury Democratic Town Committee,

PO Box 465, Salisbury CT 06068, Pamela Kelley, Treasurer

Editor: Lee Greenhouse,

Associate Editor: Sally Andre


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