January 2023


In this issue

TCNA President's Message

Neighborhood Committees

  • Crime and Safety Updates: Captain Bennett meets with TCNA board
  • Woods Project Committee; Frozen Pipe
  • Calvert School Project: Lower School Addition
  • Events: Centennial Celebration Coming This Summer
  • Membership: 18 New Members!
  • Streets: Wishes for the New Year
  • Communications: Web site: New Section:Neighborhood Housing

Neighborhood News

  • Ridgewood Condo's Retaining Wall and Parking Area
  • Street Lights Out (21): Tuscany Road, Tuscany Court, part of Ridgemede
  • Urban Red Foxes
  • Sidewalk Art
  • Highfield House Repairs
  • Passing of Jack Goellner, editor of TCNA newsletters for many years
  • Repair Street Lights
  • Water Main Break
  • Yearly Dumpster Dates
  • Hillside Park: Jacques Kelly's Sunpapers article
  • Baltimore Urban Landscape: 2022 was largely a year of planning, rebuilding
  • Councilwoman Ramos - Needs Your Input about City Budget

Neighborhood Early History

Johns Hopkins University

  • Johns Hopkins Leads Nation in Research Spending

Neighborhood Restaurants & Hopkins Market Liquor License Update

Home & Condo Current Sale Prices 

Events In and Around Tuscany-Canterbury

  • Next recycling dates: February 2, February 18
  • January 13- February 19, Johns Hopkins Ice Rink -Free skates & Lessons
  • March 8 7PM- TCNA board meeting - Neighbors are always invited.
  • Lots of events with details are at the end of the newsletter

Your dues made it possible for TCNA to negotiate a MOU with the the Hopkins Market. More details in this newsletter.

CLICK HERE to join or renew your TCNA dues.

More winter pictures have been added to TCNA website showing holiday lights throughout the neighborhood

Neighborhood photographer, John Robinson

Webmaster, Julie Watson

Canterbury Road

The Warrington

Winthrop House

Visit our Website: Winter Image Gallery

TCNA President's Message

Julia Frazier

Hello and warm wishes to all Tuscany Canterbury residents for the start of 2023! Thanks for your support, as you enjoy reading about all that is ongoing and developing in our vibrant corner of North Baltimore City. Thanks once again to our active and committed board members, who continue to stay on top of all relevant neighborhood endeavors, and for this newsletter which serves as a vital source of information for us all. I look forward to sharing more community news, and upcoming events.

Very best,


Tuscany-Canterbury Crime Updates

Tuscany-Canterbury continues to be one of the safest neighborhoods in Baltimore. Tuscany-Canterbury is home to 4,300 people in 2,778 homes, condos, and apartments. During the last two months of 2022, there was an increase in crimes. This comparison shows the totals for the past two years.

Source: Northern District Police, January 2023

TCNA Crime Updates

Captain Bennett, recently appointed as the Northern District executive officer, attended the January 2023 TCNA board meeting and shared the information in the chart above (comparison of 2022 and 2021 Crime data), and other important information. He reinforced our understanding that Tuscany-Canterbury is an extremely safe neighborhood.   He will attend the March 8 board meeting.  Board meetings are always open to the neighborhood. 

Robberies have increased throughout the City during the last several months of 2022 and in Tuscany-Canterbury during the last two months. FBI and DEA are working with the BPD resulting in more arrests.
Car Thefts have increased throughout the City and also in Tuscany-Canterbury. Certain cars -- Kia and Hyundai -- are easier to steal because car thieves can use a USB cord to effectively hot-wire the ignition. To prevent this, lock the steering wheel with an old-fashioned club-type lock.

City police responding to traffic accidents on I-83. Many TCNA neighbors wanted the law changed so that city police would no longer respond to car accidents on I-83. Instead the state police would respond, as they do in the county. Having the city police respond to I-83 accidents took many officers out of their districts. Delegate McIntosh and others passed legislation to make this a reality.

Captain Bennett's Suggestions to be Safe
  • Be mindful when you get in and out of your car or walking.
  • Lights on all buildings and homes are important ways to deter robberies.
  • Keep car doors locked.
  • Don’t leave anything visible in the car when you aren’t in it.
  • Register your ring cameras with the police.

Safety Suggestions: COVID Information 2023

Tips to Avoid a COVID Infection While Flying in 2023 

January 9, 2023 WYPR CLICK Here

What You Need to Know About XBB.1.5, Omicron's Latest Variant

Johns Hopkins University of Medicine. CLICK HERE

New COVID Strain, Winter Viruses Fueling Rise in Hospitalization in Maryland

Baltimore Banner Jan 12, 2023 CLICK HERE

Covid’s Winter Surge is Poised to Exceed Summer Peak

Statnews Jan 3, 2023 CLICK HERE

Tips from the Maryland Hospital Association for Marylanders to remain healthy and protect others:

  1. Around bigger groups (especially indoors), keep social distance and wear face masks that cover both nose and mouth.
  2. Get a COVID test if you have symptoms or someone whom you've had contact
  3. Remain home if you are sick.
  4. Visit primary care providers early to prevent colds or minor injuries from getting worse.
  5. Get vaccinated and / or boosted for COVID.
  6. Get a flu shot.

Membership Committee

Pat Hawthorne, Chair

Thanks to EVERYONE who supports the TCNA!!!! 

The TCNA Membership Committee is pleased to announce that we currently have over 214 dues-paying members/families including 18 NEW members since July 1st. However, this represents less than 30% of the population of our condominiums and single-family homes. As many of you know, you do not need to be member to receive the monthly TCNA Newsletter, which is full of great news about your neighborhood such as local news, TCNA-sponsored events, home sales, crime, and the activities of our various committees.

But, in order to sustain our organization and have sufficient funds to ensure that the TCNA can continue to make this a better neighborhood, we need EVERYONE to support your neighborhood association. In addition to defraying the costs of our fabulous and informative web site and the newsletter (kudos to Communication Committee members who volunteer dozens of hours each month), membership dues also support

  • Maintenance of our 4 public gardens and green spaces
  • Meeting and event costs
  • Maintenance and upkeep of the Stony Run Trail and Linkwood Park
  • Negotiations (legal or otherwise) with other entities/organizations such as Calvert School over its expansion plans and Hopkins Market LLC over its plans to replace the Hopkins Deli and obtain a liquor license from 6AM to 2AM.

All of these activities benefit everyone living here, but not everyone contributes. For only $30 per individual or $40 for a family, the accrued benefits far exceed the cost of membership. Members of our committee will continue to reach out to neighbors who have never joined and those whose memberships have lapsed with the goal of reaching a 50% membership rate by July 1, 2023.  

Please help us reach that goal!!! Support TCNA.

And, if you’d like to serve on the Membership Committee, please contact Pat Hawthorne at It’s a great way to meet your neighbors!


Tuscany Woods

Project Committee

Pat Hawthorne

Mike Travieso, Co-Chairs

CLICK HERE to contact Project Committee

For the most updated information go to the. TCNA website

January 2023 Updates

Tuscany Road was covered with ice for over a week in December.

A pipe in the Cooling Tower froze during the extreme cold weather in December and burst. poured over the wall of the field and then froze on Tuscany Road. Everything is now repaired.

Events Committee

Ann Christopher, Chair

Roz Mansouri, First Friday Coordinator

Josh Cohen, Tuscany-Canterbury 100th Anniversary Coordinator

100th Centennial Party

University Homes

Summer 2023

University Homes, the first name for the homes on Cloverhill and Canterbury , were built 100 years ago.

Plans are being made for a day-time alley party, 1920s-style jazz band, games for all, potluck food and drink between Canterbury and Cloverhill streets either at alley level or on various decks that would be open to all.

Click here to get involved with the fun & planning a party of the century.

Don't know about University Homes? READ MORE ABOUT THE HISTORY

Streets Committee

Brian ten Siethoff, Committee Chair

Plans and Hopes for 2023

Safe, beautiful, accessible, well-lit, and functional streets and sidewalks for all our residents.

  • Continued partnership with The Broadview to advance safety and landscaping improvements on 39th Street

  • Continued dialogue and progress on Linkwood Road as we work to complete a vital missing link in the Stony Run Path

  • Slower speeds and empathy among all people walking and driving on Tuscany Road

  • Engagement with neighbors on Charles Street to identify needs and propose solutions to make it safer to cross between Tuscany-Canterbury and Guilford

  • More widespread availability of electric vehicle charging stations throughout the neighborhood 

  • Secure bike parking in neighborhood buildings and safer routes for bikers of all ages to get from Tuscany-Canterbury to destinations throughout the city

  • Continued progress installing ADA-compliant curb ramps, sidewalk repairs, and relocation of sidewalk obstructions 

  • Fewer water main and gas main repairs requiring street closures and pavement cut

A happy and healthy 2023 for all!

CLICK HERE to contact Streets Committee or Visit TCNA Website for information about all the Streets On-Going Project

Calvert Liaison Committee

Amy Mutch, Chair

Click for committee members and information about committee

Addition to Calvert's Lower School Building

Calvert School is finalizing plans for the construction of a 2-story classroom addition on the rear property of the lower school. TCNA has been aware of this project since August 2022 and reported on the overall plans. The addition does not change the school's footprint. The construction schedule timeline has been delayed due to utility issues. Calvert hopes to break ground in late January, early February. Once the construction schedule is finalized TCNA will share with our membership.  As always, please feel free to contact the liaison committee with questions or concerns. 

See TCNA September 2022 newsletter for additional information


Calendar Events for Calvert School

  • February 17 School Closed - Parent/Teacher Conferences
  • February 20 Closed - Presidents’ Day School

Communications Committee

Linda Eberhart, Coordinator

Julie Watson, Webmaster

Photographer, John Robinson

Committee: Ann Finkbeiner, Restaurants- Kathryn Gallagher and Lois Schenck, TCNA board members contribute articles, photos, and other support for newsletter and website.

Tuscany-Canterbury Website

Updates are being made to the website.

The Housing Section now includes basic information about all the apartments and condominiums within Tuscany-Canterbury area. Numerous visitors click on the TCNA website from around the US and the world. This page provides an overview of everything that is available. If an apartment or condominium is a member of TCNA, they are entitled to have more than just the basic information included on this page at no additional charge.

Let us know your suggestions and thoughts about the website

Neighborhood News 

Your Questions, Comments, and Messages

Ridgewood Condominiums:

Retaining Wall & New Parking Project

The 310 Ridgemede Retaining Wall and Parking Lot project is almost complete. Because of weather related delays the completion date was pushed back by almost a month. Pending last minute work including the structural engineer’s official sign-off on the project, and the installation of lighting, the parking lot will again be functional. In addition, Harvey Construction will be remediating the grass with reseeding and a cover of hay in the the park area alongside Linkwood Rd. that was ripped up due to construction vehicles parking there.

Urban Foxes in Tuscany-Canterbury

Neighbors are reporting that they are seeing more foxes throughout the Tuscany-Canterbury area especially at night. Foxes have been in the area for decades.

Foxes have now made a home in the pond area between the Warrington and the Highfield House. Sightings have been seen by the St. James on Charles Street.

Seeing foxes in urban areas is total normal and nothing to worry about. They are not a threat to pets or people–as long as we don’t feed them and cause them to associate us with food and lose their natural caution around people. If in their curiosity they approach you, clap and shout to scare them away. You want to teach them that humans are a danger and to avoid us.

A few ways to keep the neighborhood healthy for humans and foxes alike: 

  • Shut down the snack bar
  • Don’t fear the fox
  • Set boundaries
  • Respect their family time
Read more about how to keep foxes and humans safe

Sidewalk Art by Stony Run Bridge

Sidewalk art is appearing around the City. No one seems to know who did this interesting painting. This painting recently appeared by the approach to the large bridge over Stony Run by Linkwood Road and Stoney Ford.

Let us know if you have any insight about this sidewalk art. TCNA may have other areas that will need art in the future.

Highfield House

Roof work is being done. New flashing is being installed.

Jack G. Goellner, former director of the Johns Hopkins University Press and long time Tuscany-Canturbury, dies

Jack Goellner, who during his two-decade career as director of the Johns Hopkins University Press earned it national acclaim as a powerhouse scholarly publishing house, died December 9, 2022 of complications from a stroke at his Roland Park Place residence. The former Tuscany-Canterbury resident was 92.

Many Tucany-Canterbury neighbors may have remembered Jack being editor of the TCNA newsletters for many years before the electronic version started in 2018. Copies of the TCNA paper newsletters from 2010-2017 are on the TCNA website. John lived on Ridgemede Road for decades before he moved to Roland Park Place in 2013.


Dumpster Dates for 2023

Baltimore City provides a neighborhood dumpster 4 times a year. The dates that TCNA have reserved are:

Linkwood & Tuscany: May 27 & Sept 2

Canterbury & Tuscany: June 10 & Sept 30

Sam Parks in addition to being a TCNA board member and TCNA secretary also coordinates this dumpster availability with the City.

Street Lights Out: Tuscany Area

21 street lights on the 200 and 300 blocks of Tuscany and all Tuscany Court, and a few on Ridgemede have been out since January 11, 2023. Numerous neighbors have reported the issue to both 311 and BGE. Thanks to all the neighbors who keep on their porch lights.

This what we know so far:

  • BGE repairs street lights.
  • BGE sends out a crew to determine the problem.
  • January 17, BGE was out and determined it was an underground wiring problem. It will take several more days (or a week or two) before the exact location of the problem can be found.
  • Once the location is determined, then it is assigned to a crew to repair.

A similar problem happened on Cloverhill Road and the underground cables had to be repaired. It took several weeks before work started and then another few weeks before the street lights were working.

Street Light Pole Installation: Tuscany and Stoney Ford Road

The street light was knocked down in December 2021 and needs to be completely replaced. TNCA calls BGE every month for an update. The December check-in with BGE reported they are still waiting for parts. The poles and bases are the responsibility of Baltimore City. TCNA has been told that the order for these parts are at the City Board of Estimates.

Click here for easy ways to report street light issues

What TCNA Learned from the Water Main Break

The importance to report a water problem 311 immediately. Many neighbors started calling and emailing the City instantly and it was fixed within a day.

It's important to keep storm drains free from leaves and debris. When the water from the broken main flooded the street, the intersection of Tuscany and Linkwood did not flood because the street drains along both roads were clean. If the intersection had flooded, the city might have had to turn off the water for the neighborhood. Because the drains were clean, neighbors were without water for only a relatively a short time.

City water website shows all the water breaks and symbols with the current status.

Hillside Park

With purchase of 20 acres in Baltimore’s Roland Park, nonprofit hopes to create an inclusive recreational space. The new Hillside Park, 20 acres of sloping woods and lawn off the 4800 block of Falls Road, was once Baltimore’s premier private golf course.

CLICK TO READ Jacques Kelly's article in the Baltimore Sun About Hillside Park

Baltimore Urban Landscape:

2022 was largely a year of planning, rebuilding

Amazing article about city’s biggest openings, closings, construction projects, and other real estate and business news of the past year and what's coming in 2023. Thanks to Marie Anderson, TCNA's Northern District Planner for sharing this information - Ed Gunt's article in the Baltimore Fishbowl


Message from 

Councilwoman Odette Ramos

Your Input on the City's Budget is Needed!

The fiscal year budget process starts now. Your input is needed. In addition to the upcoming budget process meetings, there is a new simulation tool that you can use to detail your priorities for spending in the budget. The simulation is available in HERE, The simulation will be available until January 23

You can also join us January 28 at the Waverly Y at 2:30. See information below

History of Tuscany-Canterbury

Tuscany-Canterbury is one of Baltimore’s registered historic neighborhoods. It lies on land known in the 18th century as Merryman’s Lot and in the 19th century as Clover Hill. Merryman’s descendants divided and sold the Clover Hill farm in 1865 and 1869. The first development, University Homes, was built between 1916 and 1920 on Cloverhill and Canterbury. Tuscany-Canterbury continued to grow into a charming, eclectic mix of individual housing, apartments and condominiums. Most characteristic of the neighborhood are its gracious town homes that date back to the 1920’s. The neighborhood remained nameless until 1965.

What we know today as Tuscany-Canterbury developed slowly over a quarter of a century. Clover Hill dates back to 1714.

This historic marker stands on Charles Street just north of University Parkway on the Guilford side of the street.

Learn more about the early history of the Tuscany-Canterbury between 1629 - 1900 on the TCNA website.

History of Tuscany-Canterbury

Johns Hopkins

Johns Hopkins Leads Nation in Research Spending for 43rd Consecutive Year

JHU spent a record $3.181 billion - nearly $1.5 billion more than the next highest institution on the annual list complied by the National Science Foundation.

For more information 

Neighborhood Restaurants Updates

Call or check website (listed below) for LATEST information

This space is provided free for our neighborhood restaurants.

Latest Information about Our Neighborhood Restaurants

  • Kathryn Gallagher, TCNA Restaurant Liaison - What's Happening 
  • Lois Schenck, Neighborhood Reviewer - What's Really Good
  • Lu Parsley - The New Hopkins Market

Hopkins Market Update, January 2023

The Liquor Board approved the MOU between TCNA and the Hopkin Market LLC on December 14, 2022. Without an MOU, the liquor license if approved would have allowed restaurant and liquor sales and liquor delivery between the hours of 6am and 2am daily. There are many topics included in the MOU. Listed below are a few of the topics that are included in the MOU.

Hours of Operation

  • Restaurant: 6:00 am through 12:00 am daily
  • Alcohol will not be sold as package goods, prior to 9am and sales end by 11pm daily
  • Maintain a food to alcohol ratio of 50% food sales revenue to 50% alcohol sales revenue.

Signage Outside the Building

  • No alcoholic beverage and tobacco signage outside the building shall be prohibited.
  • Sandwich boards outside the Establishment shall be prohibited.
  • Agree not to utilize neon signs or blinking signs visible from outside the building.
  • No advertisements other than the name of the Establishment shall be printed on the outside awning

Delivery by establishment to customers

  • Alcohol may only be delivered only with prepared food
  • No alcohol deliveries shall be made to students residing on the Johns Hopkins campus.
  • No alcohol will be delivered by a third party.
  • Alcohol deliveries will be limited to one case of beer or three bottles of wine or alcohol per delivery address, per day.

Outside Seating

  • No outside seating shall be provided unless agreed to by the parties to this MOU pursuant to a change.

Special thanks to Lu and Andy Parsley, chairs of the Hopkins Market Committee and all the neighbors who were part of the committee including Jennifer Mielke from JHU. Councilwoman Odette Ramos stood by TCNA as soon as the liquor notice was posted in October to the hearing in December and spent hours helping to ensure that the needs of Tuscany-Canterbury were met. The 43rd District elected representatives, Senator Mary Washington, Delegates Maggie McIntosh, Regina T Boyce, Elizabeth Embry, also helped in numerous ways.

Tuscany-Canterbury can't wait for the Hopkins Market to open.

Open Daily at 7 AM

Monday thru Thursday

Closes at 10:00 pm

Friday & Saturday Closes at 11:00pm

Sunday Closes 9pm

443- 335-6236

Updated Hours

Tuesday - Sunday: 11-3 & 5-9

Lunch Buffet, Friday & Saturday

Weekend Brunch Buffet

Monday: Open for Party Only

Special Winter Offers (see their website)


105 W 39th Street


Friday & Saturday 5 - 11

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

5 - 9

Off-Premise Catering is available whether you are planning a business luncheon, all-day meeting, rehearsal dinner, fundraiser, surprise party, anniversary.



Saturday 9 am - 8 pm

Sunday 9am- 4pm

Call for the menu

or check out their

Facebook Page

410 235-5777

100 W University Parkway

Recent Sale Prices of Homes & Condos

in Tuscany Canterbury

Thanks to TCNA president and realtor, Julia Frazier, who provides this information.
Note: The information is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed.   
Source:  This information is gathered from BRIGHT MLS, Inc and is provided courtesy of Julia Martin Frazier of Monument Sotheby's International Realty, Realtor for the Sales, 42 Village Square, MD, Cell: (410) 908-1760; Office: (443)708-7074 email:

Events & Happenings

In and Around


Lunar New Year Festival

January 21 and 22

Western Shore - Inner Harbor

A weekend-long, family-friendly, waterfront event filled with Asian art, food, and performances to celebrate the Lunar New Year The new event will feature Asian art, food, and performances to celebrate the first day of the lunar calendar — a widely observed holiday in some Asian countries. More Information

Lunar New Year Celebration

January 22, 11-4

Walters Art Gallery

This year we recognize the rabbit, which represents the fourth year of the 12-year cycle in the Lunar calendar. More Information

Community Concerts at Second


4200 St. Paul Street, For More Concert Information 


  • Jan 22, 2023, 3:30pm Berta Rojas, guitar
  • Feb 5, 2023, 7:30pm Chamber Music by Candlelight
  • Feb 19, 2023, 3:30pm Morgan State University Choir
  • Mar 5, 2023, 3:30pm Seraph Brass
  • Mar 26, 2023, 7:30pm Chamber Music by Candlelight
  • Apr 16, 2023, 3:30pm Wynona Wang, Piano
  • Apr 23, 2023, 7:30pm Chamber Music by Candlelight
  • May 7, 2023, 3:30pm Wonderlic Competition Vocal Recital
  • May 21, 2023, 3:30pm Sean Jones, Trumpet
  • Jun 4, 2023, 7:30pm Chamber Music by Candlelight

January 22 , 2022, 3:30

Berta Rojas, guitar

  • Classical Guitarist, Winner of the Latin Grammy®️
  • Associate Professor of Berklee College of Music

Concert presented in-person only.

There will be no livestream of this event.

With a renowned international trajectory, praise for Berta includes the Washington Post´s “…guitarist extraordinaire” and Classical Guitar Magazines “…ambassador of the classical guitar.”

Click here for more information about Berta Rojas

Tax Broke

Thursday, January 26, 2023 at 7:00 pm (1 hour)

FREE Screening at the Charles Theatre

1711 North Charles Street

Directed by Stephen Janis and produced by Taya M. Graham, the daughter of a neighbor in Tuscany-Canterbury, in collaboration with Jayne Miller.

More Information

For Some

The new documentary 'Tax Broke' explores how city tax subsidies pushed in the name of economic development transferred taxpayer money into the pockets of the rich while leaving Baltimore no better off.

Houseplants Exhibit

Evergreen Museum & Library

4545 North Charles Street

Now through June 4, 2023

There are numerous benefits of tending an indoor plant. The houseplant boom began in the Victorian era and blossomed.

If you are interested in houseplants, there is an enormous amount of information on their website. CLICK HERE

The Book Thing

At the December book giveaway, patrons adopted 12,469 books and 685 non-books. We also accepted donations of 9,324 books and 1,673 non-books.

The Book Thing will resume their series of openings on the second full weekend of each month starting in February, weather permitting.

Sun, Feb 12 – 9a-2p/5p – details TBD, limited book donations accepted

Sat, Mar 11 – details TBD, limited book donations accepted

Click Here for More Information About the Book Thing

Free Family Sundays

January 29, 2023 | 2:00 pm –5:00 pm

Free Family Sundays at the BMA are back with free monthly art-making workshops for the whole family. Express your inner artist and explore works from the collection and exhibitions with guest artists and educators.

Two Wings: The Music of Black America in Migration

Thursday, January 26

6:30-8 pm

Following sold out engagements at Carnegie Hall and The Kennedy Center, jazz pianist, composer, and artist Jason Moran and mezzo-soprano and composer Alicia Hall Moran will create a special rendition of their acclaimed Two Wings: The Music of Black America in Migration performance. Renowned author and scholar Farah Jasmine Griffin will read from her works on the Great Migration, Billie Holiday, and more, as the Morans share their own family lore, both harrowing and inspiring. Weaving together music from rhythm and blues to gospel, classical, Broadway, work songs, rock, and more, the Morans will be joined by some of the most exciting musicians working in Baltimore and beyond.

This activity is free

Reserve Tickets at the BMA

The John Waters Collection

November 20, 2022 — April 16, 2023

The exhibition showcases a few of John Waters' favorite things - his 'roommates' includes approximately 90 paintings, sculptures, photographs, and prints by Diane Arbus, Nan Goldin, Mike Kelley, Gary Simmons, Cy Twombly, Andy Warhol, and Betsy the Chimpanzee, among others.

Sunpapers Article about exhibit. CLICK HERE

Johns Hopkins Ice Rink

Open Until February 19, 2023

Community invited on weekends

The ice rink will create new memories and provide another opportunity to engage the JHU community together in a fun, winter experience. 

The experience (and rental skates for the first 100) will be free of charge to all participants. The ice rink will be located on the north side of the Homewood campus on the tennis courts adjacent to North Charles Street. 

Special Saturday Themes

  • January 21: Pokémon -Skate in your favorite Pokémon costume
  • February 4: Ugly Sweater/Hat Night – Put on your ugly sweater and hat one more time and skate to winter holiday music
  • February 11: Western/Cowboy Night
  • February 18: Disco Throwback Night– Skate to some far-out disco tunes

More information CLICK HERE

Register to Skate

Baltimore Heritage

5 minute Video

Druid Hill Park Superintendent's House 1872, Druid Hill Park,

Parks and People Foundation

Druid Hill Park Superintendent’s House (Stone House) built in 1872. By the late 1980s, the house was vacant, damaged by fire and covered in poison ivy. Luckily, in 2007, the Parks & People Foundation started beautifully restoring the building and transforming the land around it into a bucolic campus. The video includes Frank Lance, CEO & President of Parks & People and shows how this foundation makes green space accessible to all Baltimoreans. Parks and People Foundation was founded by Sally Michel.

More Information About Druid Hill Park


TCNA Officers and Board Members

President: Julia Frazier (Canterbury Road)

Vice President: Garth Thompson  (Ridgemede Road)

Past Presidents: Andrew and Luciene Parsley  (Tuscany Road)

Treasurer: Bill Bass (Cloverhill Road)

Secretary: Sam Park (Tuscany Court)

Board Members:

  • Bonnie Boland (The Colonnade, Canterbury Road)
  • Ann Christopher (Tuscany Court)
  • Josh Cohen (Cloverhill Road)
  • Linda Eberhart (Tuscany Road)
  • Paul Gallo  (Tuscany Court) 
  • Gard Jones (Tuscany-Lombardy Co-Op, Stony Run Lane)
  • Pat Hawthorne (Gardens of Guilford Condo, Stony Run Lane)
  • Nancy Lamotte (Ridgemede/Ridgewood Condo, Linkwood Road)
  • Mat Leffler-Schulman (Cloverhill Road)
  • Rosalyn Mansouri (Winthrop House Condo, Charles Street)
  • Amy Mutch (Tuscany Road)
  • Jo-Ann Orlinsky (St. James Condo Charles Street) 
  • Brian ten Siethoff (Cloverhill Road)
  • Lauren Urbanek (Tuscany Road)

Winter 2022-2023 Pictures in Tuscany-Canterbury