The Link
The newsletter for The Brooklyn Oratory Parishes
"I am a link in a chain, a bond of connection between persons."
-St. John Henry Cardinal Newman, C.O.
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The Brooklyn Oratory Parishes
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Boniface
January 23, 2025
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Thank You for Your Service!
The Girls Scouts and Year 2 Confirmation students had a great time making desserts, serving dinner, and prepping lunch boxes for the ABVM men’s shelter.
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Update on Gertrude Conway
Long-time ABVM parishioner Gertrude Conway has recently moved to a senior residence in Delaware where she is being cared for. She would be happy to hear from her friends from Assumption. Cards and notes for Gertrude can be left in a special receptacle in the back of the church or sent to the parish office where they will be forwarded to her. She also asks that we remember her in our prayers as she promises to do the same for us.
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Walking Tour of Abolitionist Place
Please join the Oratory's Social Justice Action Committee (SJAC) for a neighborhood walking tour sponsored by the Friends of Abolitionist Place. Marking the fourth anniversary of the Landmark designation for 227 Abolitionist Place this walk focuses on the abolitionist, suffragist and civil rights history of downtown Brooklyn. The life of Mama Joy, who lived at 227 Duffield Street and was a frequent St. Boniface visitor, will be remembered as well. Interested attendees can meet in the rear of St. Boniface after the 11:15am Mass. Questions? Please email
Sunday, February 2, 12:30pm, 227 Abolitionist Place, one block from St. Boniface on Duffield Street.
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Save the Date ~AFF Scripture Study
As part of our Adult Faith Formation, we invite you to join us for a monthly scripture study series focusing on the Gospel of Luke, which will be the main Gospel for the liturgical year (Year C). For any questions, please reach out to Fr. Anthony Balakishore Nagothu at
Wednesday, February 19, 7-8pm, Assumption Parish Hall
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Save the Date: March 3
Volunteer Thank You!
We have so many folks who volunteer in so many ways at our Oratory parishes. It is a tremendous effort of selfless service and acts of love. In appreciation for all you do, please come to a gathering on Monday, March 3, at 6 pm in Assumption Hall. Who isinvited? Anyone who has volunteered in the parishes in any capacity! Come for some food, refreshment, fellowship, and a double portion of gratitude!
Please RSVP using this link:
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Visit our Sister Parish in Turkana, Kenya this coming summer.
Help strengthen our Sister Parish relationship with St Mark’s Parish in Lokitaung, Turkana, Kenya by participating in an in-person visit, along with other Oratory community members, in the summer, 2025. Several years have passed since our last visit, so it is time to reinvigorate our friendship in person. Learn about the scope of parish activities, its outreach in the region, and its growth, challenges, and successes. Visit new groups created in the parish to enrich faith and reinforce community. Develop an understanding of how we can support our Sister Parish more effectively and build a stronger, more vibrant relationship for BOTH of us. Experience a joy-filled Sunday Mass, visit outstations at some distance from the central parish, take part in activities with local parishioners, and learn how the large nomadic population is served by St Mark’s small pastoral staff. Then return to share what you have learned and experienced with the Oratory communities upon your return. Then join the Sister Parish Committee to continue to foster this relationship.
For more information please contact Joan Schieber, or
Torkil Heggstad,
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Baptisms at the Oratory Parishes
Are you welcoming a new addition to your family or are interested in having your child baptized at Assumption or St. Boniface? You can find details on our website about how to proceed: We welcome families with children and look forward to celebrating your child’s baptism!
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First Saturday 9am Mass at Assumption on February 1.
Oratory Evening Prayer on Monday, February 3, 6:15pm.
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Upcoming Coffee Hour dates
February 16 at St. Boniface
February 23 at Assumption
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Mass Intentions
If you would like to request a Mass for someone living or deceased, Mass Intentions are available. Email The offering is $20. Please pay by using Pushpay or by mailing a check to 64 Middagh St. Brooklyn, NY 11201.
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Xavier’s Racial Justice Group’s Next Book: The New Jim Crow
Discussions via Zoom will start Feb 17. For more information and to register, email:
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Embrace Community with Sisters of St. Joseph
Join us to explore the enriching lives of our Associates. Associates are men and women dedicated to living the charism of "love of God and love of neighbor without distinction" in their daily lives. They gather monthly in a local community to reflect and pray in the spirit of the Sisters of St. Joseph, and to support each other in their spiritual journeys. Curious to learn more? Reach out to and start your journey of connection.
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Book Talk: Seeing with the Heart
A Guide to Navigating Life's Adventures
St. Francis Xavier Parish in Manhattan invites you to this talk by Fr. Kevin O'Brien, SJ about his new book.
For more details and to register:
Click here to see our event flyer, Kevin O'Brien Event Flyer.pdf
Saturday, February 12. 10am-noon at 46 West 16th Street
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Weekly Mass Intention Schedule
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Weekly Readings:
1-25 ..5:00pm ...For the People of the Parish
1-26 ..9:30am ...Joseph Hoge Derrough
1-27 ..8:00am ...Joseph Hoge Derrough
1-28 ..8:00am ...Blessings-Jimmy Cho
1-29 ..8:00am ..Joseph Hoge Derrough
1-30 ..8:00am ...James McGrath
1-31 ..8:00am ...Intentions-Fr. Mark Paul
2-1 ....8:00am ...Intentions-Girlie Genabe
St. Boniface
1-26 ..11:15am ...For the People of the Parish
1-26 ..6:00pm ...Terrrence Rintoul
1-27 ..12:10pm ...Dr. Mario Ablondi
1-28 ..12:10pm ...Healing-Tim Kelly
1-29 ..12:10pm .. Community Prayer
1-30 ..12:10pm ...Priest's Intention
1-31 . 12:10pm ...Margaret Cavanaugh
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Please keep the sick of the community in your prayers:
Sharon Anderson, Ruth Sanchez, Larry Chodoff, Stephen Janove, Nadine Hundertmark, Riley Forelli, Pina Gallaro, Madeline Kiner, Patricia Jung, Laurie Rising, Janice Clarke, William Gould, Maria Fusco, Maria Lopez, Alice Mulholland, Mary Simon Charles, Mary Cella, Kim Manzi.
Rest In Peace: Frances Mollusky, Bela Zalan,Cathy Lemon, Br. Gabriel O’Brien, OSF, Wanda Liberatore, President Jimmy Carter, Fr. Daniel Murphy, James McGrath, Kathy Slater.
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Upcoming Calendar
1/25....Coffee Hour, ABVM Parish Hall
1/26....F3 Session
1/26....Coffee Hour, ABVM Parish Hall
2/2....Presentation of the Lord
2/3....Feast of St. Blaise
2/9....Baptisms at St. B
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Candle Dedications at Assumption
Sanctuary candle offered by Connie Leone
St Joseph candle offered by Connie Leone
Blessed Mother candle offered by Kathy Reynolds
St. Jude candle offered by Notre Thomas
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The Brooklyn Oratory Parishes
Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
55 Cranberry St. between Henry and Hicks
Brooklyn Heights
Church of St. Boniface
190 Duffield St.
Downtown Brooklyn
Daily Masses
Monday - Friday, 8:00am at Assumption
Monday - Friday, 12:10pm at St. Boniface
Weekend Masses
Saturdays, 5:00pm at Assumption
Sundays, 9:30am at Assumption
Sundays, 11:15am and 6:00pm at St. Boniface
The Sacrament of Penance
Saturdays, 4:15 - 4:45pm at Assumption
Wednesdays, 12:30pm at St. Boniface
Sundays, 5:15 - 5:45pm at St. Boniface
Weekday Church Hours
Monday through Friday, 11:30am - 1:00pm at St. Boniface
Monday through Friday, 7:30am - 9:00am at Assumption
Prayers and Devotions
Rosary, Tuesdays & Thursdays after the 12:10pm Mass at St. Boniface,
Thursdays after 8:00am Mass at Assumption
St. Anthony Novena, Tuesdays after 8:00am Mass at Assumption
First Fridays, Sacred Heart Novena after 8:00am Mass at Assumption
First Saturdays, 9:00am Mass with Rosary, Meditation and Benediction at Assumption
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Your faithful stewardship has helped sustain our communities and maintain vital ministries and services. Thank you for keeping faith with us and supporting our common work of the gospel. You can make your donation online through Pushpay by clicking on one of the links.
For Assumption:
For St. Boniface:
Or mail checks or envelopes payable to “Assumption RC Church” or “St. Boniface RC Church” to:
64 Middagh St
Brooklyn NY 11201
Attn: Assumption or St. Boniface
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The Brooklyn Oratory Parishes
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Boniface
Roman Catholic Communities in
Downtown Brooklyn and Brooklyn Heights
Both parishes operate from one office:
64 Middagh Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
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