Safe Sleep Site Director Brenda Jackson on Serving the Unhoused 

“My mother used to always tell me, ‘Be kind to everybody, because you never know what their struggle was just to open their eyes and get up out of bed.’ And in this case,” Brenda Jackson, the Director of Safe Sleep Site, a program that serves the unhoused, explains, “they don't have a bed, they don't have a roof over them.”

Safe Sleep Site provides tents for unhoused clients as a pathway to permanent housing. They start off in a tent, transition to an RV, and then are placed in housing. This support is vital. “A lot of our clients have been on the streets for thirty-plus years. Some of them have never really experienced living in a real house,” Ms. Jackson says.

Read Brenda's Story

As we welcome 2023, we look forward to many more successes and community engagement led by a dedicated leadership and workforce that continues to serve and empower others.


Fostering Innovation and Community Engagement

2022 was a year filled with expansion, compassion, and celebration at Felton Institute. Our commitment and service to those in need in our community flourished last year – we expanded programs, staff, and celebrated scholastic success with children and their families.

Our community service highlights include selection as the City of Antioch’s first-ever crisis response team, increased funding for programs serving unhoused populations, partnering with a historic San Francisco nonprofit, as well as holding the first in-person preschool graduation since the pandemic began.

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Milestone Awards

Thank you to our long-tenured staff. You made a difference.

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