Fall CORE starts August 8

Our teen with adult class starts August 8!

We'll teach fishing, archery, survival skills and trap shooting. We guarantee it's time well spent with your teenager.

August 8: required orientation

Weeks of August 12 - October 28:

classes offered Tues, Weds, & Thurs evenings and Tuesday morning.

November 5: Our end-of-season celebration, Game Feast

Loved CORE? Please consider recommending the class to another family. We appreciate your support!

More About CORE

3D Archery Tournament- August 10

Colorado Youth Outdoors 3rd annual Archery shoot is Saturday, August 10.

Whether you're dusting off the equipment for hunting season or this is your first time shooting a bow - this event is for you!

Open, bowhunter, & traditional divisions will shoot our 30-target family-friendly course around the CYO campus.

Folks new to archery can borrow a bow, get instruction, and shoot our half-mile archery range.

CYO campus

8-9am - registration and warm up

9am - shotgun start

12:30 - lunch (provided)/raffles/awards

Please note our new pricing structure: $50/family: includes one adult & unlimited children.

$25/each additional adult.

3D Archery Registration

The Scoot - September 27

You ready to gussy up in your cowboy clothes, belt out with the band and dance until the cows come home?

We've got Jake Jacobson croonin' under the biggest tent you've ever seen. A whiskey wall, more raffles than you can shake a stick at, dancing like you haven't done in awhile . . . all under the stars at CYO. Northern Colorado's finest folks in attendance. Sure hope that includes you!

It's a do-not-miss moment, all to benefit the programming at Colorado Youth Outdoors.

Git your table here!
Jake Jacobson Promo video

Good News from CYO

At Colorado Youth Outdoors, we often host other non-profits. Our joy for teaching outdoor recreation aligns well with the missions of many other organizations. CYO gets to host about 20 non-profits every year. It's an honor and a privilege!

Here's some space for the amazing organizations who visited in July:

Shiloh House, based in Littleton, helps kids who have experienced trauma. We aren't therapists -- but it seems like time spent fishing can't hurt. Just keep your eyes clear of the hooks.

Respite Care provides day care for kids with developmental disabilities in Northern Colorado. When the kids are at CYO, our 220 acres fill with the positive energy of the kids and Respite volunteers. We love a Respite Care visit!

Revital Colorado supports the mental health of our first responders. Revital activities are centered around outdoor therapy. They're onto something!

Connections for Independent Living promotes the full inclusion and integration of people who live with all types of disabilities into all levels of society.

Weld County Youth Conservation Corps engages young adults aged 16-30 to commit to service projects. They're dedicated to a brighter future through diversity, education and teamwork. WCYCC spent 4 days mulching, trimming, and straightening port-o-lets (important work!) on our property. Breaks were spent fishing. 🐟

Donate Here

CYO exists to build relationships.

We build relationships by having fun together outside.

Our classes cost double what we charge, and 25% of our participants come through full scholarship.

We only run thanks to community support. If you believe in what we do, please consider a financial donation. Or buy a table at the Scoot! 🤠

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