Celebrating the Journey

August 2024 Newsflash

*Be sure to click "VIEW ENTIRE MESSAGE" at the bottom of the email to see the whole Newsletter!*

Events & Classes

Annual Church Picnic

Sunday, August 18 at 11 am

Barbara Key Park - Shelter 1

9191 Pyott Rd

Lake in the Hills

It's summertime again, and we are excited for our Annual Church Picnic! We will be in Shelter 1 at Barbara Key Park. Join us for fun activities like horseshoes and cornhole. The Deacons will provide hot dogs and beverages, and we are asking members to bring a main dish, side dish, or dessert to share. Please sign up in the Narthex so we know how many people to expect and what kinds of dishes we'll have. It's going to be a great time! Don't miss it!

Women's Bunco Night

Friday, August 9 at 6 pm

$5.00 entry fee

Join us for a fun-filled, competitive evening of playing Bunco while enjoying wonderful food and benefitting a good cause. All proceeds go to a charity of the winner’s choice. Lori Martens and Pat Maggio were our July winners, and they chose to donate $55 to Independence Health & Therapy in Woodstock.

Men's Fellowship

Saturday, August 10 at 9 am

Men’s Fellowship will be meeting in Fellowship Hall for excellent conversation and a delicious meal. Bring your favorite breakfast dish, or just come to enjoy the good company! Invite a friend! If you would like more information, feel welcome to contact Bob Benjamin.


Begins Monday, August 19 at 6:30 pm

Weekly on Mondays through November 11

We will once again be holding a GriefShare group for those looking for a welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief and want to learn helpful ways of coping. This will be a 13-week program. The cost for each person to attend is $20 (due at the first meeting) and includes a workbook. If you are unable to afford this expense, please contact Michelle Tarosas. Please sign up in the Narthex if you would like to take part in these sessions.

Tuesdays With the Pastor

Tuesdays at 3 pm

Join Pastor Cope every Tuesday afternoon for important discussions on topics relevant to our spiritual lives.

Missions, Ministries & More

Book BINGO Summer Reading

Now through September 8

If you haven’t already picked up a Book BINGO card, it’s not too late to get involved in the fun! For every completed BINGO line of books you’ve read, you will be entered into a drawing for the chance to win one of three gift cards. If you complete the entire BINGO card, you will earn five entries into the drawing! BINGO cards can be found on the table in the Library, and once they are completed, they can be dropped off in the assigned basket in the Library. We will be collecting cards through September 8.

First Sunday Special Offering

Sunday, August 4

We will be receiving our First Sunday Special Offering for the Algonquin-Lake in the Hills Interfaith Food Pantry. The ALITH Pantry fosters community awareness and support for our neighbors in need by offering clients immediate access to basic food during difficult times. If you would like to make a donation of food to the ALITH Pantry, current needs lists can be found on the table in the Narthex, and contributions may be placed in the shopping cart next to the elevator.

175th Anniversary Committee

Wednesday, August 7 at 6:30 pm

Seeking Volunteers

The CCA 175th Anniversary Committee will be having its first meeting this month, and we are still looking for volunteers to help plan our big celebration. If you are interested in being on the Anniversary Committee, please sign up on the sheet in the Narthex or reach out to Connie Wodziak.

Fair Trade

Sunday, August 11 Following Worship

A Note From Nancy Kneip: 

Haiti Creates - Announcing our newest product line! Rev. Bryan Sirchio founded this ministry by bringing products sewn in Haiti of discarded materials to sell here. These striking products are made on the grounds of Cite Soleil Community School by local artisans. They include bags for yoga mats, shopping bags, and knapsacks. Bryan is a UCC pastor in Madison and also works in DC. He is a musician, and some of us remember him joining us at the campfire for songs when we had church campouts. You can learn more about Bryan and his music minstry here. See our selection and learn more at the Fair Trade table on the second Sunday of each month.

Senior Choir Resumes

August 28 at 7 pm

A Note from Greg Tipps, Director of Senior Choir: Senior Choir rehearsal begins again on Wednesday, August 28th! We are looking for members to join us in sharing their musical talent and enhancing the worship experience. The Senior Choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings from 7 - 8:30 pm and sings three to four Sundays per month from September to May. Membership is flexible! If you need to take some weeks off for any reason, just return when you can - we always love to see you! The choir always works 3 - 4 weeks ahead on music, so even if you have to miss a rehearsal, you won’t get behind. The music, folder, and robe are provided, so all you have to do is show up and sing! Our Senior Choir is an important asset to the church. Our stewardship is sharing our music, and it is a stewardship that is fun because of the people we have. We hope you will consider joining us. It’s not a huge commitment, costs nothing, has led to many wonderful friendships, and adds greatly to the worship experience of our church. We hope you will join us for another great year of music making. The more the merrier! 

Global Ministries

Child and Elder Sponsorship Program

For several years, CCA has been supporting the Global Ministries Child and Elder Sponsorship program by sending $70/month to sponsor a child and an elder in the Family Farm Village in Vellore, India. Global Ministries is a division of the UCC Wider Church Mission. Currently, we have only about two months of funds left in reserve for this mission. If you would like to see this program continued, please consider a contribution of any amount. There are donation envelopes on the table in the Narthex as well as a labeled donation canister. Please make a note of “Child and Elder Sponsorship” when donating via check.

For more information on this program, click here.

Veterans Path to Hope Special Collection - August

The Ministry of Missions will be collecting items for Veterans Path to Hope during August. Veterans Path to Hope provides veterans in need and their families with the services necessary to experience hope and achieve success. Their programs have rescued over 6,000 veterans and their families from homelessness. A needs list can be found on the table in the Narthex, and the collection box can be found in the Coat Room.

Seeking Small Group Leaders
The Board of Christian Education is looking for people interested in co-leading small groups in the coming church year. Expressing interest doesn't mean you're obligated to lead; we're just looking to create a list of people who may want to help with classes as they come up. If you'd like to be included on that list, please sign the sheet in the Narthex.

Heavenly Attic

Fridays and Saturdays 10 am - 4 pm

Summer is a time for vacation, and our volunteers are no exception! The Heavenly Attic could use some extra help during August while our regular crew of volunteers are out of town. If you're able to lend a hand on Friday and/or Saturday afternoons this month, please reach out to JoAnn Schindler. The Heavenly Attic is dedicated to making a difference in our community, so whether you're volunteering or shopping, you're always supporting a good cause. Our August beneficiary is Turning Point Domestic Violence Services.

Serve During Coffee Hour

We are looking for volunteers to serve during Coffee Hour through the end of the year. There is a new sign-up sheet through December 2024 on the bulletin board in the Narthex for those who would like to serve. 

Online Giving

If you would like to donate online, please click here. You will find a wide selection of church funds to which you can contribute. Please contact Dennis Kneip with any questions about online giving.

Save the Date

Fall Kick-Off

Sunday, September 8

Fall is fast approaching, and we're kicking it off with a bang! Celebrate the beginning of a new church year with us as our Senior Choir returns, Shepherd U begins, and we gather in fellowship to share a potluck meal. Keep your eyes peeled for a potluck sign-up sheet in the Narthex, and stay tuned for additional details.

Shepherd U Resumes

Sunday, September 8 During Worship

Shep U is back in September, and the Ministry of Christian Education is looking for assistants to help during the church year. Being an assistant doesn't require any teaching or lesson prep; you're just there to help the teacher and have a great time with our kids. If you'd like to be a part of enhancing young people's worship experience, sign up in the Narthex.

Whole Church Bible Study

Sunday, September 22 at 8:30 am

Two 6-Week Sessions

The entire congregation is encouraged to attend our pre-worship Bible Study on the Book of Mark. We will be using the “Listen Up! Bible Study” series to guide these lessons. This class is split into two parts, each consisting of six sessions. The first session will begin on September 22 and go through the beginning of November. The second session will begin in January 2025 and go through March. There is no cost for study materials; just bring a curious mind and a desire to learn! Please let us know if you plan on attending by signing up in the Narthex.

September Newsletter Submission Deadline:

August 19

If you have an item you would like included in the next Newsletter, please submit it to the Office by emailing no later than this date!

If you would like to have an event added to the calendar, please call the Church Office at (847) 658-5308 or email at
Stay Connected

Thank You From Donna and Ed Church

We would like to thank the members of the Congregational Church of Algonquin for the assistance of Ed being able to see and be with his sister, Frances, in Greenville, SC while she was in the hospital and at the time of her passing on 4/19/24. It was greatly appreciated. We continue to keep you in our daily thoughts and prayers.


Donna and Ed Church

Cristin Hanson

Dick Roggveen

Jeff Jolitz

Gary Tipps

Greg Tipps

Kris Panzloff

Barb Weitz

Janet Aggen

Jayne Scheske

Dave Carris

Pat Thime

Warren Dahn

Dave Aggen

Thank you to the following people for their memorial contributions:

Honoring Rita Whitney

Dave & Janet Aggen, Heavenly Attic, Kent & Lea West

Honoring Steve Wilson

Wynn Ann Roggeveen, Martha Wallace

Office Hours
Regular office hours are
Monday - Friday
9 am - 2 pm
Stream Worship Services

Jennifer & Jim Jazwinski

Jean & William Hertel

Bev & Greg Tipps

Anna & Bob Benjamin

Dave & Janet Aggen

Christine & Dan Drasler

Lynne Carlson

Fred Ekstrom

Nancy Ekstrom

Pat Hemmingsen

Norm Jolitz

Pat Kramer

The Novak Family

Don Schmidt

Judy Stauffer

Rick Stauffer

The Wilson Family

If you would like someone's address to send a card, please contact the Church Office.
Fred & Nancy Ekstrom
Gary Gray
Pat Hemmingsen
Ron Martens
Bobbie Reed
Val Williams