Celebrating the Journey
August 2024 Newsflash
*Be sure to click "VIEW ENTIRE MESSAGE" at the bottom of the email to see the whole Newsletter!*
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Annual Church Picnic
Sunday, August 18 at 11 am
Barbara Key Park - Shelter 1
9191 Pyott Rd
Lake in the Hills
It's summertime again, and we are excited for our Annual Church Picnic! We will be in Shelter 1 at Barbara Key Park. Join us for fun activities like horseshoes and cornhole. The Deacons will provide hot dogs and beverages, and we are asking members to bring a main dish, side dish, or dessert to share. Please sign up in the Narthex so we know how many people to expect and what kinds of dishes we'll have. It's going to be a great time! Don't miss it!
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Missions, Ministries & More | |
Fall Kick-Off
Sunday, September 8
Fall is fast approaching, and we're kicking it off with a bang! Celebrate the beginning of a new church year with us as our Senior Choir returns, Shepherd U begins, and we gather in fellowship to share a potluck meal. Keep your eyes peeled for a potluck sign-up sheet in the Narthex, and stay tuned for additional details.
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Shepherd U Resumes
Sunday, September 8 During Worship
Shep U is back in September, and the Ministry of Christian Education is looking for assistants to help during the church year. Being an assistant doesn't require any teaching or lesson prep; you're just there to help the teacher and have a great time with our kids. If you'd like to be a part of enhancing young people's worship experience, sign up in the Narthex.
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Whole Church Bible Study
Sunday, September 22 at 8:30 am
Two 6-Week Sessions
The entire congregation is encouraged to attend our pre-worship Bible Study on the Book of Mark. We will be using the “Listen Up! Bible Study” series to guide these lessons. This class is split into two parts, each consisting of six sessions. The first session will begin on September 22 and go through the beginning of November. The second session will begin in January 2025 and go through March. There is no cost for study materials; just bring a curious mind and a desire to learn! Please let us know if you plan on attending by signing up in the Narthex.
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Cristin Hanson
Dick Roggveen
Jeff Jolitz
Gary Tipps
Greg Tipps
Kris Panzloff
Barb Weitz
Janet Aggen
Jayne Scheske
Dave Carris
Pat Thime
Warren Dahn
Dave Aggen
Thank you to the following people for their memorial contributions:
Honoring Rita Whitney
Dave & Janet Aggen, Heavenly Attic, Kent & Lea West
Honoring Steve Wilson
Wynn Ann Roggeveen, Martha Wallace
Office Hours
Regular office hours are
Monday - Friday
9 am - 2 pm
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Jennifer & Jim Jazwinski
Jean & William Hertel
Bev & Greg Tipps
Anna & Bob Benjamin
Dave & Janet Aggen
Christine & Dan Drasler
Lynne Carlson
Fred Ekstrom
Nancy Ekstrom
Pat Hemmingsen
Norm Jolitz
Pat Kramer
The Novak Family
Don Schmidt
Judy Stauffer
Rick Stauffer
The Wilson Family
If you would like someone's address to send a card, please contact the Church Office.
Fred & Nancy Ekstrom
Gary Gray
Pat Hemmingsen
Ron Martens
Bobbie Reed
Val Williams
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