Virginia Annual Conference Offering 2024
Last Sunday, Reverend Bob Blinn shared about the effort he and others are involved with through the Holy Rollers, a cycling group from the Virginia Conference, to raise money for the Virginia Annual Conference Offering. Bob and other clergy and laity will be riding about 160 miles this year to call attention to the Conference Offering. If you have an interest in learning more about this group and how you might be involved in it, you can read more here: United Methodist Holy Rollers.
This year, the Conference will support two causes. The first one is supporting the ongoing connectional work with our VAUMC Partnerships of Hope countries: Brazil, Mozambique, Cambodia, Haiti, Vietnam, and Native American Ministries. The other half of our offering will be given towards our conference-wide Undue Medical Debt Campaign (formerly RIP Medical Debt) to help eliminate medical debt in the Commonwealth of Virginia. It is our hope that through this debt campaign, we are able to raise $390,000 that would help eliminate $39 million of medical debt that continues to hurt the most vulnerable in Virginia. This campaign will start with the Annual Conference offering and continue through the end of the calendar year.
Here is a link with a short video about the Conference Offering:
2024 Annual Conference Offering (
To give, you can make your contribution to Centenary by check with "Conference Offering" in the memo line or by giving online through Realm here. (Choose Conference Offering in the Fund pull down menu.) Watch for more information about these two causes in weeks to come.