Winter Rest and Inner Activity
Change is the natural order of all things. Relationships, jobs, habits and hobbies—we shift our interests and our focus many times throughout a lifetime. When the seasons warm or cool, daylight shortens or lengthens, our routines differ and change as well. In the northern parts of the globe during winter there are significant changes in the weather and precipitation, resulting in drastic differences in our sleeping patterns, the food we consume, and our physical habits.

Read more about how we adapt to the winter months with a change in routine and a slowing down of activities in our latest blog article.
Reinforce Your Strength
Do you feel drained of energy? Adrenal fatigue and overwork can lead to kidney qi deficiency. Working long hours, unrestful or too little sleep, excessive physical labor and going through labor/childbirth, can all lead to weakness of the kidney qi. The kidneys are your batteries, and when they are not getting recharged, you are not getting the energy you need to live well.

Are you also experiencing fatigue? Dizziness and vertigo? Low back and knee pain? Do you often have a dry mouth despite drinking plenty of water? Heat in the body manifesting in these symptoms along with night sweats or rosacea are signs of yin deficiency. Yin is the cooling portion of the body and when this is lacking, the heat takes over and overly dries internal systems.

When a TCM practitioner hears these types of complaints, we immediately think: kidney yin deficiency and Liu Wei Di Huang Wan. This formula that was developed in and has been in continual use since, 1119 –over 900 years ago!—is one of the most efficient and effective herbal formulas to ease these complaints.

Liu Wei is a simple formula containing six herbs. Many patients recover from back and knee pain, insomnia and dizziness with this herbal prescription. Paired with acupuncture treatments and other herbal formulas, there is added efficacy to use of this herb.

In the Acupuncture by Andrea clinic, we carry the traditional formula by Herbal Times and the proprietary formula from Health Concerns/Mayway Herbs, a long-standing family-owned herbal company in the US.
Give the Gift of Health and Wellness
During the month of December, purchase an Acupuncture by Andrea gift card for $100 and receive an additional $25 gift card as a thank you for giving the gift of health. Choose from a variety of card styles to personalize your gift. If you purchase your $100 gift card online the $25 thank you card can by mailed to the address of your choice or picked up at your next appointment.

Get your Super Incredible Amazing Gift Card Deal now!
Seven Tips for Strength and Resilience
Let’s get a jumpstart on our New Year’s Resolutions with seven effective tips to building a stronger and more resilient you.

1! Your mental health is more important than your career. (I say this daily to not only my patients, but to myself.)

2! Keep some things to yourself. (But tell your acupuncturist the things so they can help.)

3! Change and new ideas can bring criticism. (It’s hard for some people to see others succeed.)

4! You can become an unstoppable force when you do it alone. (A mantra, a mirror and some self-confidence will take you there.)

5! Not everyone will like you. Some people don’t even like themselves. (But this is something we can work on.)

6! Everything will NOT go according to plan, always be ready to adapt. (Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.)

7! Try to choose happiness even during difficult times. (Take time to grieve, then get back on your track.)

Looking forward to a brave new world in 2023. Onward and upward!
It's The Holiday Season
This is the most wonderful time of the year. A time when we find ourselves acting with a deeper kindness towards others and hopefully a time when we find kindness towards ourselves. As we celebrate the holidays and gather together, and close out 2022, I want to let all of my clients know that I am grateful for you. I look forward to another year of working with you in developing your Happiness Wellness and Goodness. I am forever happy to help you find the best version of you. 

The Acupuncture by Andrea office will be closed December 18-27 to celebrate the holiday with my family.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!